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Resonant control of cold-atom transport through two optical lattices with a constant relative speed

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 Added by Mark Greenaway Dr
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We show theoretically that the dynamics of cold atoms in the lowest energy band of a stationary optical lattice can be transformed and controlled by a second, weaker, periodic potential moving at a constant speed along the axis of the stationary lattice. The atom trajectories exhibit complex behavior, which depends sensitively on the amplitude and speed of the propagating lattice. When the speed and amplitude of the moving potential are low, the atoms are dragged through the static lattice and perform drifting orbits with frequencies an order of magnitude higher than that corresponding to the moving potential. Increasing either the speed or amplitude of the moving lattice induces Bloch-like oscillations within the energy band of the static lattice, which exhibit complex resonances at critical values of the system parameters. In some cases, a very small change in these parameters can reverse the atoms direction of motion. In order to understand these dynamics we present an analytical model, which describes the key features of the atom transport and also accurately predicts the positions of the resonant features in the atoms phase space. The abrupt controllable transitions between dynamical regimes, and the associated set of resonances, provide a mechanism for transporting atoms between precise locations in a lattice: as required for using cold atoms to simulate condensed matter or as a stepping stone to quantum information processing. The system also provides a direct quantum simulator of acoustic waves propagating through semiconductor nanostructures in sound analogs of the optical laser (SASER).

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We numerically investigate, using the time evolving block decimation algorithm, the quantum transport of ultra-cold bosonic atoms in a double well optical lattice through slow and periodic modulation of the lattice parameters (intra- and inter-well tunneling, chemical potential, etc.). The transport of atoms does not depend on the rate of change of the parameters (as along as the change is slow) and can distribute atoms in optical lattices at the quantized level without involving external forces. The transport of atoms depends on the atom filling in each double well and the interaction between atoms. In the strongly interacting region, the bosonic atoms share the same transport properties as non-interacting fermions with quantized transport at the half filling and no atom transport at the integer filling. In the weakly interacting region, the number of the transported atoms is proportional to the atom filling. We show the signature of the quantum transport from the momentum distribution of atoms that can measured in the time of flight image. A semiclassical transport model is developed to explain the numerically observed transport of bosonic atoms in the non-interacting and strongly interacting limits. The scheme may serve as an quantized battery for atomtronics applications.
297 - Yong Xu , Chunlei Qu , Ming Gong 2013
The Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase, a superconducting state with non-zero total momentum Cooper pairs in a large magnetic field, was first predicted about 50 years ago, and since then became an important concept in many branches of physics. Despite intensive search in various materials, unambiguous experimental evidence for the FFLO phase is still lacking in experiments. In this paper, we show that both FF (uniform order parameter with plane-wave phase) and LO phase (spatially varying order parameter amplitude) can be observed using fermionic cold atoms in spin-orbit coupled optical lattices. The increasing spin-orbit coupling enhances the FF phase over the LO phase. The coexistence of superfluid and magnetic orders is also found in the normal BCS phase. The pairing mechanism for different phases is understood by visualizing superfluid pairing densities in different spin-orbit bands. The possibility of observing similar physics using spin-orbit coupled superconducting ultra-thin films is also discussed.
265 - Yinyin Qian , Ming Gong , 2011
Ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices provide an ideal platform for exploring many-body physics of a large system arising from the coupling among a series of small identical systems whose few-body dynamics is exactly solvable. Using Landau-Zener (LZ) transition of bosonic atoms in double well optical lattices as an experimentally realizable model, we investigate such few to many body route by exploring the relation and difference between the small few-body (in one double well) and the large many-body (in double well lattice) non-equilibrium dynamics of cold atoms in optical lattices. We find the many-body coupling between double wells greatly enhances the LZ transition probability. The many-body dynamics in the double well lattice shares both similarity and difference from the few-body dynamics in one and two double wells. The sign of the on-site interaction plays a significant role on the many-body LZ transition. Various experimental signatures of the many-body LZ transition, including atom density, momentum distribution, and density-density correlation, are obtained.
The relevance of magnetic impurity problems in cold atom systems depends crucially on the nature of exchange interaction between itinerant fermionic atoms and a localized impurity atom. In particular, Kondo physics occurs only if the exchange interaction is anti-ferromagnetic, and strong enough to yield high enough Kondo temperature ($T_K/T_F ge 0.1$). Focusing, as an example, on the experimentally accessible system of ultra-cold $^{173}$Yb atoms, it is shown that the sign and strength of an exchange interaction between an itinerant Yb($^{1}$S$_{0}$) atom and a trapped Yb($^{3}$P$_{0}$) atom can be optically controlled. Explicitly, as the light intensity increases (from zero), the exchange interaction changes from ferromagnetic to anti-ferromagnetic. When the light intensity is just below a singlet Feshbach resonance, the singlet scattering length $a_S$ is large and negative, and the Kondo temperature increases sharply.
Charge transport is a revealing probe of the quantum properties of materials. Strong interactions can blur charge carriers resulting in a poorly understood quantum soup. Here we study the conductivity of the Fermi-Hubbard model, a testing ground for strong interaction physics, in a clean quantum system - ultracold $^6$Li in a 2D optical lattice. We determine the charge diffusion constant in our system by measuring the relaxation of an imposed density modulation and modeling its decay hydrodynamically. The diffusion constant is converted to a resistivity, which exhibits a linear temperature dependence and exceeds the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit, two characteristic signatures of a bad metal. The techniques we develop here may be applied to measurements of other transport quantities, including the optical conductivity and thermopower.
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