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Radial Velocity Variations of Photometrically Quiet, Chromospherically Inactive Kepler Stars: A Link Between RV Jitter and Photometric Flicker

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 Added by Fabienne Bastien
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We compare stellar photometric variability, as measured from Kepler light curves by Basri et al. (2011), with measurements of radial velocity (RV) root-mean-square (RMS) variations of all California Planet Search overlap stars. We newly derive rotation periods from the Kepler light curves for all of the stars in our study sample. The RV variations reported herein range from less than 4 m/s to 135 m/s, yet the stars all have amplitudes of photometric variability less than 3 mmag, reflecting the preference of the RV program for chromospherically quiet stars. Despite the small size of our sample, we find with high statistical significance that the RV RMS manifests strongly in the Fourier power spectrum of the light curve: stars that are noisier in RV have a greater number of frequency components in the light curve. We also find that spot models of the observed light curves systematically underpredict the observed RV variations by factors of ~2--1000, likely because the low level photometric variations in our sample are driven by processes not included in simple spot models. The stars best fit by these models tend to have simpler light curves, dominated by a single relatively high amplitude component of variability. Finally, we demonstrate that the RV RMS behavior of our sample can be explained in the context of the photometric variability evolutionary diagram introduced by Bastien et al. (2013). We use this diagram to derive the surface gravities of the stars in our sample, revealing many of them to have moved off the main-sequence. More generally, we find that the stars with the largest RV RMS are those that have evolved onto the flicker floor sequence in that diagram, characterized by relatively low amplitude but highly complex photometric variations which grow as the stars evolve to become subgiants.

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Heartbeat stars (HB stars) are a class of eccentric binary stars with close periastron passages. The characteristic photometric HB signal evident in their light curves is produced by a combination of tidal distortion, heating, and Doppler boosting near orbital periastron. Many HB stars continue to oscillate after periastron and along the entire orbit, indicative of the tidal excitation of oscillation modes within one or both stars. These systems are among the most eccentric binaries known, and they constitute astrophysical laboratories for the study of tidal effects. We have undertaken a radial velocity (RV) monitoring campaign of Kepler HB stars in order to measure their orbits. We present our first results here, including a sample of 21 Kepler HB systems, where for 19 of them we obtained the Keplerian orbit and for 3 other systems we did not detect a statistically significant RV variability. Results presented here are based on 218 spectra obtained with the Keck/HIRES spectrograph during the 2015 Kepler observing season, and they have allowed us to obtain the largest sample of HB stars with orbits measured using a single instrument, which roughly doubles the number of HB stars with an RV measured orbit. The 19 systems measured here have orbital periods from 7 to 90 d and eccentricities from 0.2 to 0.9. We show that HB stars draw the upper envelope of the eccentricity - period distribution. Therefore, HB stars likely represent a population of stars currently undergoing high eccentricity migration via tidal orbital circularization, and they will allow for new tests of high eccentricity migration theories.
Stars show various amounts of radial velocity (RV) jitter due to varying stellar activity levels. The typical amount of RV jitter as a function of stellar age and observational timescale has not yet been systematically quantified, although it is often larger than the instrumental precision of modern high-resolution spectrographs used for Doppler planet detection and characterization. We aim to empirically determine the intrinsic stellar RV variation for mostly G and K dwarf stars on different timescales and for different stellar ages independently of stellar models. We also focus on young stars ($lesssim$ 30 Myr), where the RV variation is known to be large. We use archival FEROS and HARPS RV data of stars which were observed at least 30 times spread over at least two years. We then apply the pooled variance (PV) technique to these data sets to identify the periods and amplitudes of underlying, quasiperiodic signals. We show that the PV is a powerful tool to identify quasiperiodic signals in highly irregularly sampled data sets. We derive activity-lag functions for 20 putative single stars, where lag is the timescale on which the stellar jitter is measured. Since the ages of all stars are known, we also use this to formulate an activity--age--lag relation which can be used to predict the expected RV jitter of a star given its age and the timescale to be probed. The maximum RV jitter on timescales of decades decreases from over 500 m/s for 5 Myr-old stars to 2.3 m/s for stars with ages of around 5 Gyr. The decrease in RV jitter when considering a timescale of only 1 d instead of 1 yr is smaller by roughly a factor of 4 for 5 Myr old stars, and a factor of 1.5 for stars with an age of 5 Gyr. The rate at which the RV jitter increases with lag strongly depends on stellar age and ranges from a few days for a few 10 Myr old stars to presumably decades for stars with an age of a few gigayears.
