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Flame Propagation on the Surfaces of Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars during Type I X-ray Bursts

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 Added by Yuri Cavecchi
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present the first vertically resolved hydrodynamic simulations of a laterally propagating, deflagrating flame in the thin helium ocean of a rotating accreting neutron star. We use a new hydrodynamics solver tailored to deal with the large discrepancy in horizontal and vertical length scales typical of neutron star oceans, and which filters out sound waves that would otherwise limit our timesteps. We find that the flame moves horizontally with velocities of order $10^5$ cm s$^{-1}$, crossing the ocean in few seconds, broadly consistent with the rise times of Type I X-ray bursts. We address the open question of what drives flame propagation, and find that heat is transported from burning to unburnt fuel by a combination of top-to-bottom conduction and mixing driven by a baroclinic instability. The speed of the flame propagation is therefore a sensitive function of the ocean conductivity and spin: we explore this dependence for an astrophysically relevant range of parameters and find that in general flame propagation is faster for slower rotation and higher conductivity.

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We present the first realistic 3D simulations of flame front instabilities during type I X-ray bursts. The unperturbed front is characterised by the balance between the pressure gradient and the Coriolis force of a spinning neutron star ({ u} = 450 Hz in our case). This balance leads to a fast horizontal velocity field parallel to the flame front. This flow is strongly sheared in the vertical direction. When we perturb the front an instability quickly corrugates the front. We identify this instability as the baroclinic instability. Most importantly, the flame is not disrupted by the instability and there are two major consequences: the overall flame propagation speed is {sim} 10 times faster than in the unperturbed case and distinct flame vortices appear. The speedup is due to the corrugation of the front and the dynamics of the vortices. These vortices may also be linked to the oscillations observed in the lightcurves of the bursts.
We report the discovery of an anti-correlation between the soft and the hard X-ray lightcurves of the X-ray binary Aql X-1 when bursting. This behavior may indicate that the corona is cooled by the soft X-ray shower fed by the type-I X-ray bursts, and that this process happens within a few seconds. Stacking the Aql X-1 lightcurves of type-I bursts, we find a shortage in the 40--50 keV band, delayed by 4.5$pm$1.4 s with respect to the soft X-rays. The photospheric radius expansion (PRE) bursts are different in that neither a shortage nor an excess shows up in the hard X-ray lightcurve.
145 - Arkadip Basak 2017
Viscosity driven bar mode secular instabilities of rapidly rotating neutron stars are studied using LORENE/Nrotstar code. These instabilities set a more rigorous limit to the rotation frequency of neutron star than the Kepler frequency/mass shedding limit. The procedure employed in the code comprises of perturbing an axisymmetric and stationary configuration of a neutron star and studying its evolution by constructing a series of triaxial quasi-equilibrium configurations. Symmetry breaking point was found out for Polytropic as well as 10 realistic Equations of states (EOS) from the CompOSE database. The concept of piecewise polytropic EOSs has been used to comprehend the rotational instability of Realistic EOSs and validated with 19 different Realistic EOSs from CompOSE. The possibility of detecting quasi-periodic gravitational waves from viscosity driven instability with ground based LIGO/VIRGO interferometers is also discussed very briefly.
271 - Dacheng Lin 2009
The neutron-star X-ray transient XTE J1701-462 was observed for $sim$3 Ms with xte during its 2006-2007 outburst. Here we report on the discovery of three type-I X-ray bursts from XTE J1701-462. They occurred as the source was in transition from the typical Z-source behavior to the typical atoll-source behavior, at $sim10%$ of the Eddington luminosity. The first burst was detected in the Z-source flaring branch; the second in the vertex between the flaring and normal branches; and the third in the atoll-source soft state. The detection of the burst in the flaring branch cast doubts on earlier speculations that the flaring branch is due to unstable nuclear burning of accreted matter. The last two of the three bursts show photospheric radius expansion, from which we estimate the distance to the source to be 8.8 kpc with a 15% uncertainty. No significant burst oscillations in the range 30 to 4000 Hz were found during these three bursts.
We consider a universal relation between moment of inertia and quadrupole moment of arbitrarily fast rotating neutron stars. Recent studies suggest that this relation breaks down for fast rotation. We find that it is still universal among various suggested equations of state for constant values of certain dimensionless parameters characterizing the magnitude of rotation. One of these parameters includes the neutron star radius, leading to a new universal relation expressing the radius through the mass, frequency, and spin parameter. This can become a powerful tool for radius measurements.
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