Project X is a multi-megawatt proton facility being developed to support intensity frontier research in elementary particle physics, with possible applications to nuclear physics and nuclear energy research, at Fermilab. A Functional Requirements Specification has been developed in order to establish performance criteria for the Project X complex in support of these multiple missions. This paper will describe the Functional Requirements for the Project X facility and the rationale for these requirements.
Part-3 of Project X: Accelerator Reference Design, Physics Opportunities, Broader Impacts. The proposed Project X proton accelerator at Fermilab, with multi-MW beam power and highly versatile beam formatting, will be a unique world-class facility to explore particle physics at the intensity frontier. Concurrently, however, it can also facilitate important scientific research beyond traditional particle physics and provide unprecedented opportunities in applications to problems of great national importance in the nuclear energy and security sector. Part 1 is available as arXiv:1306.5022 [physics.acc-ph] and Part 2 is available as arXiv:1306.5009 [hep-ex].
Researchers in the humanities are among the many who are now exploring the world of big data. They have begun to use programming languages like Python or R and their corresponding libraries to manipulate large data sets and discover brand new insights. One of the major hurdles that still exists is incorporating visualizations of this data into their projects. Visualization libraries can be difficult to learn how to use, even for those with formal training. Yet these visualizations are crucial for recognizing themes and communicating results to not only other researchers, but also the general public. This paper focuses on producing meaningful visualizations of data using machine learning. We allow the user to visually specify their code requirements in order to lower the barrier for humanities researchers to learn how to program visualizations. We use a hybrid model, combining a neural network and optical character recognition to generate the code to create the visualization.
This paper presents an 8 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) option for Project X. It has several advantages over an 8 GeV SC linac. In particular, the cost could be lower. With a 2 GeV 10 mA pulsed linac as injector, the RCS would be able to deliver 4 MW beam power for a muon collider. If, instead, a 2 GeV 1 mA CW linac is used, the RCS would still be able to meet the Project X requirements but it would be difficult for it to serve a muon collider due to the very long injection time.
Project X is a multi-megawatt proton facility being developed to support intensity frontier research in elementary particle physics, with possible applications to nuclear physics and nuclear energy research, at Fermilab. The centerpiece of this program is a superconducting H- linac that will support world leading programs in long baseline neutrino experimentation and the study of rare processes. Based on technology shared with the International Linear Collider (ILC), Project X will provide multi-MW beams at 60-120 GeV from the Main Injector, simultaneous with very high intensity beams at lower energies. Project X will also support development of a Muon Collider as a future facility at the energy frontier.
Front end of a CW linac of the Project X contains an H source, an RFQ, a medium energy transport line with the beam chopper, and a SC low-beta linac that accelerates H- from 2.5 MeV to 160 MeV. SC Single Spoke Resonators (SSR) will be used in the linac, because Fermilab already successfully developed and tested a SSR for beta=0.21. Two manufactured cavities achieve 2.5 times more than design accelerating gradients. One of these cavities completely dressed, e.g. welded to helium vessel with integrated slow and fast tuners, and tested in CW regime. Successful tests of beta=0.21 SSR give us a confidence to use this type of cavity for low beta (0.117) and for high-beta (0.4) as well. Both types of these cavities are under development. In present report the basic constrains, parameters, electromagnetic and mechanical design for all the three SSR cavities, and first test results of beta=0.21 SSR are presented.