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Zp charged branes in flux compactifications

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 Added by Pablo G. Camara
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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We consider 4d string compactifications in the presence of fluxes, and classify particles, strings and domain walls arising from wrapped branes which have charges conserved modulo an integer p, and whose annihilation is catalized by fluxes, through the Freed-Witten anomaly or its du

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We identify instantons representing vacuum decay in a 6-dimensional toy model for string theory flux compactifications, with the two extra dimensions compactified on a sphere. We evaluate the instanton action for tunneling between different flux vacua, as well as for the decompactification decay channel. The bubbles resulting from flux tunneling have an unusual structure. They are bounded by two-dimensional branes, which are localized in the extra dimensions. This has important implications for bubble collisions.
We extend the KKLT approach to moduli stabilization by including the dilaton and the complex structure moduli into the effective supergravity theory. Decoupling of the dilaton is neither always possible nor necessary for the existence of stable minima with zero (or positive) cosmological constant. The pattern of supersymmetry breaking can be much richer than in the decoupling scenario of KKLT.
We construct a simple AdS_4 x S^1 flux compactification stabilized by a complex scalar field winding the extra dimension and demonstrate an instability via nucleation of a bubble of nothing. This occurs when the Kaluza -- Klein dimension degenerates to a point, defining the bubble surface. Because the extra dimension is stabilized by a flux, the bubble surface must be charged, in this case under the axionic part of the complex scalar. This smooth geometry can be seen as a de Sitter topological defect with asymptotic behavior identical to the pure compactification. We discuss how a similar construction can be implemented in more general Freund -- Rubin compactifications.
We extend the recent work on fluid-gravity correspondence to charged black-branes by determining the metric duals to arbitrary charged fluid configuration up to second order in the boundary derivative expansion. We also derive the energy-momentum tensor and the charge current for these configurations up to second order in the boundary derivative expansion. We find a new term in the charge current when there is a bulk Chern-Simons interaction thus resolving an earlier discrepancy between thermodynamics of charged rotating black holes and boundary hydrodynamics. We have also confirmed that all our expressions are covariant under boundary Weyl-transformations as expected.
It is well known that the Reissner-Norstrom solution of Einstein-Maxwell theory cannot be cylindrically extended to higher dimension, as with the black hole solutions in vacuum. In this paper we show that this result is circumvented in Lovelock gravity. We prove that the theory containing only the quadratic Lovelock term, the Gauss-Bonnet term, minimally coupled to a $U(1)$ field, admits homogeneous black string and black brane solutions characterized by the mass, charge and volume of the flat directions. We also show that theories containing a single Lovelock term of order $n$ in the Lagrangian coupled to a $(p-1)$-form field admit simple oxidations only when $n$ equals $p$, giving rise to new, exact, charged black branes in higher curvature gravity. For General Relativity this stands for a Lagrangian containing the Einstein-Hilbert term coupled to a massless scalar field, and no-hair theorems in this case forbid the existence of black branes. In all these cases the field equations acquire an invariance under a global scaling scale transformation of the metric. As explicit examples we construct new magnetically charged black branes for cubic Lovelock theory coupled to a Kalb-Ramond field in dimensions $(3m+2)+q$, with $m$ and $q$ integers, and the latter denoting the number of extended flat directions. We also construct dyonic solutions in quartic Lovelock theory in dimension $(4m+2)+q$.
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