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CFHTLenS: The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey - Imaging Data and Catalogue Products

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 Added by Thomas Erben
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present data products from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS). CFHTLenS is based on the Wide component of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS). It encompasses 154 deg^2 of deep, optical, high-quality, sub-arcsecond imaging data in the five optical filters u^*griz. The article presents our data processing of the complete CFHTLenS data set. We were able to obtain a data set with very good image quality and high-quality astrometric and photometric calibration. Our external astrometric accuracy is between 60-70 mas with respect to SDSS data and the internal alignment in all filters is around 30 mas. Our average photometric calibration shows a dispersion on the order of 0.01 to 0.03 mag for griz and about 0.04 mag for u^* with respect to SDSS sources down to i <= 21. In the spirit of the CFHTLS all our data products are released to the astronomical community via the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre. We give a description and how-to manuals of the public products which include image pixel data, source catalogues with photometric redshift estimates and all relevant quantities to perform weak lensing studies.

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A likelihood-based method for measuring weak gravitational lensing shear in deep galaxy surveys is described and applied to the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS). CFHTLenS comprises 154 sq deg of multicolour optical data from the CFHT Legacy Survey, with lensing measurements being made in the i band to a depth i(AB)<24.7, for galaxies with signal-to-noise ratio greater than about 10. The method is based on the lensfit algorithm described in earlier papers, but here we describe a full analysis pipeline that takes into account the properties of real surveys. The method creates pixel-based models of the varying point spread function (PSF) in individual image exposures. It fits PSF-convolved two-component (disk plus bulge) models, to measure the ellipticity of each galaxy, with bayesian marginalisation over model nuisance parameters of galaxy position, size, brightness and bulge fraction. The method allows optimal joint measurement of multiple, dithered image exposures, taking into account imaging distortion and the alignment of the multiple measurements. We discuss the effects of noise bias on the likelihood distribution of galaxy ellipticity. Two sets of image simulations that mirror the observed properties of CFHTLenS have been created, to establish the methods accuracy and to derive an empirical correction for the effects of noise bias.
In this Letter, we report the observational constraints on the Hu-Sawicki $f(R)$ theory derived from weak lensing peak abundances, which are closely related to the mass function of massive halos. In comparison with studies using optical or x-ray clusters of galaxies, weak lensing peak analyses have the advantages of not relying on mass-baryonic observable calibrations. With observations from the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Lensing Survey, our peak analyses give rise to a tight constraint on the model parameter $|f_{R0}|$ for $n=1$. The $95%$ CL limit is $log_{10}|f_{R0}| < -4.82$ given WMAP9 priors on $(Omega_{rm m}, A_{rm s})$. With Planck15 priors, the corresponding result is $log_{10}|f_{R0}| < -5.16$.
We present an overview of SITELLE, an Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (iFTS) available at the 3.6-meter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. SITELLE is a Michelson-type interferometer able to reconstruct the spectrum of every light source within its 11 field of view in filter-selected bands of the visible (350 to 900 nm). The spectral resolution can be adjusted up to R = 10 000 and the spatial resolution is seeing-limited and sampled at 0.32 arcsec per pixel. We describe the design of the instrument as well as the data reduction and analysis process. To illustrate SITELLEs capabilities, we present some of the data obtained during and since the August 2015 commissioning run. In particular, we demonstrate its ability to separate the components of the [OII] $lambdalambda$ 3726,29 doublet in Orion and to reach R = 9500 around H-alpha; to detect diffuse emission at a level of 4 x 10e-17 erg/cm2/s/arcsec2; to obtain integrated spectra of stellar absorption lines in galaxies despite the well-known multiplex disadvantage of the iFTS; and to detect emission-line galaxies at different redshifts.
Mass calibration uncertainty is the largest systematic effect for using clusters of galaxies to constrain cosmological parameters. We present weak lensing mass measurements from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Stripe 82 Survey for galaxy clusters selected through their high signal-to-noise thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) signal measured with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT). For a sample of 9 ACT clusters with a tSZ signal-to-noise greater than five the average weak lensing mass is $left(4.8pm0.8right),times10^{14},mathrm{M}_odot$, consistent with the tSZ mass estimate of $left(4.70pm1.0right),times10^{14},mathrm{M}_odot$ which assumes a universal pressure profile for the cluster gas. Our results are consistent with previous weak-lensing measurements of tSZ-detected clusters from the Planck satellite. When comparing our results, we estimate the Eddington bias correction for the sample intersection of Planck and weak-lensing clusters which was previously excluded.
We study the X-ray and optical properties of 16 Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasars detected in about 3 degree square region common to the wide synoptic (W-1) component of the Canada-France-HawaiiTelescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) and the XMM Large Scale Structure survey (XMM-LSS). The BAL fraction is found to be 10% in full sample, 7% for the optical colour selected QSOs and as high as 33% if we consider QSOs selected from their IR colours. The X-ray detected non-BAL and BAL quasars have a mean observed X-ray-to-optical spectral slope of -1.47 +/- 0.13 and -1.66 +/- 0.17 respectively. We also find that the BAL QSOs have alpha_ox systematically smaller than what is expected from the relationship between optical luminosity and alpha_ox as derived from our sample. Based on this, we show, as already reported in the literature for quasars with high optical luminosities, our new sample of BAL QSOs have X-ray luminosity a factor of three smaller than what has been found for non-BAL QSOs with similar optical luminosities. Comparison of hardness ratio of the BAL and non-BAL QSOs suggests a possible soft X-ray weakness of BAL QSOs. Combining our sample, of relatively fainter QSOs, with others from the literature we show that larger balnicity index (BI) and maximum velocity (V_max) of the C IV absorption are correlated with steeper X-ray to optical spectral index. We argue that this is most likely a consequence of the existence of a lower envelope in the distribution of BI (or V_max) values versus optical luminosity. Our results thus show that the previously known X-ray weakness of BAL QSOs extends to lower optical luminosities as well.
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