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The Gaia spectrophotometric standard stars survey. I. Preliminary results

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 Added by Elena Pancino
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We describe two ground based observing campaigns aimed at building a grid of approximately 200 spectrophotometric standard stars (SPSS), with an internal ~1% precision and tied to Vega within ~3%, for the absolute flux calibration of data gathered by Gaia, the ESA astrometric mission. The criteria for the selection and a list of candidates are presented, together with a description of the survey strategy and the adopted data analysis methods. We also discuss a short list of notable rejected SPSS candidates and difficult cases, based on identification problems, literature discordant data, visual companions, and variability. In fact, all candidates are also monitored for constancy (within pm5 mmag, approximately). In particular, we report on a CALSPEC standard, 1740346, that we found to be a delta Scuti variable during our short-term monitoring (1-2 h) campaign.

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We present Johnson-Kron-Cousins BVRI photometry of 228 candidate spectrophotometric standard stars for the external (absolute) flux calibration of Gaia data. The data were gathered as part of a ten-year observing campaign with the goal of building th e external grid of flux standards for Gaia and we obtained absolute photometry, relative photometry for constancy monitoring, and spectrophotometry. Preliminary releases of the flux tables were used to calibrate the first two Gaia releases. This paper focuses on the imaging frames observed in good sky conditions (about 9100). The photometry will be used to validate the ground-based flux tables of the Gaia spectrophotometric standard stars and to correct the spectra obtained in non-perfectly photometric observing conditions for small zeropoint variations. The absolute photometry presented here is tied to the Landolt standard stars system to $simeq$1 per cent or better, depending on the photometric band. Extensive comparisons with various literature sources show an overall $simeq$1 per cent agreement, which appears to be the current limit in the accuracy of flux calibrations across various samples and techniques in the literature. The Gaia photometric precision is presently of the order of 0.1 per cent or better, thus various ideas for the improvement of photometric calibration accuracy are discussed.
168 - E. Pancino 2021
We present the flux tables of the spectro-photometric standard stars (SPSS) used to calibrate in flux the Gaia DR2 and (E)DR3 data releases. The latest SPSS grid version contains 112 stars, whose flux tables agree to better than 1% with the CALSPEC spectra of 11 flux standards for the calibration of the Hubble Space Telescope. The synthetic magnitudes computed on the SPSS spectra also agree to better than 1% with the Landolt magnitudes of 37 stars in common. The typical spreads in both comparisons are of the order of 1%. These uncertainties already meet the initial requirements for the Gaia SPSS project, but further improvements are expected in the next SP
We present the results of the short-term constancy monitoring of candidate Gaia Spectrophotometric Standard Stars (SPSS). We obtained time series of typically 1.24 hour - with sampling periods from 1-3 min to a few hours, depending on the case - to monitor the constancy of our candidate SPSS down to 10 mmag, as required for the calibration of Gaia photometric data. We monitored 162 out of a total of 212 SPSS candidates. The observing campaign started in 2006 and finished in 2015, using 143 observing nights on nine different instruments covering both hemispheres. Using differential photometry techniques, we built light curves with a typical precision of 4 mmag, depending on the data quality. As a result of our constancy assessment, 150 SPSS candidates were validated against short term variability, and only 12 were rejected because of variability including some widely used flux standards such as BD+174708, SA 105-448, 1740346, and HD 37725.
LOFAR is the only radio telescope that is presently capable of high-sensitivity, high-resolution (<1 mJy/b and <15) observations at ultra-low frequencies (<100 MHz). To utilise these capabilities, the LOFAR Surveys Key Science Project is undertaking a large survey to cover the entire northern sky with Low Band Antenna (LBA) observations. The LOFAR LBA Sky Survey (LoLSS) aims to cover the entire northern sky with 3170 pointings in the frequency range 42-66 MHz, at a resolution of 15 arcsec and at a sensitivity of 1 mJy/b. Here we outline the survey strategy, the observational status, the current calibration techniques, and briefly describe several scientific motivations. We also describe the preliminary public data release. The preliminary images were produced using a fully automated pipeline that aims to correct all direction-independent effects in the data. Whilst the direction-dependent effects, such as those from the ionosphere, are not yet corrected, the images presented in this work are still 10 times more sensitive than previous surveys available at these low frequencies. The preliminary data release covers 740 sqdeg around the HETDEX spring field region at a resolution of 47 with a median noise level of 5 mJy/b. The images and the catalogue with 25,247 sources are publicly released. We demonstrate that the system is capable of reaching an rms noise of 1 mJy/b and the resolution of 15 once direction-dependent effects are corrected for. LoLSS will provide the ultra-low-frequency information for hundreds of thousands of radio sources, providing critical spectral information and producing a unique dataset that can be used for a wide range of science topics such as: the search for high redshift galaxies and quasars, the study of the magnetosphere of exoplanets, and the detection of the oldest populations of cosmic-rays in galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and from AGN activity.
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) is a deep 120-168 MHz imaging survey that will eventually cover the entire Northern sky. Each of the 3170 pointings will be observed for 8 hrs, which, at most declinations, is sufficient to produce ~5arcsec resolution images with a sensitivity of ~0.1mJy/beam and accomplish the main scientific aims of the survey which are to explore the formation and evolution of massive black holes, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and large-scale structure. Due to the compact core and long baselines of LOFAR, the images provide excellent sensitivity to both highly extended and compact emission. For legacy value, the data are archived at high spectral and time resolution to facilitate subarcsecond imaging and spectral line studies. In this paper we provide an overview of the LoTSS. We outline the survey strategy, the observational status, the current calibration techniques, a preliminary data release, and the anticipated scientific impact. The preliminary images that we have released were created using a fully-automated but direction-independent calibration strategy and are significantly more sensitive than those produced by any existing large-area low-frequency survey. In excess of 44,000 sources are detected in the images that have a resolution of 25arcsec, typical noise levels of less than 0.5 mJy/beam, and cover an area of over 350 square degrees in the region of the HETDEX Spring Field (right ascension 10h45m00s to 15h30m00s and declination 45d00m00s to 57d00m00s).
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