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Evidence of d-wave Superconductivity in K_(1-x)Na_xFe_2As_2 (x = 0, 0.1) Single Crystals from Low-Temperature Specific Heat Measurements

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 Added by S. -L. Drechsler
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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From the measurement and analysis of the specific heat of high-quality K_(1-x)Na_xFe_2As_2 single crystals we establish the presence of large T^2 contributions with coefficients alpha_sc ~ 30 mJ/mol K^3 at low-T for both x=0 and 0.1. Together with the observed square root field behavior of the specific heat in the superconducting state both findings evidence d-wave superconductivity on almost all Fermi surface sheets with an average gap amplitude of Delta_0 in the range of 0.4 - 0.8 meV. The derived Delta_0 and the observed T_c agree well with the values calculated within the Eliashberg theory, adopting a spin-fluctuation mediated pairing in the intermediate coupling regime.

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353 - Z. Diao , D. Campanini , L. Fang 2015
We investigate the electronic specific heat of overdoped BaFe$_{2}$(As$_{1-x}$P$_{x}$)$_{2}$ single crystals in the superconducting state using high-resolution nanocalorimetry. From the measurements, we extract the doping dependence of the condensation energy, superconducting gap $Delta$, and related microscopic parameters. We find that the anomalous scaling of the specific heat jump $Delta C propto T_{mathrm{c}}^3$, found in many iron-based superconductors, in this system originates from a $T_mathrm{c}$-dependent ratio $Delta/k_mathrm{B}T_mathrm{c}$ in combination with a doping-dependent density of states $N(varepsilon_mathrm{F})$. A clear enhancement is seen in the effective mass $m^{*}$ as the composition approaches the value that has been associated with a quantum critical point at optimum doping. However, a simultaneous increase in the superconducting carrier concentration $n_mathrm{s}$ maintains the superfluid density, yielding an apparent penetration depth $lambda$ that decreases with increasing $T_mathrm{c}$ without sharp divergence at the quantum critical point. Uemura scaling indicates that $T_mathrm{c}$ is governed by the Fermi temperature $T_mathrm{F}$ for this multi-band system.
Low temperature specific heat (SH) was measured on the FeAs-based superconducting single crystals Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ and high pressure synthesized polycrystalline samples SmFeAsO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$. It is found that the sharp SH anomaly $Delta C/T|_{T_c}$ in Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ reaches an unexpected high value of 98 mJ/mol K$^2$, about one order of magnitude larger than that of SmFeAsO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$ ($6sim8$ mJ/mol K$^2$) samples, suggesting very high normal state quasiparticle density of states in FeAs-122 than in FeAs-1111. Furthermore, we found that the electronic SH coefficient $gamma_e(T)$ of Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ is weakly temperature dependent and increases almost linearly with the magnetic field in low temperature region, which may indicate that the hole-doped FeAs-122 system contains a dominant component with a full superconducting gap, although we cannot rule out the possibility of a small component with anisotropic or nodal gap. A detailed analysis reveals that the $gamma_e(T)$ of Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ cannot be fitted with a single gap of s-wave symmetry probably due to the multigap effect. These results indicate clear difference between the properties of the superconducting state of the holed-doped Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ and the F-doped LnFeAsO (Ln = rare earth elements) systems, which we believe is originated from the complex Fermi surface structures in different systems.
Low-temperature specific heat (SH) is measured for the 12442-type KCa$_2$Fe$_4$As$_4$F$_2$ single crystal under different magnetic fields. A clear SH jump with the height of $Delta C/T|_{T_c}$ = 130 mJ/mol K$^2$ is observed at the superconducting transition temperature $T_c$. It is found that the electronic SH coefficient $Deltagamma (H)$ quickly increases when the field is in the low-field region below 3 T and then considerably slows down the increase with a further increase in the field, which indicates a rather strong anisotropy or multi-gap feature with a small minimum in the superconducting gap(s). The temperature-dependent SH data indicates the presence of the $T^2$ term, which supplies further information and supports the picture with a line-nodal gap structure. Moreover, the onset point of the SH transition remains almost unchanged under the field as high as 9 T, which is similar to that observed in cuprates, and placed this system in the middle between the BCS limit and the Bose-Einstein condensation.
298 - Gang Mu , Jun Tang , Yoichi Tanabe 2011
Low-temperature specific heat (SH) is measured on Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_2$As$_2$ single crystals in a wide doping region under different magnetic fields. For the overdoped sample, we find the clear evidence for the presence of $T^2$ term in the data, which is absent both for the underdoped and optimal doped samples, suggesting the presence of line nodes in the energy gap of the overdoped samples. Moreover, the field induced electron specific heat coefficient $Deltagamma(H)$ increases more quickly with the field for the overdoped sample than the underdoped and optimal doped ones, giving another support to our arguments. Our results suggest that the superconducting gap(s) in the present system may have different structures strongly depending on the doping regions.
Electrical transport and specific heat properties of Nd_{1-x}Pb_{x}MnO_{3} single crystals for 0.15 < x 0.5 have been studied in low temperature regime. The resistivity in the ferromagnetic insulating (FMI) phase for x < 0.3 has an activated character. The dependence of the activation gap Delta on doping x has been determined and the critical concentration for the zero-temperature metal-insulator transition was determined as x_{c} ~ 0.33. For a metallic sample with x=0.42, a conventional electron-electron (e-e) scattering term proportional T^{2} is found in the low-temperature electrical resistivity, although the Kadowaki-Woods ratio is found to be much larger for this manganite than for a normal metal. For a metallic sample with x=0.5, a resistivity minimum is observed for x= 0.5. The effect is attributed to weak localization and can be described by a negative T^{1/2} weak-localization contribution to resistivity for a disordered three-dimensional electron system. The specific heat data have been fitted to contributions from free electrons (gamma), spin excitations (beta_{3/2}), lattice and a Schottky-like anomaly related to the rare-earth magnetism of the Nd ions. The value of gamma is larger than for normal metals, which is ascribed to magnetic ordering effects involving Nd. Also, the Schottky-like anomaly appears broadened and weakened suggesting inhomogeneous molecular fields at the Nd-sites.
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