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Periodicity search as a tool for disentangling the contaminated colour light curve of CoRoT 102781750

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 Added by Jozsef Benko
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The star CoRoT102781750 reveals a puzzle, showing a very complex and altering variation in different `CoRoT colours. We established without doubt that more than a single star was situated within the CoRoT mask. Using a search for periodicity as a tool, our aim is to disentangle the composite light curve and identify the type of sources behind the variability. Both flux and magnitude light curves were used. Conversion was applied after a jump- and trend-filtering algorithm. We applied different types of period-finding techniques including MuFrAn and Period04. The amplitude and phase peculiarities obtained from the independent analysis of CoRoT r, g, and b colours and ground-based follow-up photometric observations ruled out the possibility of either a background monoperiodic or a Blazhko type RR Lyrae star being in the mask. The main target, an active star, shows at least two spotted areas that reveal a $P_rot = 8.8$ hours $(f_0 = 2.735$ c d$^{-1})$ mean rotation period. The evolution of the active regions helped to derive a period change of $dP/dt = 1.6cdot 10^{-6}$ (18 s over the run) and a differential rotation of $alpha = DeltaOmega/Omega = 0.0074$. The $0fm 015$ linear decrease and a local $0fm 005$ increase in the dominant periods amplitude are interpreted as a decay of the old spotted region and an appearance of a new one, respectively. A star that is detected only in the CoRoT b domain shows a $f_1 = 7.172$ c d$^{-1}$ pulsation connected to a $14fd 83$ periodicity via an equidistant triplet structure. The best explanation for our observation is a $beta$ Cep star with a corotating dust disk.

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[Abridged] Context. Stellar activity is an important source of systematic errors and uncertainties in the characterization of exoplanets. Most of the techniques used to correct for this activity focus on an ad hoc data reduction. Aims. We have developed a software for the combined fit of transits and stellar activity features in high-precision long-duration photometry. Our aim is to take advantage of the modelling to derive correct stellar and planetary parameters, even in the case of strong stellar activity. Methods. We use an analytic approach to model the light curve. The code KSint, modified by adding the evolution of active regions, is implemented into our Bayesian modelling package PASTIS. The code is then applied to the light curve of CoRoT-2. The light curve is divided in segments to reduce the number of free parameters needed by the fit. We perform a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis in two ways. In the first, we perform a global and independent modelling of each segment of the light curve, transits are not normalized and are fitted together with the activity features, and occulted features are taken into account during the transit fit. In the second, we normalize the transits with a model of the non-occulted activity features, and then we apply a standard transit fit, which does not take the occulted features into account. Results. Our model recovers the activity features coverage of the stellar surface and different rotation periods for different features. We find variations in the transit parameters of different segments and show that they are likely due to the division applied to the light curve. Neglecting stellar activity or even only bright spots while normalizing the transits yields a $sim 1.2sigma$ larger and $2.3sigma$ smaller transit depth, respectively. The stellar density also presents up to $2.5sigma$ differences depending on the normalization technique...
The detection of small-amplitude nonradial modes in high-amplitude Delta Sct (HADS) variables has been very elusive until at least five of them were detected in the light curve of V974 Oph obtained from ground-based observations. The combination of radial and nonradial modes has a high asteroseismic potential, thanks to the strong constraints we can put in the modelling. The continuous monitoring of ASAS 192647-0030.0=CoRoT 101155310 (P=0.1258 d, V=13.4) ensured from space by the CoRoT (Convection, Rotation and planetary Transits) mission constitutes a unique opportunity to exploit such potential. The 22270 CoRoT measurements were performed in the chromatic mode. They span 152 d and cover 1208 consecutive cycles. After the correction for one jump and the long-term drift, the level of the noise turned out to be 29 micromag. The phase shifts and amplitude ratios of the coloured CoRoT data, the HARPS spectra, and the period-luminosity relation were used to determine a self-consistent physical model. In turn, it allowed us to model the oscillation spectrum, also giving feedback on the internal structure of the star. In addition to the fundamental radial mode f1=7.949 c/d with harmonics up to 10f1, we detected 12 independent terms. Linear combinations were also found and the light curve was solved by means of 61 frequencies (smallest amplitude 0.10 mmag). The newest result is the detection of a periodic modulation of the f1 mode (triplets at +/-0.193 c/d centred on f1 and 2f1), discussed as a rotational effect or as an extension of the Blazhko effect to HADS stars. The physical model suggests that CoRoT 101155310 is an evolved star, with a slight subsolar metallic abundance, close to the terminal age main sequence. All the 12 additional terms are identified with mixed modes in the predicted overstable region.
