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Solar Magnetic Field Reversals and the Role of Dynamo Families

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 Added by Marc L. DeRosa
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The variable magnetic field of the solar photosphere exhibits periodic reversals as a result of dynamo activity occurring within the solar interior. We decompose the surface field as observed by both the Wilcox Solar Observatory and the Michelson Doppler Imager into its harmonic constituents, and present the time evolution of the mode coefficients for the past three sunspot cycles. The interplay between the various modes is then interpreted from the perspective of general dynamo theory, where the coupling between the primary and secondary families of modes is found to correlate with large-scale polarity reversals for many examples of cyclic dynamos. Mean-field dynamos based on the solar parameter regime are then used to explore how such couplings may result in the various long-term trends in the surface magnetic field observed to occur in the solar case.

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357 - M. Svanda 2015
We study the magnetic flux carried by pores located outside active regions with sunspots and investigate their possible contribution to the reversal of the global magnetic field of the Sun. We find that they contain a total flux of comparable amplitude to the total magnetic flux contained in polar caps. The pores located at distances of 40--100~Mm from the closest active region have systematically the correct sign to contribute to the polar cap reversal. These pores can predominantly be found in bipolar magnetic regions. We propose that during grand minima of solar activity, such a systematic polarity trend, akin to a weak magnetic (Babcock-Leighton-like) source term could still be operating but was missed by the contemporary observers due to the limited resolving power of their telescopes.
We investigate the role of magnetic helicity in promoting cyclic magnetic activity in a global, 3D, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of a convective dynamo. This simulation is characterized by coherent bands of toroidal field that exist within the convection zone, with opposite polarities in the northern and southern hemispheres. Throughout most of the cycle, the magnetic helicity in these bands is negative in the northern hemisphere and positive in the southern hemisphere. However, during the declining phase of each cycle, this hemispheric rule reverses. We attribute this to a global restructuring of the magnetic topology that is induced by the interaction of the bands across the equator. This band interaction appears to be ultimately responsible for, or at least associated with, the decay and subsequent reversal of both the toroidal bands and the polar fields. We briefly discuss the implications of these results within the context of solar observations, which also show some potential evidence for toroidal band interactions and helicity reversals.
We compare spectra of the zonal harmonics of the large-scale magnetic field of the Sun using observation results and solar dynamo models. The main solar activity cycle as recorded in these tracers is a much more complicated phenomenon than the eigen solution of solar dynamo equations with the growth saturated by a back reaction of the dynamo-driven magnetic field on solar hydrodynamics. The nominal 11(22)-year cycle as recorded in each mode has a specific phase shift varying from cycle to cycle; the actual length of the cycle varies from one cycle to another and from tracer to tracer. Both the observation and the dynamo model show an exceptional role of the axisymmetric $ell_{5}$ mode. Its origin seems to be readily connected with the formation and evolution of sunspots on the solar surface. The results of observations and dynamo models show a good agreement for the low $ell_{1}$ and $ell_{3}$ modes. The results for these modes do not differ significantly for the axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric models. Our findings support the idea that the sources of the solar dynamo arise as a result of both the distributed dynamo processes in the bulk of the convection zone and the surface magnetic activity.
The surprising thinness of the solar tachocline is still not understood with certainty today. Among the numerous possible scenarios suggested to explain its radial confinement, one hypothesis is based on Maxwell stresses that are exerted by the cyclic dynamo magnetic field of the Sun penetrating over a skin depth below the turbulent convection zone. Our goal is to assess under which conditions (turbulence level in the tachocline, strength of the dynamo-generated field, spreading mechanism) this scenario can be realized in the solar tachocline. We develop a simplified 1D model of the upper tachocline under the influence of an oscillating magnetic field imposed from above. The turbulent transport is parametrized with enhanced turbulent diffusion (or anti-diffusion) coefficients. Two main processes that thicken the tachocline are considered; either turbulent viscous spreading or radiative spreading. An extensive parameter study is carried out to establish the physical parameter regimes under which magnetic confinement of the tachocline that is due to a surface dynamo field can be realized. We have explored a large range of magnetic field amplitudes, viscosities, ohmic diffusivities and thermal diffusivities. We find that, for large but still realistic magnetic field strengths, the differential rotation can be suppressed in the upper radiative zone (and hence the tachocline confined) if weak turbulence is present (with an enhanced ohmic diffusivity of $eta > 10^{7-8} , cm^2/s$), even in the presence of radiative spreading. Our results show that a dynamo magnetic field can, in the presence of weak turbulence, prevent the inward burrowing of a tachocline subject to viscous diffusion or radiative spreading.
Context: Pollux is considered as an archetype of a giant star hosting a planet. We then discovered a weak magnetic field at its surface using spectropolarimetry. Aims and Methods: We followed up our investigations on Pollux first using ESPaDOnS at CFHT and then Narval at TBL to obtain Stokes I and Stokes V spectra to study their variations for a duration of 4.25 years, that is, for more than two periods of about 590 d of the RV variations. We used the least-squares deconvolution (LSD) profiles to measure the longitudinal magnetic field and to perform a Zeeman Doppler imaging (ZDI) investigation. Results: The longitudinal magnetic field of Pollux is found to vary with a sinusoidal behavior and a period similar to that of the RV variations. From the ZDI investigation a rotation period of Pollux is determined to be equal to 660+/-15 days and possibly different than the period of variations of the RV. As to the magnetic topology, the poloidal component is dominant and almost purely dipolar with an inclination of 10.5{deg} of the dipole with respect to the rotation axis. The mean strength of the surface magnetic field is 0.44 G. Conclusions: As to the origin of the magnetic field of Pollux, we favor the hypothesis that it is maintained through contemporaneous dynamo action. Pollux appears as the representative of a class of slowly rotating and weakly magnetic G-K red giants. To explain the sinusoidal RV variations of Pollux, two scenarios are proposed. If the RV period is different from the rotation period, the observed periodic RV variations are due to the hosted planet and the contribution of Pollux magnetic activity is not significantly detected. In the peculiar case in which the two periods are equal, we cannot discard the possibility that the activity of Pollux could explain the total RV variations and that the planet hypothesis would appear unnecessary.
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