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The Sun-as-a-star observations: GOLF & VIRGO on SoHO, and BiSON network

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 Added by Rafael A. Garcia
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Sun-as-a-star observations are very important for the study of the conditions within the Sun and in particular for the deep interior where higher degree modes do not penetrate. They are also of significance in this era of dramatic advances in stellar asteroseismology as they are comparable to those measured in other stars by asteroseismic missions such as CoRoT, Kepler, and MOST. More than 17 years of continuous measurements of SoHO and more than 30 years of BiSON observations provide very long data sets of uninterrupted helioseismic observations. In this work, we discuss the present status of all these facilities that continue to provide state- of-the-art measurements and invaluable data to improve our knowledge of the deepest layers of the Sun and its structural changes during the activity cycle.

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Major solar flares are prone to occur in active region atmospheres associated with large, complex, dynamically-evolving sunspots. This points to the importance of monitoring the evolution of starspots, not only in visible but also in ultra violet (UV) and X-rays, in understanding the origin and occurrence of stellar flares. To this end, we perform spectral irradiance analysis on different types of transiting solar active regions by using a variety of full-disk synoptic observations. The target events are an isolated sunspot, spotless plage, and emerging flux in prolonged quiet-Sun conditions selected from the past decade. We find that the visible continuum and total solar irradiance become darkened when the spot is at the central meridian, whereas it is bright near the solar limb; UV bands sensitive to the chromosphere correlate well with the variation of total unsigned magnetic flux in the photosphere; amplitudes of EUV and soft X-ray increase with the characteristic temperature, whose light curves are flat-topped due to their sensitivity to the optically thin corona; the transiting spotless plage does not show the darkening in the visible irradiance, while the emerging flux produces an asymmetry in all light curves about the central meridian. The multi-wavelength sun-as-a-star study described here indicates that such time lags between the coronal and photospheric light curves have the potential to probe the extent of coronal magnetic fields above the starspots. In addition, EUV wavelengths that are sensitive to the transition-region temperature sometimes show anti-phased variations, which may be used for diagnosing plasmas around starspots.
The time-variable velocity fields of solar-type stars limit the precision of radial-velocity determinations of their planets masses, obstructing detection of Earth twins. Since 2015 July we have been monitoring disc-integrated sunlight in daytime using a purpose-built solar telescope and fibre feed to the HARPS-N stellar radial-velocity spectrometer. We present and analyse the solar radial-velocity measurements and cross-correlation function (CCF) parameters obtained in the first 3 years of observation, interpreting them in the context of spatially-resolved solar observations. We describe a Bayesian mixture-model approach to automated data-quality monitoring. We provide dynamical and daily differential-extinction corrections to place the radial velocities in the heliocentric reference frame, and the CCF shape parameters in the sidereal frame. We achieve a photon-noise limited radial-velocity precision better than 0.43 m s$^{-1}$ per 5-minute observation. The day-to-day precision is limited by zero-point calibration uncertainty with an RMS scatter of about 0.4 m s$^{-1}$. We find significant signals from granulation and solar activity. Within a day, granulation noise dominates, with an amplitude of about 0.4 m s$^{-1}$ and an autocorrelation half-life of 15 minutes. On longer timescales, activity dominates. Sunspot groups broaden the CCF as they cross the solar disc. Facular regions temporarily reduce the intrinsic asymmetry of the CCF. The radial-velocity increase that accompanies an active-region passage has a typical amplitude of 5 m s$^{-1}$ and is correlated with the line asymmetry, but leads it by 3 days. Spectral line-shape variability thus shows promise as a proxy for recovering the true radial velocity.
(Abridged) We perform a detailed study of the main optical activity indicators (Ca II H & K, Balmer lines, Na I D$_{rm 1}$ D$_{rm 2}$, and He I D$_{rm 3}$) measured for the Sun using the data provided by the HARPS-N solar-telescope feed at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. The value of the solar rotation period is found in all the activity indicators, with the only exception being H$delta$. The derived values vary from 26.29 days (H$gamma$ line) to 31.23 days (He I). From an analysis of sliding periodograms we find that in most of the activity indicators the spectral power is split into several bands of periods around 26 and 30 days, that might be explained by the migration of active regions between the equator and a latitude of $sim$ 30$^{circ}$, spot evolution or a combination of both effects. In agreement with previous works a typical lifetime of active regions of $sim$ ten rotation periods is inferred from the pooled variance diagrams. We find that H$alpha$, H$beta$, H$gamma$, H$epsilon$, and He I show a significant correlation with the S index. Significant correlations between the contrast, bisector span, and the heliocentric radial velocity with the activity indexes are also found. We show that the full width at half maximum, the bisector, and the disc-integrated magnetic field correlate with the radial velocity variations. The correlation of the S index and H$alpha$ changes with time, increasing with larger sun spot numbers and solar irradiance. A similar tendency with the S index - radial velocity correlation is also present in the data. Our results are consistent with a scenario in which higher activity favours the correlation between the S index and the H$alpha$ activity indicators and between the S index and radial velocity variations.
78 - S. Gunar 2020
The solar radiation in the Lyman-alpha spectral line of hydrogen plays a significant role in the illumination of chromospheric and coronal structures, such as prominences, spicules, chromospheric fibrils, cores of coronal mass ejections, and solar wind. Moreover, it is important for the investigation of the heliosphere, Earths ionosphere, and the atmospheres of planets, moons, and comets. We derive a reference quiet-Sun Lyman-alpha spectral profile that is representative of the Lyman-alpha radiation from the solar disk during a minimum of solar activity. This profile can serve as an incident radiation boundary condition for the radiative transfer modelling of chromospheric and coronal structures. Because the solar radiation in the Lyman lines is not constant over time but varies significantly with the solar cycle, we provide a method for the adaptation of the incident radiation Lyman line profiles (Lyman-alpha and higher lines) to a specific date. Moreover, we analyse how the change in the incident radiation influences the synthetic spectra produced by the radiative transfer modelling. To take into account the Lyman-alpha variation with the solar cycle, we used the LISIRD composite Lyman-alpha$ index. To estimate the influence of the change in the incident radiation in the Lyman lines on the results of radiative transfer models, we used a 2D prominence fine structure model. The analysis of the influence of the change in the incident radiation shows that the synthetic spectra are strongly affected by the modification of the incident radiation boundary condition. The hydrogen H alpha line can also be considerably affected, despite the fact that the H alpha radiation from the solar disk does not vary with the solar cycle.
Solar flares presumably have an impact on the deepest layers of the solar atmosphere and yet the observational evidence for such an impact is scarce. Using ten years of measurements of the Na D$_{1}$ and Na D$_2$ Fraunhofer lines, measured by GOLF onboard SOHO, we show that this photospheric line is indeed affected by flares. The effect of individual flares is hidden by solar oscillations, but a statistical analysis based on conditional averaging reveals a clear signature. Although GOLF can only probe one single wavelength at a time, we show that both wings of the Na line can nevertheless be compared. The varying line asymmetry can be interpreted as an upward plasma motion from the lower solar atmosphere during the peak of the flare, followed by a downward motion.
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