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The role of theta Oph in the formation and evolution of the Pipe Nebula - is star formation ever isolated?

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 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose that the Pipe Nebula is an HII region shell swept up by the B2 IV beta Cephei star theta Ophiuchi. After reviewing the morphological evidence by recent observations, we perform a series of analytical calculations. We use realistic HII region parameters derived with the radiative transfer code Cloudy from observed stellar parameters. We are able to show that the current size, mass and pressure of the region can be explained in this scenario. We investigate the configuration today and come to the conclusion that the Pipe Nebula can be best described by a three phase medium in pressure equilibrium. The pressure support is provided by the ionized gas and mediated by an atomic component to confine the cores at the observed current pressure. In the future, star formation in these cores is likely to be either triggered by feedback of the most massive, gravitationally bound cores as soon as they collapse or by the supernova explosion of theta Ophiuchi itself.

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The Pipe Nebula, a large nearby molecular cloud lacks obvious signposts of star formation in all but one of more than 130 dust extinction cores that have been identified within it. In order to quantitatively determine the current level of star formation activity in the Pipe Nebula, we analyzed 13 square degrees of sensitive mid-infrared maps of the entire cloud, obtained with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) at wavelengths of 24 micron and 70 micron to search for candidate Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) in the high-extinction regions. We argue that our search is complete for class I and typical class II YSOs with luminosities of Lbol~0.2 Lo and greater. We find only 18 candidate YSOs in the high-extinction regions of the entire Pipe cloud. Twelve of these sources are previously known members of a small cluster associated with Barnard 59, the largest and most massive dense core in the cloud. With only six candidate class I and class II YSOs detected towards extinction cores outside of this cluster, our findings emphatically confirm the notion of an extremely low level of star formation activity in the Pipe Nebula. The resulting star formation efficiency for the entire cloud mass is only ~0.06 %.
An ever growing number of observational and theoretical evidence suggests that the deuterated fraction (column density ratio between a species containing D and its hydrogenated counterpart, Dfrac) is an evolutionary indicator both in the low- and the high-mass star formation process. However, the role of surface chemistry in these studies has not been quantified from an observational point of view. In order to compare how the deuterated fractions of species formed only in the gas and partially or uniquely on grain surfaces evolve with time, we observed rotational transitions of CH3OH, 13CH3OH, CH2DOH, CH3OD at 3 and 1.3~mm, and of NH2D at 3~mm with the IRAM-30m telescope, and the inversion transitions (1,1) and (2,2) of NH3 with the GBT, towards most of the cores already observed by Fontani et al.~(2011, 2014) in N2H+, N2D+, HNC, DNC. NH2D is detected in all but two cores, regardless of the evolutionary stage. Dfrac(NH3) is on average above 0.1, and does not change significantly from the earliest to the most evolved phases, although the highest average value is found in the protostellar phase (~0.3). Few lines of CH2DOH and CH3OD are clearly detected, and only towards protostellar cores or externally heated starless cores. This work clearly confirms an expected different evolutionary trend of the species formed exclusively in the gas (N2D+ and N2H+) and those formed partially (NH2D and NH3) or totally (CH2DOH and CH3OH) on grain mantles. The study also reinforces the idea that Dfrac(N2H+) is the best tracer of massive starless cores, while high values of Dfrac(CH3OH) seem rather good tracers of the early protostellar phases, at which the evaporation/sputtering of the grain mantles is most efficient.
188 - Fabian Heitsch 2009
Recent models of molecular cloud formation and evolution suggest that such clouds are dynamic and generally exhibit gravitational collapse. We present a simple analytic model of global collapse onto a filament and compare this with our numerical simulations of the flow-driven formation of an isolated molecular cloud to illustrate the supersonic motions and infall ram pressures expected in models of gravity-driven cloud evolution. We apply our results to observations of the Pipe Nebula, an especially suitable object for our purposes as its low star formation activity implies insignifcant perturbations from stellar feedback. We show that our collapsing cloud model can explain the magnitude of the velocity dispersions seen in the $^{13}$CO filamentary structure by Onishi et al. and the ram pressures required by Lada et al. to confine the lower-mass cores in the Pipe nebula. We further conjecture that higher-resolution simulations will show small velocity dispersions in the densest core gas, as observed, but which are infall motions and not supporting turbulence. Our results point out the inevitability of ram pressures as boundary conditions for molecular cloud filaments, and the possibility that especially lower-mass cores still can be accreting mass at significant rates, as suggested by observations.
183 - Joana M. Oliveira 2008
M16 (the Eagle Nebula) is a striking star forming region, with a complex morphology of gas and dust sculpted by the massive stars in NGC 6611. Detailed studies of the famous ``elephant trunks dramatically increased our understanding of the massive star feedback into the parent molecular cloud. A rich young stellar population (2 - 3 Myr) has been identified, from massive O-stars down to substellar masses. Deep into the remnant molecular material, embedded protostars, Herbig-Haro objects and maser sources bear evidence of ongoing star formation in the nebula, possibly triggered by the massive cluster members. M 16 is a excellent template for the study of star formation under the hostile environment created by massive O-stars. This review aims at providing an observational overview not only of the young stellar population but also of the gas remnant of the star formation process.
127 - B. Lefloch 2008
We have obtained maps of the 1.25mm thermal dust emission and the molecular gas emission over a region of 20 by 10 arcmin around the Trifid Nebula (M20), with the IRAM 30m and the CSO telescopes as well as in the mid-infrared wavelength with ISO and SPITZER. Our survey is sensitive to features down to N(H2) sim 10^{22} cm-2 in column density. The cloud material is distributed in fragmented dense gas filaments (n(H2) sim 1000 cm-3) with sizes ranging from 1 to 10 pc. A massive filament, WF, with properties typical of Infra Red Dark Clouds, connects M20 to the W28 supernova remnant. These filaments pre-exist the formation of the Trifid and were originally self-gravitating. The fragments produced are very massive (100 Msun or more) and are the progenitors of the cometary globules observed at the border of the HII region. We could identify 33 cores, 16 of which are currently forming stars. They are usually gravitationally unbound and have low masses of a few Msun. The densest starless cores (several 10^5 cm-3) may be the site for the next generation of stars. The physical gas and dust properties of the cometary globules have been studied in detail and have been found very similar. They all are forming stars. Several intermediate-mass protostars have been detected in the cometary globules and in the deeply embedded cores. Evidence of clustering has been found in the shocked massive cores TC3-TC4-TC5. M20 is a good example of massive-star forming region in a turbulent, filamentary molecular cloud. Photoionization appears to play a minor role in the formation of the cores. The observed fragmentation is well explained by MHD-driven instabilities and is usually not related to M20. We propose that the nearby supernova remnant W28 could have triggered the formation of protostellar clusters in nearby dense cores of the Trifid.
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