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Optimizing directed self-assembled morphology

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 Added by Jian Qin
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Directed assembly of block polymers is rapidly becoming a viable strategy for lithographic patterning of nanoscopic features. One of the key attributes of directed assembly is that an underlying chemical or topographic substrate pattern used to direct assembly need not exhibit a direct correspondence with the sought after block polymer morphology, and past work has largely relied on trial-and-error approaches to design appropriate patterns. In this work, a computational evolutionary strategy is proposed to solve this optimization problem. By combining the Cahn-Hilliard equation, which is used to find the equilibrium morphology, and the covariance-matrix evolutionary strategy, which is used to optimize the combined outcome of particular substrate-copolymer combinations, we arrive at an efficient method for design of substrates leading to non-trivial, desirable outcomes.

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We study long range density fluctuations (hyperuniformity) in two-dimensional jammed packings of bidisperse droplets. Taking advantage of microfluidics, we systematically span a large range of size and concentration ratios of the two droplet populations. We identify various defects increasing long range density fluctuations mainly due to organization of local particle environment. By choosing an appropriate bidispersity, we fabricate materials with a high level of hyperuniformity. Interesting transparency properties of these optimized materials are established based on numerical simulations.
Bilayer membranes self-assembled from amphiphilic molecules such as lipids, surfactants and block copolymers are ubiquitous in biological and physiochemical systems. The shape and structure of bilayer membranes depend crucially on their mechanical properties such surface tension, bending moduli and line tension. Understanding how the molecular property of the amphiphiles determine the structure and mechanics of the self-assembled bilayers requires a molecularly detailed theoretical framework. The self-consistent field theory provides such a theoretical framework, which is capable of accurately predicting mechanical parameters of self-assembled bilayer membranes. In this mini review we summarize the formulation of the self-consistent field theory, as exemplified by a model system composed of flexible amphiphilic chains dissolved in hydrophilic polymeric solvents, and its application to the study of self-assembled bilayer membranes.
122 - M. Belkin , A. Glatz , A. Snezhko 2010
We propose a first-principles model for self-assembled magnetic surface structures on the water-air interface reported in earlier experiments cite{snezhko2,snezhko4}. The model is based on the Navier-Stokes equation for liquids in shallow water approximation coupled to Newton equations for interacting magnetic particles suspended on the water-air interface. The model reproduces most of the observed phenomenology, including spontaneous formation of magnetic snake-like structures, generation of large-scale vortex flows, complex ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic ordering of the snake, and self-propulsion of bead-snake hybrids. The model provides valuable insights into self-organization phenomena in a broad range of non-equilibrium magnetic and electrostatic systems with competing interactions.
We demonstrate that resonant excitation of CdMnTe self-assembled quantum dots creates an ensemble of spin-polarized magnetic polarons at B=0 T. The strong spatial confinement characteristic of quantum dots significantly increases the stability of magnetic polarons so that the optically induced spin alignment is observed for temperatures > 120 K.
233 - Chiu Fan Lee 2012
We investigate the length distribution of self-assembled, long and stiff polymers at thermal equilibrium. Our analysis is based on calculating the partition functions of stiff polymers of variable lengths in the elastic regime. Our conclusion is that the length distribution of this self-assembled system follows closely the exponential distribution, except at the short length limit. We then discuss the implications of our results on the experimentally observed length distributions in amyloid fibrils.
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