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Nonviolation of Bells Inequality in Translation Invariant Systems

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 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The nature of quantum correlations in strongly correlated systems has been a subject of intense research. In particular, it has been realized that entanglement and quantum discord are present at quantum phase transitions and able to characterize it. Surprisingly, it has been shown for a number of different systems that qubit pairwise states, even when highly entangled, do not violate Bells inequalities, being in this sense local. Here we show that such a local character of quantum correlations is in fact general for translation invariant systems and has its origins in the monogamy trade-off obeyed by tripartite Bell correlations. We illustrate this result in a quantum spin chain with a soft breaking of translation symmetry. In addition, we extend the monogamy inequality to the $N$-qubit scenario, showing that the bound increases with $N$ and providing examples of its saturation through uniformly generated random pure states.

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We propose and analyze a probabilistic scheme to entangle two spatially separated topological qubits in a $p_{x}+ip_{y}$ superfluid using controlled collisions between atoms in movable dipole traps and unpaired atoms inside vortex cores in the superfluid. We discuss how to test the violation of Bells inequality with the generated entanglement. A set of universal quantum gates is shown to be implementable textit{deterministically} using the entanglement despite the fact that the entangled states can only be created probabilistically.
Quantum error correction was invented to allow for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Systems with topological order turned out to give a natural physical realization of quantum error correcting codes (QECC) in their groundspaces. More recently, in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, it has been argued that eigenstates of CFTs with a holographic dual should also form QECCs. These two examples raise the question of how generally eigenstates of many-body models form quantum codes. In this work we establish new connections between quantum chaos and translation-invariance in many-body spin systems, on one hand, and approximate quantum error correcting codes (AQECC), on the other hand. We first observe that quantum chaotic systems exhibiting the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) have eigenstates forming approximate quantum error-correcting codes. Then we show that AQECC can be obtained probabilistically from translation-invariant energy eigenstates of every translation-invariant spin chain, including integrable models. Applying this result to 1D classical systems, we describe a method for using local symmetries to construct parent Hamiltonians that embed these codes into the low-energy subspace of gapless 1D quantum spin chains. As explicit examples we obtain local AQECC in the ground space of the 1D ferromagnetic Heisenberg model and the Motzkin spin chain model with periodic boundary conditions, thereby yielding non-stabilizer codes in the ground space and low energy subspace of physically plausible 1D gapless models.
A maximally entangled state is a quantum state which has maximum von Neumann entropy for each bipartition. Through proposing a new method to classify quantum states by using concurrences of pure states of a region, one can apply Bells inequality to study intensity of quantum entanglement of maximally entangled states. We use a class of seven-qubit quantum states to demonstrate the method, where we express all coefficients of the quantum states in terms of concurrences of pure states of a region. When a critical point of an upper bound of Bells inequality occurs in our quantum states, one of the quantum state is a ground state of the toric code model on a disk manifold. Our result also implies that the maximally entangled states does not suggest local maximum quantum entanglement in our quantum states.
79 - David I. Kaiser 2020
Bells inequality sets a strict threshold for how strongly correlated the outcomes of measurements on two or more particles can be, if the outcomes of each measurement are independent of actions undertaken at arbitrarily distant locations. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, predicts that measurements on particles in entangled states can be more strongly correlated than Bells inequality would allow. Whereas experimental tests conducted over the past half-century have consistently measured violations of Bells inequality---consistent with the predictions of quantum mechanics---the experiments have been subject to one or more loopholes, by means of which certain alternatives to quantum theory could remain consistent with the experimental results. This chapter reviews three of the most significant loopholes, often dubbed the locality, fair-sampling, and freedom-of-choice loopholes, and describes how recent experiments have addressed them.
We analyze a possibility of using the two qubit output state from Buzek-Hillery quantum copying machine (not necessarily universal quantum cloning machine) as a teleportation channel. We show that there is a range of values of the machine parameter $xi$ for which the two qubit output state is entangled and violates Bell-CHSH inequality and for a different range it remains entangled but does not violate Bell-CHSH inequality. Further we observe that for certain values of the machine parameter the two-qubit mixed state can be used as a teleportation channel. The use of the output state from the Buzek-Hillery cloning machine as a teleportation channel provides an additional appeal to the cloning machine and motivation of our present work.
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