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Statistics of the work distribution for a quenched Fermi gas

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 Added by Francesco Plastina
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The local quench of a Fermi gas, giving rise to the Fermi edge singularity and the Anderson orthogonality catastrophe, is a rare example of an analytically tractable out of equilibrium problem in condensed matter. It describes the universal physics which occurs when a localized scattering potential is suddenly introduced in a Fermi sea leading to a brutal disturbance of the quantum state. It has recently been proposed that the effect could be efficiently simulated in a controlled manner using the tunability of ultra-cold atoms. In this work, we analyze the quench problem in a gas of trapped ultra-cold fermions from a thermodynamic perspective using the full statistics of the so called work distribution. The statistics of work are shown to provide an accurate insight into the fundamental physics of the process.

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We investigate the effect of equilibrium topology on the statistics of non-equilibrium work performed during the subsequent unitary evolution, following a sudden quench of the Semenoff mass of the Haldane model. We show that the resulting work distribution function for quenches performed on the Haldane Hamiltonian with broken time reversal symmetry (TRS) exhibits richer universal characteristics as compared to those performed on the time-reversal symmetric massive graphene limit whose work distribution function we have also evaluated for comparison. Importantly, our results show that the work distribution function exhibits different universal behaviors following the non-equilibrium dynamics of the system for small $phi$ (argument of complex next nearest neighbor hopping) and large $phi$ limits, although the two limits belong to the same equilibrium universality class.
We consider a one-dimensional gas of $N$ charged particles confined by an external harmonic potential and interacting via the one-dimensional Coulomb potential. For this system we show that in equilibrium the charges settle, on an average, uniformly and symmetrically on a finite region centred around the origin. We study the statistics of the position of the rightmost particle $x_{max}$ and show that the limiting distribution describing its typical fluctuations is different from the Tracy-Widom distribution found in the one-dimensional log-gas. We also compute the large deviation functions which characterise the atypical fluctuations of $x_{max}$ far away from its mean value. In addition, we study the gap between the two rightmost particles as well as the index $N_+$, i.e., the number of particles on the positive semi-axis. We compute the limiting distributions associated to the typical fluctuations of these observables as well as the corresponding large deviation functions. We provide numerical supports to our analytical predictions. Part of these results were announced in a recent Letter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 060601 (2017).
We derive analogues of the Jarzynski equality and Crooks relation to characterise the nonequilibrium work associated with changes in the spring constant of an overdamped oscillator in a quadratically varying spatial temperature profile. The stationary state of such an oscillator is described by Tsallis statistics, and the work relations for certain processes may be expressed in terms of q-exponentials. We suggest that these identities might be a feature of nonequilibrium processes in circumstances where Tsallis distributions are found.
73 - Fan Zhang , H. T. Quan 2021
Abstract We study the universality of work statistics of a system quenched through a quantum critical surface. By using the adiabatic perturbation theory, we obtain the general scaling behavior for all cumulants of work. These results extend the studies of KZM scaling of work statistics from an isolated quantum critical point to a critical surface. As an example, we study the scaling behavior of work statistics in the 2D Kitaev honeycomb model featured with a critical line. By utilizing the trace formula for quadratic fermionic Hamiltonian, we obtain the exact characteristic function of work of the 2D Kitaev model at zero temperature. The results confirm our prediction.
For closed quantum systems driven away from equilibrium, work is often defined in terms of projective measurements of initial and final energies. This definition leads to statistical distributions of work that satisfy nonequilibrium work and fluctuation relations. While this two-point measurement definition of quantum work can be justified heuristically by appeal to the first law of thermodynamics, its relationship to the classical definition of work has not been carefully examined. In this paper we employ semiclassical methods, combined with numerical simulations of a driven quartic oscillator, to study the correspondence between classical and quantal definitions of work in systems with one degree of freedom. We find that a semiclassical work distribution, built from classical trajectories that connect the initial and final energies, provides an excellent approximation to the quantum work distribution when the trajectories are assigned suitable phases and are allowed to interfere. Neglecting the interferences between trajectories reduces the distribution to that of the corresponding classical process. Hence, in the semiclassical limit, the quantum work distribution converges to the classical distribution, decorated by a quantum interference pattern. We also derive the form of the quantum work distribution at the boundary between classically allowed and forbidden regions, where this distribution tunnels into the forbidden region. Our results clarify how the correspondence principle applies in the context of quantum and classical work distributions, and contribute to the understanding of work and nonequilibrium work relations in the quantum regime.
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