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Resolving the Cosmic Far-Infrared Background at 450 and 850 Microns with SCUBA-2

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 Added by Chian-Chou Chen
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We use the SCUBA-2 submillimeter camera mounted on the JCMT to obtain extremely deep number counts at 450 and 850um. We combine data on two cluster lensing fields, A1689 and A370, and three blank fields, CDF-N, CDF-S, and COSMOS, to measure the counts over a wide flux range at each wavelength. We use statistical fits to broken power law representations to determine the number counts. This allows us to probe to the deepest possible level in the data. At both wavelengths our results agree well with the literature in the flux range over which they have been measured, with the exception of the 850um counts in CDF-S, where we do not observe the counts deficit found by previous single-dish observations. At 450um, we detect significant counts down to ~1mJy, an unprecedented depth at this wavelength. By integrating the number counts above this flux limit, we measure 113.9^{+49.7}_{-28.4} Jydeg^{-2} of the 450um extragalactic background light (EBL). The majority of this contribution is from sources with S_450um between 1-10mJy, and these sources are likely to be the ones that are analogous to the local luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs). At 850um, we measure 37.3^{+21.1}_{-12.9} Jydeg^{-2} of the EBL. Because of the large systematic uncertainties on the COBE measurements, the percentage of the EBL we resolve could range from 48%-153% (44%-178%) at 450 (850)um. Based on high-resolution SMA observations of around half of the 4sigma 850um sample in CDF-N, we find that 12.5^{+12.1}_{-6.8}% of the sources are blends of multiple fainter sources. This is a low multiple fraction, and we find no significant difference between our original SCUBA-2 850um counts and the multiplicity corrected counts.

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167 - M. Jauzac , H. Dole , E. Le Floch 2010
The Cosmic Far-Infrared Background (CIB) at wavelengths around 160 {mu}m corresponds to the peak intensity of the whole Extragalactic Background Light, which is being measured with increasing accuracy. However, the build up of the CIB emission as a function of redshift, is still not well known. Our goal is to measure the CIB history at 70 {mu}m and 160 {mu}m at different redshifts, and provide constraints for infrared galaxy evolution models. We use complete deep Spitzer 24 {mu}m catalogs down to about 80 {mu}Jy, with spectroscopic and photometric redshifts identifications, from the GOODS and COSMOS deep infrared surveys covering 2 square degrees total. After cleaning the Spitzer/MIPS 70 {mu}m and 160 {mu}m maps from detected sources, we stacked the far-IR images at the positions of the 24 {mu}m sources in different redshift bins. We measured the contribution of each stacked source to the total 70 and 160 {mu}m light, and compare with model predictions and recent far-IR measurements made with Herschel/PACS on smaller fields. We have detected components of the 70 and 160 {mu}m backgrounds in different redshift bins up to z ~ 2. The contribution to the CIB is maximum at 0.3 <= z <= 0.9 at 160{mu}m (and z <= 0.5 at 70 {mu}m). A total of 81% (74%) of the 70 (160) {mu}m background was emitted at z < 1. We estimate that the AGN relative contribution to the far-IR CIB is less than about 10% at z < 1.5. We provide a comprehensive view of the CIB buildup at 24, 70, 100, 160 {mu}m. IR galaxy models predicting a major contribution to the CIB at z < 1 are in agreement with our measurements, while our results discard other models that predict a peak of the background at higher redshifts. Our results are available online .
We present deep observations at 450 um and 850 um in the Extended Groth Strip field taken with the SCUBA-2 camera mounted on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope as part of the deep SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey (S2CLS), achieving a central instrumental depth of $sigma_{450}=1.2$ mJy/beam and $sigma_{850}=0.2$ mJy/beam. We detect 57 sources at 450 um and 90 at 850 um with S/N > 3.5 over ~70 sq. arcmin. From these detections we derive the number counts at flux densities $S_{450}>4.0$ mJy and $S_{850}>0.9$ mJy, which represent the deepest number counts at these wavelengths derived using directly extracted sources from only blank-field observations with a single-dish telescope. Our measurements smoothly connect the gap between previous shallower blank-field single-dish observations and deep interferometric ALMA results. We estimate the contribution of our SCUBA-2 detected galaxies to the cosmic infrared background (CIB), as well as the contribution of 24 um-selected galaxies through a stacking technique, which add a total of $0.26pm0.03$ and $0.07pm0.01$ MJy/sr, at 450 um and 850 um, respectively. These surface brightnesses correspond to $60pm20$ and $50pm20$ per cent of the total CIB measurements, where the errors are dominated by those of the total CIB. Using the photometric redshifts of the 24 um-selected sample and the redshift distributions of the submillimetre galaxies, we find that the redshift distribution of the recovered CIB is different at each wavelength, with a peak at $zsim1$ for 450 um and at $zsim2$ for 850um, consistent with previous observations and theoretical models.
