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Max-Flow on Regular Spaces

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 Added by Ulrich Faigle
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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The max-flow and max-coflow problem on directed graphs is studied in the common generalization to regular spaces, i.e., to kernels or row spaces of totally unimodular matrices. Exhibiting a submodular structure of the family of paths within this model we generalize the Edmonds-Karp variant of the classical Ford-Fulkerson method and show that the number of augmentations is quadratically bounded if augmentations are chosen along shortest possible augmenting paths.

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The Ising antiferromagnet is an important statistical physics model with close connections to the {sc Max Cut} problem. Combining spatial mixing arguments with the method of moments and the interpolation method, we pinpoint the replica symmetry breaking phase transition predicted by physicists. Additionally, we rigorously establish upper bounds on the {sc Max Cut} of random regular graphs predicted by Zdeborova and Boettcher [Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2010]. As an application we prove that the information-theoretic threshold of the disassortative stochastic block model on random regular graphs coincides with the Kesten-Stigum bound.
Switches are operations which make local changes to the edges of a graph, usually with the aim of preserving the vertex degrees. We study a restricted set of switches, called triangle switches. Each triangle switch creates or deletes at least one triangle. Triangle switches can be used to define Markov chains which generate graphs with a given degree sequence and with many more triangles (3-cycles) than is typical in a uniformly random graph with the same degrees. We show that the set of triangle switches connects the set of all $d$-regular graphs on $n$ vertices, for all $dgeq 3$. Hence, any Markov chain which assigns positive probability to all triangle switches is irreducible on these graphs. We also investigate this question for 2-regular graphs.
The classical max-flow min-cut theorem describes transport through certain idealized classical networks. We consider the quantum analog for tensor networks. By associating an integral capacity to each edge and a tensor to each vertex in a flow network, we can also interpret it as a tensor network, and more specifically, as a linear map from the input space to the output space. The quantum max flow is defined to be the maximal rank of this linear map over all choices of tensors. The quantum min cut is defined to be the minimum product of the capacities of edges over all cuts of the tensor network. We show that unlike the classical case, the quantum max-flow=min-cut conjecture is not true in general. Under certain conditions, e.g., when the capacity on each edge is some power of a fixed integer, the quantum max-flow is proved to equal the quantum min-cut. However, concrete examples are also provided where the equality does not hold. We also found connections of quantum max-flow/min-cut with entropy of entanglement and the quantum satisfiability problem. We speculate that the phenomena revealed may be of interest both in spin systems in condensed matter and in quantum gravity.
Szemeredis Regularity Lemma is a very useful tool of extremal combinatorics. Recently, several refinements of this seminal result were obtained for special, more structured classes of graphs. We survey these results in their rich combinatorial context. In particular, we stress the link to the theory of (structural) sparsity, which leads to alternative proofs, refinements and solutions of open problems. It is interesting to note that many of these classes present challenging problems. Nevertheless, from the point of view of regularity lemma type statements, they appear as gentle classes.
We study optimal minimum degree conditions when an $n$-vertex graph $G$ contains an $r$-regular $r$-connected subgraph. We prove for $r$ fixed and $n$ large the condition to be $delta(G) ge frac{n+r-2}{2}$ when $nr equiv 0 pmod 2$. This answers a question of M.~Kriesell.
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