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A geometric study of Wasserstein spaces: an addendum on the boundary

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 Added by Benoit Kloeckner
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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We extend the geometric study of the Wasserstein space W(X) of a simply connected, negatively curved metric space X by investigating which pairs of boundary points can be linked by a geodesic, when X is a tree.

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158 - Benoit Kloeckner 2009
We study the Wasserstein space (with quadratic cost) of Euclidean spaces as an intrinsic metric space. In particular we compute their isometry groups. Surprisingly, in the case of the line, there exists a (unique) exotic isometric flow. This contrasts with the case of higher-dimensional Euclidean spaces, where all isometries of the Wasserstein space preserve the shape of measures. We also study the curvature and various ranks of these spaces.
In this paper we study regularity and topological properties of volume constrained minimizers of quasi-perimeters in $sf RCD$ spaces where the reference measure is the Hausdorff measure. A quasi-perimeter is a functional given by the sum of the usual perimeter and of a suitable continuous term. In particular, isoperimetric sets are a particular case of our study. We prove that on an ${sf RCD}(K,N)$ space $({rm X},{sf d},mathcal{H}^N)$, with $Kinmathbb R$, $Ngeq 2$, and a uniform bound from below on the volume of unit balls, volume constrained minimizers of quasi-perimeters are open bounded sets with $(N-1)$-Ahlfors regular topological boundary coinciding with the essential boundary. The proof is based on a new Deformation Lemma for sets of finite perimeter in ${sf RCD}(K,N)$ spaces $({rm X},{sf d},mathfrak m)$ and on the study of interior and exterior points of volume constrained minimizers of quasi-perimeters. The theory applies to volume constrained minimizers in smooth Riemannian manifolds, possibly with boundary, providing a general regularity result for such minimizers in the smooth setting.
Wasserstein distance, especially among symmetric positive-definite matrices, has broad and deep influences on development of artificial intelligence (AI) and other branches of computer science. A natural idea is to describe the geometry of $SPDleft(nright)$ as a Riemannian manifold endowed with the Wasserstein metric. In this paper, by involving the fiber bundle, we obtain explicit expressions for some locally geometric quantities, including geodesics, exponential maps, the Riemannian connection, Jacobi fields and curvatures. Furthermore, we discuss the behaviour of geodesics and prove that the manifold is globally geodesic convex with non-negative curvatures but no conjugate pair and cut locus. According to arithmetic estimates, we find curvatures can be controlled by the minimal eigenvalue.
In this paper we provide new existence results for isoperimetric sets of large volume in Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature and Euclidean volume growth. We find sufficient conditions for their existence in terms of the geometry at infinity of the manifold. As a byproduct we show that isoperimetric sets of big volume always exist on manifolds with nonnegative sectional curvature and Euclidean volume growth. Our method combines an asymptotic mass decomposition result for minimizing sequences, a sharp isoperimetric inequality on nonsmooth spaces, and the concavity property of the isoperimetric profile. The latter is new in the generality of noncollapsed manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded below.
329 - Pascal Auscher 2010
The purpose of this note is to discuss how various Sobolev spaces defined on multiple cones behave with respect to density of smooth functions, interpolation and extension/restriction to/from $RR^n$. The analysis interestingly combines use of Poincare inequalities and of some Hardy type inequalities.
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