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High precision $^{113}$In($alpha,alpha$)$^{113}$In elastic scattering at energies around the Coulomb barrier for the astrophysical $gamma$ process

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 Added by Gabor Kiss Dr
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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The $gamma$ process in supernova explosions is thought to explain the origin of proton-rich isotopes between Se and Hg, the so-called $p$ nuclei. The majority of the reaction rates for $gamma$ process reaction network studies has to be predicted in Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations using global optical potential parameterizations. While the nucleon+nucleus optical potential is fairly known, for the $alpha$+nucleus optical potential several different parameterizations exist and large deviations are found between the predictions calculated using different parameter sets. By the measurement of elastic $alpha$-scattering angular distributions at energies around the Coulomb barrier a comprehensive test for the different global $alpha$+nucleus optical potential parameter sets is provided. Between 20$^{circ}$ and 175$^{circ}$ complete elastic alpha scattering angular distributions were measured on the $^{113}$In textit{p} nucleus with high precision at E$_{c.m.}$ = 15.59 and 18.82 MeV. The elastic scattering cross sections of the $^{113}$In($alpha$,$alpha$)$^{113}$In reaction were measured for the first time at energies close to the astrophysically relevant energy region. The high precision experimental data were used to evaluate the predictions of the recent global and regional $alpha$+nucleus optical potentials. Parameters for a local $alpha$+nucleus optical potential were derived from the measured angular distributions. Predictions for the reaction cross sections of $^{113}$In($alpha,gamma$)$^{117}$Sb and $^{113}$In($alpha$,n)$^{116}$Sb at astrophysically relevant energies were given using the global and local optical potential parameterizations.

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New experimental data from the scattering of 6He+208Pb at energies around and below the Coulomb barrier are presented. The yield of breakup products coming from projectile fragmentation is dominated by a strong group of $alpha$ particles. The energy and angular distributions of this group have been analyzed and compared with theoretical calculations. This analysis indicates that the $alpha$ particles emitted at backward angles in this reaction are mainly due to two-neutron transfer to weakly bound states of the final nucleus.
171 - G. G. Kiss , P. Mohr , Zs. Fulop 2010
Elastic scattering cross sections of the $^{89}$Y($alpha$,$alpha$)$^{89}$Y reaction have been measured at energies E$_{c.m.}$ = 15.51 and 18.63 MeV. The high precision data for the semi-magic $N = 50$ nucleus $^{89}$Y are used to derive a local potential and to evaluate the predictions of global and regional $alpha$-nucleus potentials. The variation of the elastic alpha scattering cross sections along the $N = 50$ isotonic chain is investigated by a study of the ratios of angular distributions for $^{89}$Y($alpha$,$alpha$)$^{89}$Y and $^{92}$Mo($alpha$,$alpha$)$^{92}$Mo at E$_{c.m.} approx$ 15.51 and 18.63 MeV. This ratio is a very sensitive probe at energies close to the Coulomb barrier, where scattering data alone is usually not enough to characterize the different potentials. Furthermore, $alpha$-cluster states in $^{93}$Nb = $^{89}$Y $otimes$ $alpha$ are investigated.
274 - A. Ornelas , G. G. Kiss , P. Mohr 2015
Alpha elastic scattering angular distributions of the 106Cd(alpha,alpha)106Cd reaction were measured at three energies around the Coulomb barrier to provide a sensitive test for the alpha + nucleus optical potential parameter sets. Furthermore, the new high precision angular distributions, together with the data available from the literature were used to study the energy dependence of the locally optimized {alpha}+nucleus optical potential in a wide energy region ranging from E_Lab = 27.0 MeV down to 16.1 MeV. The potentials under study are a basic prerequisite for the prediction of alpha-induced reaction cross sections and thus, for the calculation of stellar reaction rates used for the astrophysical gamma process. Therefore, statistical model predictions using as input the optical potentials discussed in the present work are compared to the available 106Cd + alpha cross section data.
In this work, angular distribution measurements for the elastic channel were performed for the 9Be+12C reaction at the energies ELab=13.0, 14.5, 17.3, 19.0 and 21.0 MeV, near the Coulomb barrier. The data have been analyzed in the framework of the double folding S~ao Paulo potential. The experimental elastic scattering angular distributions were well described by the optical potential at forward angles for all measured energies. However, for the three highest energies, an enhancement was observed for intermediate and backward angles. This can be explained by the elastic transfer mechanism. Keywords: 9Be+12C, Elastic Scattering, S~aoo Paulo Potential.
The synthesis of heavy, proton rich isotopes in the astrophysical gamma-process proceeds through photodisintegration reactions. For the improved understanding of the process, the rates of the involved nuclear reactions must be known. The reaction 128Ba(g,a)124Xe was found to affect the abundance of the p nucleus 124Xe. Since the stellar rate for this reaction cannot be determined by a measurement directly, the aim of the present work was to measure the cross section of the inverse 124Xe(a,g)128Ba reaction and to compare the results with statistical model predictions. Of great importance is the fact that data below the (a,n) threshold was obtained. Studying simultaneously the 124Xe(a,n)127Ba reaction channel at higher energy allowed to further identify the source of a discrepancy between data and prediction. The 124Xe + alpha cross sections were measured with the activation method using a thin window 124Xe gas cell. The studied energy range was between E = 11 and 15 MeV close above the astrophysically relevant energy range. The obtained cross sections are compared with statistical model calculations. The experimental cross sections are smaller than standard predictions previously used in astrophysical calculations. As dominating source of the difference, the theoretical alpha width was identified. The experimental data suggest an alpha width lower by at least a factor of 0.125 in the astrophysical energy range. An upper limit for the 128Ba(g,a)124Xe stellar rate was inferred from our measurement. The impact of this rate was studied in two different models for core-collapse supernova explosions of 25 solar mass stars. A significant contribution to the 124Xe abundance via this reaction path would only be possible when the rate was increased above the previous standard value. Since the experimental data rule this out, they also demonstrate the closure of this production path.
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