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Modern Ab Initio Approaches and Applications in Few-Nucleon Physics with A ge 4

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 Added by Winfried Leidemann
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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We present an overview of the evolution of ab initio methods for few-nucleon systems with A ge 4, tracing the progress made that today allows precision calculations for these systems. First a succinct description of the diverse approaches is given. In order to identify analogies and differences the methods are grouped according to different formulations of the quantum mechanical many-body problem. Various significant applications from the past and present are described. We discuss the results with emphasis on the developments following the original implementations of the approaches. In particular we highlight benchmark results which represent important milestones towards setting an ever growing standard for theoretical calculations. This is relevant for meaningful comparisons with experimental data. Such comparisons may reveal whether a specific force model is appropriate for the description of nuclear dynamics.

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We perform coupled-cluster calculations for the doubly magic nuclei 4He, 16O, 40Ca and 48Ca, for neutron-rich isotopes of oxygen and fluorine, and employ bare and secondary renormalized nucleon-nucleon interactions. For the nucleon-nucleon interaction from chiral effective field theory at order next-to-next-to-next-to leading order, we find that the coupled-cluster approximation including triples corrections binds nuclei within 0.4 MeV per nucleon compared to data. We employ interactions from a resolution-scale dependent similarity renormalization group transformations and assess the validity of power counting estimates in medium-mass nuclei. We find that the missing contributions due to three-nucleon forces are consistent with these estimates. For the unitary correlator model potential, we find a slow convergence with respect to increasing the size of the model space. For the G-matrix approach, we find a weak dependence of ground-state energies on the starting energy combined with a rather slow convergence with respect to increasing model spaces. We also analyze the center-of-mass problem and present a practical and efficient solution.
Background: Calculating microscopic effective interactions (optical potentials) for elastic nucleon-nucleus scattering has already in the past led to a large body of work. For first-order calculations a nucleon-nucleon (textit{NN}) interaction and a one-body density of the nucleus were taken as input to rigorous calculations of microscopic full-folding calculations. Purpose: Based on the spectator expansion of the multiple scattering series we employ a chiral next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) nucleon-nucleon interaction on the same footing in the structure as well as in the reaction calculation to obtain an in leading-order consistent effective potential for nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering, which includes the spin of the struck target nucleon. Methods: The first order effective folding potential is computed by first deriving a nonlocal scalar density as well as a spin-projected momentum distribution. Those are then integrated with the off-shell Wolfenstein amplitudes $A$, $C$, and $M$. The resulting nonlocal potential serves as input to a momentum-space Lippmann-Schwinger equation, whose solutions are summed to obtain the nucleon-nucleus scattering observables. Results: We calculate elastic scattering observables for $^4$He, $^6$He, $^8$He, $^{12}$C, and $^{16}$O in the energy regime between 100 and 200 MeV projectile kinetic energy, and compare to available data. We also explore the extension down to about 70 MeV, and study the effect of ignoring the spin of the struck nucleon in the nucleus. Conclusions: In our calculations we contrast elastic scattering off closed-shell and open-shell nuclei. We find that for closed-shell nuclei the approximation of ignoring the spin of the struck target nucleon is excellent. We only see effects of the spin of the struck target nucleon when considering $^6$He and $^8$He, which are nuclei with a $N/Z$ ratio larger than 1.
109 - B. S. Hu , Q. Wu , Z. H. Sun 2019
We have developed a novel ab initio Gamow in-medium similarity renormalization group (Gamow IMSRG) in the complex-energy Berggren framework. The advanced Gamow IMSRG is capable of describing the resonance and nonresonant continuum properties of weakly bound and unbound nuclear many-body systems. As test grounds, carbon and oxygen isotopes have been calculated with chiral two- and three-nucleon forces from the effective field theory. Resonant states observed in the neutron-dripline 24O are well reproduced. The halo structure of the known heaviest Borromean nucleus 22C is clearly seen by calculating the density distribution in which the continuum s channel plays a crucial role. Furthermore, we predict low-lying resonant excited states in 22C. The Gamow IMSRG provides tractable ab initio calculations of weakly bound and unbound open quantum systems.
105 - B. S. Hu , Q. Wu , J. G. Li 2020
Gamow shell model (GSM) is usually performed within the Woods-Saxon (WS) basis in which the WS parameters need to be determined by fitting experimental single-particle energies including their resonance widths. In the multi-shell case, such a fit is difficult due to the lack of experimental data of cross-shell single-particle energies and widths. In this paper, we develop an {it ab-initio} GSM by introducing the Gamow Hartree-Fock (GHF) basis that is obtained using the same interaction as the one used in the construction of the shell-model Hamiltonian. GSM makes use of the complex-momentum Berggren representation, then including resonance and continuum components. Hence, GSM gives a good description of weakly bound and unbound nuclei. Starting from chiral effective field theory and employing many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) (called nondegenerate $hat Q$-box folded-diagram renormalization) in the GHF basis, a multi-shell Hamiltonian ({it sd-pf} shells in this work) can be constructed. The single-particle energies and their resonance widths can also been obtained using MBPT. We investigated $^{23-28}$O and $^{23-31}$F isotopes, for which multi-shell calculations are necessary. Calculations show that continuum effects and the inclusion of the {it pf} shell are important elements to understand the structure of nuclei close to and beyond driplines.
The description of nuclei starting from the constituent nucleons and the realistic interactions among them has been a long-standing goal in nuclear physics. In addition to the complex nature of the nuclear forces, with two-, three- and possibly higher many-nucleon components, one faces the quantum-mechanical many-nucleon problem governed by an interplay between bound and continuum states. In recent years, significant progress has been made in ab initio nuclear structure and reaction calculations based on input from QCD-employing Hamiltonians constructed within chiral effective field theory. After a brief overview of the field, we focus on ab initio many-body approaches - built upon the No-Core Shell Model - that are capable of simultaneously describing both bound and scattering nuclear states, and present results for resonances in light nuclei, reactions important for astrophysics and fusion research. In particular, we review recent calculations of resonances in the $^6$He halo nucleus, of five- and six-nucleon scattering, and an investigation of the role of chiral three-nucleon interactions in the structure of $^9$Be. Further, we discuss applications to the $^7$Be$(p,gamma)^8$B radiative capture. Finally, we highlight our efforts to describe transfer reactions including the $^3$H$(d,n)^4$He fusion.
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