110 - P. F. L. Maxted 2020
Accurate masses and radii for normal stars derived from observations of detached eclipsing binary stars are of fundamental importance for testing stellar models and may be useful for calibrating free parameters in these model if the masses and radii are sufficiently precise and accurate. We aim to measure precise masses and radii for the stars in the bright eclipsing binary AI Phe, and to quantify the level of systematic error in these estimates. We use several different methods to model the TESS light curve of AI Phe combined with spectroscopic orbits from multiple sources to estimate precisely the stellar masses and radii together with robust error estimates. We find that the agreement between different methods for the light curve analysis is very good but some methods underestimate the errors on the model parameters. The semi-amplitudes of the spectroscopic orbits derived from spectra obtained with modern echelle spectrographs are consistent to within 0.1%. The masses of the stars in AI Phe are $M_1 = 1.1938 pm 0.0008 M_{odot}$ and $M_2 = 1.2438 pm 0.0008M_{odot}$, and the radii are $R_1 = 1.8050 pm 0.0022 R_{odot}$ and $R_2 = 2.9332 pm 0.0023 R_{odot}$. We conclude that it is possible to measure accurate masses and radii for stars in bright eclipsing binary stars to a precision of 0.2% or better using photometry from TESS and spectroscopy obtained with modern echelle spectrographs. We provide recommendations for publishing masses and radii of eclipsing binary stars at this level of precision.
Solar analogs, broadly defined as stars similar to the Sun in mass or spectral type, provide a useful laboratory for exploring the range of Sun-like behaviors and exploring the physical mechanisms underlying some of the Suns most elusive processes like coronal heating and the dynamo. We describe a series of heliophysics-motivated, but astrophysics-like studies of solar analogs. We argue for a range of stellar observations, including (a) the identification and fundamental parameter determination of new solar analogs, and (b) characterizing emergent properties like activity, magnetism, and granulation. These parameters should be considered in the framework of statistical studies of the dependences of these observables on fundamental stellar parameters like mass, metallicity, and rotation.
We present continued radio follow-up observations of PTF11qcj, a highly energetic broad-lined Type Ic supernova (SN), with a radio peak luminosity comparable to that of the $gamma$-ray burst (GRB) associated SN 1998bw. The latest observations, carried out with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), extend up to $sim$5 years after the PTF11qcj optical discovery. The radio light curve shows a double-peak profile, possibly associated with density variations in the circumstellar medium (CSM), or with the presence of an off-axis GRB jet. Optical spectra of PTF11qcj taken during both peaks of the radio light curve do not show the broad H$alpha$ features typically expected from H-rich circumstellar interaction. Modeling of the second radio peak within the CSM interaction scenario requires a flatter density profile and an enhanced progenitor mass-loss rate compared to those required to model the first peak. Although our radio data alone cannot rule out the alternative scenario of an off-axis GRB powering the second radio peak, the implied off-axis GRB parameters are unusual compared to typical values found for cosmological long GRBs. Deep X-ray observations carried out around the time of the second radio peak could have helped distinguish between the density variation and off-axis GRB scenarios. Future VLBA measurements of the PTF11qcj radio ejecta may unambiguously rule out the off-axis GRB jet scenario.
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