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UV-excess sources with a red/IR-counterpart: low-mass companions, debris disks and QSO selection

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 Added by Paul Groot
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present the result of the cross-matching between UV-excess sources selected from the UV-excess survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (UVEX) and several infrared surveys (2MASS, UKIDSS and WISE). From the position in the (J-H) vs. (H-K) colour-colour diagram we select UV-excess candidate white dwarfs with an M-dwarf type companion, candidates that might have a lower mass, brown-dwarf type companion, and candidates showing an infrared-excess only in the K-band, which might be due to a debris disk. Grids of reddened DA+dM and sdO+MS/sdB+MS model spectra are fitted to the U,g,r,i,z,J,H,K photometry in order to determine spectral types and estimate temperatures and reddening. From a sample of 964 hot candidate white dwarfs with (g-r)<0.2, the spectral energy distribution fitting shows that ~2-4% of the white dwarfs have an M-dwarf companion, ~2% have a lower-mass companion, and no clear candidates for having a debris disk are found. Additionally, from WISE 6 UV-excess sources are selected as candidate Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs). Two UV-excess sources have a WISE IR-excess showing up only in the mid-IR W3 band of WISE, making them candidate Luminous InfraRed Galaxies (LIRGs) or Sbc star-burst galaxies.

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463 - Amanda J. Moffett 2011
We have identified 15 XUV disks in a largely field sample of 38 E/S0 galaxies with stellar masses primarily below ~4 x 10^10 M_sun and comparable numbers on the red and blue sequences. We use a new purely quantitative XUV disk definition requiring UV extension relative to a UV-defined star formation threshold radius. The 39(+-9)% XUV-disk frequency for these E/S0s is roughly twice the ~20% reported for late types, possibly indicating that XUV disks are associated with galaxies experiencing weak or inefficient star formation. Consistent with this interpretation, the XUV disks in our sample do not correlate with enhanced outer-disk star formation as traced by blue optical outer-disk colors. However, UV-Bright (UV-B) disk galaxies with blue UV colors outside their optical 50% light radii do display enhanced optical outer-disk star formation as well as enhanced atomic gas content. UV-B disks occur with a 42(+9/-8)% frequency, and the combined XUV/UV-B frequency is 61(+-9)%. For both types, UV colors typically imply <1 Gyr ages. XUV disks occur over the full sample mass range and on both sequences, suggesting an association with galaxy interactions or another general evolutionary process. In contrast, UV-B disks favor the blue sequence and may also prefer low masses, perhaps reflecting the onset of cold-mode accretion or another mass-dependent evolutionary process. Virtually all blue E/S0s in the gas-rich regime below stellar mass M_t ~ 5 x 10^9 M_sun (the gas-richness threshold mass) display UV-B disks. [abridged]
We report on initial results from a Spitzer program to search for very low-mass brown dwarfs in Ophiuchus. This program is an extension of an earlier study by Allers et al. which had resulted in an extraordinary success rate, 18 confirmed out of 19 candidates. Their program combined near-infrared and Spitzer photom- etry to identify objects with very cool photospheres together with circumstellar disk emission to indicate youth. Our new program has obtained deep IRAC pho- tometry of a 0.5 deg2 field that was part of the original Allers et al. study. We report 18 new candidates whose luminosities extend down to 10-4 Lcdot which sug- gests masses down to ~ 2 MJ if confirmed. We describe our selection techniques, likely contamination issues, and follow-on photometry and spectroscopy that are in progress.
It has been suggested that besides stellar companions, substellar objects in close orbits may be able to trigger mass loss in a common envelope phase and form hot subdwarfs. In an ongoing project we search for close substellar companions combining time resolved high resolution spectroscopy with photometry. We determine the fraction of as yet undetected radial velocity variable systems from a sample of 27 apparently single sdB stars to be 16%. We discovered low-mass stellar companions to the He-sdB CPD-20 1123 and the pulsator KPD 0629-0016. The brown dwarf reported to orbit the eclipsing binary SDSS J0820+0008 could be confirmed by an analysis of high resolution spectra taken with UVES. Reflection effects have been detected in the light curves of the known sdB binaries CPD-64 481 and BPS CS 22169-0001. The inclinations of these systems must be much higher than expected and the most likely companion masses are in the substellar regime. Finally, we determined the orbit of the sdB binary PHL 457, which has a very small radial velocity amplitude and may host the lowest mass substellar companion known. The implications of these new results for the open question of sdB formation are discussed.
We report on a search for pulsars at the positions of eight low-mass white dwarfs and one higher-mass white dwarf with the 100-m Effelsberg Radio Telescope. These systems have orbital parameters suggesting that their unseen companions are either massive white dwarfs or neutron stars. Our observations were performed at 1.36 GHz, reaching sensitivities of 0.1-0.2 mJy. We searched our data accounting for the possible acceleration and jerk of the pulsar signals due to orbital motion, but found no significant pulsar signals. Considering our result jointly with 20 non-detections of similar systems with the Greenbank Radio Telescope, we infer $f_{rm NS}leq 0.10$, for the fraction of NSs orbiting these white dwarfs. We discuss the sensitivity of this result to the underlying assumptions and conclude with a brief discussion on the prospects of targeted surveys for discovering millisecond pulsars.
Double Degenerate systems (DDs) are supposed to be significant gravitational wave (GW) sources for future space-based gravitational-wave detectors, e.g., Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Recently, one type of DDs with Extremely low-mass WD (ELM WD; $leq 0.30; M_odot$) companions has been largely found in the ELM Survey. They have very short orbital periods and are therefore important sources for LISA detection. Besides, due to the thick envelope of ELM WDs compared with massive WDs (e.g. CO WDs), they are much easier to be found by the combination of electromagnetic (EM) and GW observations. In this paper, we first obtain the population of ELM WDs in DDs with considering the detailed evolutionary tracks of ELM WDs, and then analyse the GW radiation of these systems. We found that about $6times10^3$ sources could be solely detected by LISA, including $sim2times10^3$ chirping sources, and $sim13$ ($sim107$) more sources are expected to be detected by both LISA and ELM Survey (Gaia).
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