We detect correlations in the cosmic far-infrared background due to the clustering of star-forming galaxies in observations made with the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope, BLAST, at 250, 350, and 500 microns. We perform jackknife and other tests to confirm the reality of the signal. The measured correlations are well fit by a power law over scales of 5-25 arcminutes, with Delta I/I = 15.1 +/- 1.7%. We adopt a specific model for submillimeter sources in which the contribution to clustering comes from sources in the redshift ranges 1.3 <= z <= 2.2, 1.5 <= z <= 2.7, and 1.7 <= z <= 3.2, at 250, 350, and 500 microns, respectively. With these distributions, our measurement of the power spectrum, P(k_theta), corresponds to linear bias parameters, b = 3.8 +/- 0.6, 3.9 +/- 0.6 and 4.4 +/- 0.7, respectively. We further interpret the results in terms of the halo model, and find that at the smaller scales, the simplest halo model fails to fit our results. One way to improve the fit is to increase the radius at which dark matter halos are artificially truncated in the model, which is equivalent to having some star-forming galaxies at z >= 1 located in the outskirts of groups and clusters. In the context of this model we find a minimum halo mass required to host a galaxy is log (M_min / M_sun) = 11.5 (+0.4/-0.1), and we derive effective biases $b_eff = 2.2 +/- 0.2, 2.4 +/- 0.2, and 2.6 +/- 0.2, and effective masses log (M_eff / M_sun) = 12.9 +/- 0.3, 12.8 +/- 0.2, and 12.7 +/- 0.2, at 250, 350, and 500 microns, corresponding to spatial correlation lengths of r_0 = 4.9, 5.0, and 5.2 +/- 0.7 h^-1 Mpc, respectively. Finally, we discuss implications for clustering measurement strategies with Herschel and Planck.
149 - M. Juvela 2009
The cosmic infrared background (CIRB) consists mainly of the integrated light of distant galaxies. In the far-infrared the current estimates of its surface brightness are based on the measurements of the COBE satellite. Independent confirmation of these results is still needed from other instruments. In this paper we derive estimates of the far-infrared CIRB using measurements made with the ISOPHOT instrument aboard the ISO satellite. The results are used to seek further confirmation of the CIRB levels that have been derived by various groups using the COBE data. We study three regions of very low cirrus emission. The surface brightness observed with the ISOPHOT instrument at 90, 150, and 180 um is correlated with hydrogen 21 cm line data from the Effelsberg radio telescope. Extrapolation to zero hydrogen column density gives an estimate for the sum of extragalactic signal plus zodiacal light. The zodiacal light is subtracted using ISOPHOT data at shorter wavelengths. Thus, the resulting estimate of the far-infrared CIRB is based on ISO measurements alone. In the range 150 to 180 um, we obtain a CIRB value of 1.08+-0.32+-0.30 MJy/sr quoting statistical and systematic errors separately. In the 90 um band, we obtain a 2-sigma upper limit of 2.3 MJy/sr. The estimates derived from ISOPHOT far-infrared maps are consistent with the earlier COBE results.
The Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) is the James Clerk Maxwell Telescopes continuum imager, operating simultaneously at 450 and 850~$mu$m. SCUBA-2 was commissioned in 2009--2011 and since that time, regular observations of point-like standard sources have been performed whenever the instrument is in use. Expanding the calibrator observation sample by an order of magnitude compared to previous work, in this paper we derive updated opacity relations at each wavelength for a new atmospheric-extinction correction, analyze the Flux-Conversion Factors (FCFs) used to convert instrumental units to physical flux units as a function of date and observation time, present information on the beam profiles for each wavelength, and update secondary-calibrator source fluxes. Between 07:00 and 17:00 UTC, the portion of the night that is most stable to temperature gradients that cause dish deformation, the total-flux uncertainty and the peak-flux uncertainty measured at 450~$mu$m are found to be 14% and 17%, respectively. Measured at 850~$mu$m, the total-flux and peak-flux uncertainties are 6%, and 7%, respectively. The analysis presented in this work is applicable to all SCUBA-2 projects observed since 2011.
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