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Melt-growth dynamics in CdTe crystals

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 Added by Xiaowang Zhou
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We use a new, quantum-mechanics-based bond-order potential (BOP) to reveal melt-growth dynamics and fine-scale defect formation mechanisms in CdTe crystals. Previous molecular dynamics simulations of semiconductors have shown qualitatively incorrect behavior due to the lack of an interatomic potential capable of predicting both crystalline growth and property trends of many transitional structures encountered during the melt $rightarrow$ crystal transformation. Here we demonstrate successful molecular dynamics simulations of melt-growth in CdTe using a BOP that significantly improves over other potentials on property trends of different phases. Our simulations result in a detailed understanding of defect formation during the melt-growth process. Equally important, we show that the new BOP enables defect formation mechanisms to be studied at a scale level comparable to empirical molecular dynamics simulation methods with a fidelity level approaching quantum-mechanical methods

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alpha-Fe single crystals of rhombic dodecahedral habit were grown from a melt of Li$_{84}$N$_{12}$Fe$_{sim 3}$. Crystals of several millimeter along a side form at temperatures around $T approx 800^circ$C. Upon further cooling the growth competes with the formation of Fe-doped Li$_3$N. The b.c.c. structure and good sample quality of alpha-Fe single crystals were confirmed by X-ray and electron diffraction as well as magnetization measurements and chemical analysis. A nitrogen concentration of 90,ppm was detected by means of carrier gas hot extraction. Scanning electron microscopy did not reveal any sign of iron nitride precipitates.
The role of the sublimation of the compound and of the evaporation of the constituents from the gold nanoparticle during the growth of semiconductor nanowires is exemplified with CdTe-ZnTe heterostructures. Operating close to the upper temperature limit strongly reduces the amount of Cd present in the gold nanoparticle and the density of adatoms on the nanowire sidewalls. As a result, the growth rate is small and strongly temperature dependent, but a good control of the growth conditions allows the incorporation of quantum dots in nanowires with sharp interfaces and adjustable shape, and it minimizes the radial growth and the subsequent formation of additional CdTe clusters on the nanowire sidewalls, as confirmed by photoluminescence. Uncapped CdTe segments dissolve into the gold nanoparticle when interrupting the flux, giving rise to a bulb-like (pendant-droplet) shape attributed to the Kirkendall effect.
252 - D. C. Peets 2002
We have grown cubic centimetre-size crystals of YBa2Cu3Ox suitable for neutron studies, by a top-seeded melt-growth technique. Growth conditions were optimized with an eye toward maximizing phase purity. It was found that the addition of 2% Y2BaCuO5 and 0.5% Pt (by mass) were required to prevent melt loss and to obtain the highest crystallinity. A neutron diffraction study on a mosaic of six such crystals found that the final Y2BaCuO5 concentration was 5%, while other impurity phases comprised less than 1% by volume. The oxygen content was set to x=6.5, the crystals were detwinned and then carefully annealed to give the well-ordered ortho-II phase. The neutron study determined that 70% of the mosaics volume was in the majority orthorhomic domain. The neutron (0,0,6) and (1,1,0) rocking curve widths were ~1 degree per crystal and ~2.2 degrees for the mosaic, and the oxygen chain correlation lengths were >100 A in the a- and b-directions and ~50 A in the c-direction.
73 - M. Kessel 2017
We present results on the growth of CdTe-HgTe core-shell nanowires, a realization of a quasi one-dimensional heterostructure of the topological insulator HgTe. The growth is a two step process consisting of the growth of single crystalline zinc blende CdTe nanowires with the vapor-liquid-solid method and the overgrowth of these wires with HgTe such that a closed shell is formed around the CdTe core structure. The CdTe wire growth is monitored by RHEED allowing us to infer information on the crystal properties from the electron diffraction pattern. This information is used to find and control the optimal growth temperature. High quality single crystal CdTe nanowires grow with a preferred orientation. For the growth of the conductive HgTe shell structure we find that the supplied Hg:Te ratio is the crucial parameter to facilitate growth on all surface facets.
In this work we study the diffusion mechanisms in lithium disilicate melt using molecular dynamics simulation, which has an edge over other simulation methods because it can track down actual atomic rearrangements in materials once a realistic interaction potential is applied. Our simulation results of diffusion coefficients show an excellent agreement with experiments. We also demonstrate that our system obeys the famous Stokes-Einstein relation at least down to 1400 K, while a decoupling between relaxation and viscosity takes place at a higher temperature. Additionally, an analysis on the dynamical behavior of slow-diffusing atoms reveals explicitly the presence of dynamical heterogeneities.
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