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Resonator Power to Frequency Conversion in a Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator

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 Added by Stephen Parker
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report on the measurement and characterization of power to frequency conversion in the resonant mode of a cryogenic sapphire loaded cavity resonator, which is used as the frequency discriminating element of a loop oscillator circuit. Fluctuations of power incident on the resonator leads to changes in radiation pressure and temperature in the sapphire dielectric, both of which contribute to a shift in the resonance frequency. We measure a modulation and temperature independent radiation pressure induced power to frequency sensitivity of -0.15 Hz/mW and find that this is the primary factor limiting the stability of the resonator frequency.

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A low maintenance long-term operational cryogenic sapphire oscillator has been implemented at 11.2 GHz using an ultra-low-vibration cryostat and pulse-tube cryocooler. It is currently the worlds most stable microwave oscillator employing a cryocooler. Its performance is explained in terms of temperature and frequency stability. The phase noise and the Allan deviation of frequency fluctuations have been evaluated by comparing it to an ultra-stable liquid-helium cooled cryogenic sapphire oscillator in the same laboratory. Assuming both contribute equally, the Allan deviation evaluated for the cryocooled oscillator is sigma_y = 1 x 10^-15 tau^-1/2 for integration times 1 < tau < 10 s with a minimum sigma_y = 3.9 x 10^-16 at tau = 20 s. The long term frequency drift is less than 5 x 10^-14/day. From the measured power spectral density of phase fluctuations the single side band phase noise can be represented by L_phi(f) = 10^-14.0/f^4+10^-11.6/f^3+10^-10.0/f^2+10^-10.2/f+ 10^-11.0 for Fourier frequencies 10^-3<f<10^3 Hz in the single oscillator. As a result L_phi approx -97.5 dBc/Hz at 1 Hz offset from the carrier.
A Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator has been implemented at 11.2 GHz using a low-vibration design pulse-tube cryocooler. Compared with a state-of-the-art liquid helium cooled CSO in the same laboratory, the square root Allan variance of their combined fractional frequency instability is $sigma_y = 1.4 times 10^{-15}tau^{-1/2}$ for integration times $1 < tau < 10$ s, dominated by white frequency noise. The minimum $sigma_y = 5.3 times 10^{-16}$ for the two oscillators was reached at $tau = 20$ s. Assuming equal contributions from both CSOs, the single oscillator phase noise $S_{phi} approx -96 ; dB ; rad^2/Hz$ at 1 Hz offset from the carrier.
We report on the evaluation of microwave frequency synthesis using two cryogenic sapphire oscillators developed at the University of Western Australia. A down converter is used to make comparisons between microwave clocks at different frequencies, where the synthesized signal has a stability not significantly different from the reference oscillator. By combining the CSO with a H-maser, a reference source of arbitrary frequency at X-band can be synthesized with a fractional frequency stability of sub-$4 times 10^{-15}$ for integration times between 1 s and 10,000 s.
Two nominally identical ultra-stable cryogenic microwave oscillators are compared. Each incorporates a dielectric-sapphire resonator cooled to near 6 K in an ultra-low vibration cryostat using a low-vibration pulse-tube cryocooler. The phase noise for a single oscillator is measured at -105 dBc/Hz at 1 Hz offset on the 11.2 GHz carrier. The oscillator fractional frequency stability is characterized in terms of Allan deviation by 5.3 x 10^-16 tau^-1/2 + 9 x 10^-17 for integration times 0.1 s < tau < 1000 s and is limited by a flicker frequency noise floor below 1 x 10^-16. This result is better than any other microwave source even those generated from an optical comb phase-locked to a room temperature ultra-stable optical cavity.
180 - Sheperd Doeleman 2011
Extension of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) to observing wavelengths shorter than 1.3mm provides exceptional angular resolution (~20 micro arcsec) and access to new spectral regimes for the study of astrophysical phenomena. To maintain phase coherence across a global VLBI array at these wavelengths requires that ultrastable frequency references be used for the heterodyne receivers at all participating telescopes. Hydrogen masers have traditionally been used as VLBI references, but atmospheric turbulence typically limits (sub) millimeter VLBI coherence times to ~1-30 s. Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillators (CSO) have better stability than Hydrogen masers on these time scale and are potential alternatives to masers as VLBI references. Here, We describe the design, implementation and tests of a system to produce a 10 MHz VLBI frequency standard from the microwave (11.2 GHz) output of a CSO. To improve long-term stability of the new reference, the CSO was locked to the timing signal from the Global Positioning System satellites and corrected for the oscillator aging. The long-term performance of the CSO was measured by comparison against a hydrogen maser in the same laboratory. The superb short-term performance, along with the improved long-term performance achieved by conditioning, makes the CSO a suitable reference for VLBI at wavelengths less than 1.3mm.
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