Context: Chromospheric activity produces both photometric and spectroscopic variations that can be mistaken as planets. Large spots crossing the stellar disc can produce planet-like periodic variations in the light curve of a star. These spots clearly affect the spectral line profiles and their perturbations alter the line centroids creating a radial velocity jitter that might contaminate the variations induced by a planet. Precise chromospheric activity measurements are needed to estimate the activity-induced noise that should be expected for a given star. Aims: We obtain precise chromospheric activity measurements and projected rotational velocities for nearby (d < 25 pc) cool (spectral types F to K) stars, to estimate their expected activity-related jitter. As a complementary objective, we attempt to obtain relationships between fluxes in different activity indicator lines, that permit a transformation of traditional activity indicators, i.e, CaII H & K lines, to others that hold noteworthy advantages. Methods: We used high resolution (~50000) echelle optical spectra. To determine the chromospheric emission of the stars in the sample, we used the spectral subtraction technique. Rotational velocities were determined using the cross-correlation technique. To infer activity-related radial velocity (RV) jitter, we used empirical relationships between this jitter and the R_HK index. Results: We measured chromospheric activity, as given by different indicators throughout the optical spectra, and projected rotational velocities for 371 nearby cool stars. We have built empirical relationships among the most important chromospheric emission lines. Finally, we used the measured chromospheric activity to estimate the expected RV jitter for the active stars in the sample.
The effect of stellar activity on RV appears to be a limiting factor in detecting Earth-mass planets in the habitable zone of a star similar to the Sun in spectral type and activity level. It is crucial to estimate if this conclusion remain true for other stars with current correction methods. We built realistic time series in RV and chromospheric emission for old main-sequence F6-K4 stars. The stellar parameters are spectral type, activity level, rotation period, cycle period and amplitude, latitude coverage, and spot constrast, which we chose to be in ranges that are compatible with our current knowledge. This very large set of synthetic time series allowed us to study the effect of the parameters on the RV jitter and how the different contributions to the RV are affected in this first analysis of the data set. The RV jitter was used to provide a first-order detection limit for each time series and different temporal samplings. We find that the coverage in latitude of the activity pattern and the cycle amplitudes have a strong effect on the RV jitter, as has stellar inclination. RV jitter trends with B-V and LogRHK are similar to observations, but activity cannot be responsible for RV jitter larger than 2-3 m/s for very quiet stars: this observed jitter is therefore likely to be due to other causes. We show that based on the RV jitter that is associated with each time series and using a simple criterion, a planet with one Earth mass and a period of one to two years probably cannot be detected with current analysis techniques, except for the lower mass stars in our sample, but many observations would be required. The effect of inclination is critical. The results are very important in the context of future RV follow-ups of transit detections of such planets. A significant improvement of analysis techniques and/or observing strategies must be made to reach such low detection limits.
Using solar spectral irradiance measurements from the SORCE spacecraft and the F/F technique, we have estimated the radial velocity (RV) scatter induced on the Sun by stellar activity as a function of wavelength. Our goal was to evaluate the potential advantages of using new near-infrared (NIR) spectrographs to search for low-mass planets around bright F, G, and K stars by beating down activity effects. Unlike M dwarfs, which have higher fluxes and therefore greater RV information content in the NIR, solar-type stars are brightest at visible wavelengths, and, based solely on information content, are better suited to traditional optical RV surveys. However, we find that the F/F estimated RV noise induced by stellar activity is diminished by up to a factor of 4 in the NIR versus the visible. Observations with the upcoming future generation of NIR instruments can be a valuable addition to the search for low-mass planets around bright FGK stars in reducing the amount of stellar noise affecting RV measurements.
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