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We propose new variables of Faddeev-Niemi type for static SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. These variables reveal a structure of a nonlinear sigma model, whose field variables are two chiral fields taking values in SU(3)/(U(1)xU(1)) and SU(3)/(SU(2)xU(1)). The nonlinear sigma model was introduced by Faddeev and Niemi as a natural extension of the Faddeev chiral model. Shabanov showed that the energy functional of the extended model is bounded from below by a topological invariant, and therefore may support knot-like excitations and a mass gap.
The center vortex model for the infrared sector of SU(3) Yang-Mills theory is reviewed. After discussing the physical foundations underlying the model, some technical aspects of its realisation are discussed. The confining properties of the model are presented in some detail and compared to known results from full lattice Yang-Mills theory. Particular emphasis is put on the new phenomenon of vortex branching, which is instrumental in establishing first order behaviour of the SU(3) phase transition. Finally, the vortex free energy is verified to furnish an order parameter for the deconfinement phase transition. It is shown to exhibit a weak discontinuity at the critical temperature, in agreement with predictions from lattice gauge theory.
Color confinement is the most puzzling phenomenon in the theory of strong interaction based on a quantum SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. The origin of color confinement supposed to be intimately related to non-perturbative features of the non-Abelian gauge theory, and touches very foundations of the theory. We revise basic concepts underlying QCD concentrating mainly on concepts of gluons and quarks and color structure of quantum states. Our main idea is that a Weyl symmetry is the only color symmetry which determines all color attributes of quantum states and physical observables. We construct an ansatz for classical Weyl symmetric dynamical solutions in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory which describe one particle color singlet quantum states for gluons and quarks. Abelian Weyl symmetric solutions provide microscopic structure of a color invariant vacuum and vacuum gluon condensates. This resolves a problem of existence of a gauge invariant and stable vacuum in QCD. Generalization of our consideration to SU(N) (N=4,5) Yang-Mills theory implies that the color confinement phase is possible only in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory.
We study the infrared behavior of the effective Coulomb potential in lattice SU(3) Yang-Mills theory in the Coulomb gauge. We use lattices up to a size of 48^4 and three values of the inverse coupling, beta=5.8, 6.0 and 6.2. While finite-volume effects are hardly visible in the effective Coulomb potential, scaling violations and a strong dependence on the choice of Gribov copy are observed. We obtain bounds for the Coulomb string tension that are in agreement with Zwanzigers inequality relating the Coulomb string tension to the Wilson string tension.
We examine the mechanical matrix model that can be derived from the SU(2) Yang-Mills light-cone field theory by restricting the gauge fields to depend on the light-cone time alone. We use Diracs generalized Hamiltonian approach. In contrast to its well-known instant-time counterpart the light-cone version of SU(2) Yang-Mills mechanics has in addition to the constraints, generating the SU(2) gauge transformations, the new first and second class constraints also. On account of all of these constraints a complete reduction in number of the degrees of freedom is performed. It is argued that the classical evolution of the unconstrained degrees of freedom is equivalent to a free one-dimensional particle dynamics. Considering the complex solutions to the second class constraints we show at this time that the unconstrained Hamiltonian system represents the well-known model of conformal mechanics with a ``strength of the inverse square interaction determined by the value of the gauge field spin.
We apply a machine learning technique for identifying the topological charge of quantum gauge configurations in four-dimensional SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. The topological charge density measured on the original and smoothed gauge configurations with and without dimensional reduction is used as inputs for the neural networks (NN) with and without convolutional layers. The gradient flow is used for the smoothing of the gauge field. We find that the topological charge determined at a large flow time can be predicted with high accuracy from the data at small flow times by the trained NN; for example, the accuracy exceeds $99%$ with the data at $t/a^2le0.3$. High robustness against the change of simulation parameters is also confirmed with a fixed physical volume. We find that the best performance is obtained when the spatial coordinates of the topological charge density are fully integrated out in preprocessing, which implies that our convolutional NN does not find characteristic structures in multi-dimensional space relevant for the determination of the topological charge.