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Traductor Writing System Web

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 Added by Jose Texier
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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A compilator is a program which is development in a programming language that read a file known as source. After this file have to translate and have to convert in other program known as object or to generate a exit. The best way for to know any programming language is analizing a compilation process which is same in all programming paradigm existents. To like to generate a tool that permit a learning in university course. This course could explain in any plataform such as Linux o Windows. This goal is posible through development a Web aplication which is unite with a compilator, it is Traductor Writing System (Sistema de Escritura de Traductores). This system is complete and permit extend and modify the compilator. The system is a module in Moodle which is a Course Management System (CMS) that help teachers for to create comunities of learning in line. This software is in free software license (GPL).

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81 - Paul Groth 2018
This half day workshop explores challenges in data search, with a particular focus on data on the web. We want to stimulate an interdisciplinary discussion around how to improve the description, discovery, ranking and presentation of structured and semi-structured data, across data formats and domain applications. We welcome contributions describing algorithms and systems, as well as frameworks and studies in human data interaction. The workshop aims to bring together communities interested in making the web of data more discoverable, easier to search and more user friendly.
In this paper, we propose ART1 neural network clustering algorithm to group users according to their Web access patterns. We compare the quality of clustering of our ART1 based clustering technique with that of the K-Means and SOM clustering algorithms in terms of inter-cluster and intra-cluster distances. The results show the average inter-cluster distance of ART1 is high compared to K-Means and SOM when there are fewer clusters. As the number of clusters increases, average inter-cluster distance of ART1 is low compared to K-Means and SOM which indicates the high quality of clusters formed by our approach.
The Internet era is a period in the information age in which communication and commerce via the Internet became a central focus for businesses, consumers, government, and the media. The Internet era also marks the convergence of the computer and communications industries and their associated services and products. Nowadays, the availability of the Internet make it widely used for everyday life. In order to led business to success, the business and specially the services should provide comfort use to its costumer. The bank system is one of the most important businesses who may use the website. The using for the web-based systems should contain special requirements to achieve the business goal. Since that the paper will present the functional and non-functional for the web-based banking system.
Because of the speed, flexibility, and efficiency that it offers, the Internet has become the means for conducting growing numbers of transactions between suppliers and large international corporations. In this way, the Internet has opened new markets to the world and has accelerated the diffusion of knowledge. The meaning of Internet markets or online business has been widely used in these days. The success of the business depends on its flexibility, availability and security. Since that the web-based systems should have a special way to design the system and implement it. Nowadays, the Internet Banking System widely used and the banks looking to provide the best quality system with highly available, fast response, secure and safe to use. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is the uniquely language which is used to analyse and design any system. In this paper, the UML diagrams has been proposed to illustrate the design phase for any banking system. The authors, presented two types of architecture which is used for the Internet Banking System.
The advent of sensor networks presents untapped opportunities for synthesis. We examine the problem of synthesis of behavioral specifications into networks of programmable sensor blocks. The particular behavioral specification we consider is an intuitive user-created network diagram of sensor blocks, each block having a pre-defined combinational or sequential behavior. We synthesize this specification to a new network that utilizes a minimum number of programmable blocks in place of the pre-defined blocks, thus reducing network size and hence network cost and power. We focus on the main task of this synthesis problem, namely partitioning pre-defined blocks onto a minimum number of programmable blocks, introducing the efficient but effective PareDown decomposition algorithm for the task. We describe the synthesis and simulation tools we developed. We provide results showing excellent network size reductions through such synthesis, and significant speedups of our algorithm over exhaustive search while obtaining near-optimal results for 15 real network designs as well as nearly 10,000 randomly generated designs.
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