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Excitons are electron-hole pairs appearing below the band gap in insulators and semiconductors. They are vital to photovoltaics, but are hard to obtain with time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT), since most standard exchange-correlation (xc) functionals lack the proper long-range behavior. Furthermore, optical spectra of bulk solids calculated with TDDFT often lack the required resolution to distinguish discrete, weakly bound excitons from the continuum. We adapt the Casida equation formalism for molecular excitations to periodic solids, which allows us to obtain exciton binding energies directly. We calculate exciton binding energies for both small- and large-gap semiconductors and insulators, study the recently proposed bootstrap xc kernel [S. Sharma et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 186401 (2011)], and extend the formalism to triplet excitons.
This paper discusses the benefits of object-oriented programming to scientific computing, using our recent calculations of exciton binding energies with time-dependent density-functional theory (arXiv: 1302.6972) as a case study. We find that an object-oriented approach greatly facilitates the development, the debugging, and the future extension of the code by promoting code reusing. We show that parallelism is added easily in our code in a object-oriented fashion with ScaLAPACK, Boost::MPI and OpenMP.
Linear-response time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) can describe excitonic features in the optical spectra of insulators and semiconductors, using exchange-correlation (xc) kernels behaving as $-1/k^{2}$ to leading order. We show how excitons can be modeled in real-time TDDFT, using an xc vector potential constructed from approximate, long-range corrected xc kernels. We demonstrate for various materials that this real-time approach is consistent with frequency-dependent linear response, gives access to femtosecond exciton dynamics following short-pulse excitations, and can be extended with some caution into the nonlinear regime.
Time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) is a computationally efficient first-principles approach for calculating optical spectra in insulators and semiconductors, including excitonic effects. We show how exciton wave functions can be obtained from TDDFT via the Kohn-Sham transition density matrix, both in the frequency-dependent linear-response regime and in real-time propagation. The method is illustrated using one-dimensional model solids. In particular, we show that our approach provides insight into the formation and dissociation of excitons in real time. This opens the door to time-resolved studies of exciton dynamics in materials by means of real-time TDDFT.
We analyze possible nonlinear exciton-exciton correlation effects in the optical response of semiconductors by using a time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) approach. For this purpose, we derive the nonlinear (third-order) TDDFT equation for the excitonic polarization. In this equation, the nonlinear time-dependent effects are described by the time-dependent (non-adiabatic) part of the effective exciton-exciton interaction, which depends on the exchange-correlation (XC) kernel. We apply the approach to study the nonlinear optical response of a GaAs quantum well. In particular, we calculate the 2D Fourier spectra of the system and compare it with experimental data. We find that it is necessary to use a non-adiabatic XC kernel to describe excitonic bound states - biexcitons, which are formed due to the retarded TDDFT exciton-exciton interaction.
The time-dependent density functional based tight-binding (TD-DFTB) approach is generalized to account for fractional occupations. In addition, an on-site correction leads to marked qualitative and quantitative improvements over the original method. Especially, the known failure of TD-DFTB for the description of sigma -> pi* and n -> pi* excitations is overcome. Benchmark calculations on a large set of organic molecules also indicate a better description of triplet states. The accuracy of the revised TD-DFTB method is found to be similar to first principles TD-DFT calculations at a highly reduced computational cost. As a side issue, we also discuss the generalization of the TD-DFTB method to spin-polarized systems. In contrast to an earlier study [Trani et al., JCTC 7 3304 (2011)], we obtain a formalism that is fully consistent with the use of local exchange-correlation functionals in the ground state DFTB method.