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Experimental analysis of the quantum complementarity principle

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 Added by Lucas Celeri
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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One of the milestones of quantum mechanics is Bohrs complementarity principle. It states that a single quantum can exhibit a particle-like emph{or} a wave-like behaviour, but never both at the same time. These are mutually exclusive and complementary aspects of the quantum system. This means that we need distinct experimental arrangements in order to measure the particle or the wave nature of a physical system. One of the most known representations of this principle is the single-photon Mach-Zehnder interferometer. When the interferometer is closed an interference pattern is observed (wave aspect of the quantum) while if it is open, the quantum behaves like a particle. Here, using a molecular quantum information processor and employing nuclear magnetic resonant (NMR) techniques, we analyze the quantum version of this principle by means of an interferometer that is in a quantum superposition of being closed and open, and confirm that we can indeed measure both aspects of the system with the same experimental apparatus. More specifically, we observe with a single apparatus the interference between the particle and the wave aspects of a quantum system.

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Complementarity restricts the accuracy with which incompatible quantum observables can be jointly measured. Despite popular conception, the Heisenberg uncertainty relation does not quantify this principle. We report the experimental verification of universally valid complementarity relations, including an improved relation derived here. We exploit Einstein-Poldolsky-Rosen correlations between two photonic qubits, to jointly measure incompatible observables of one. The product of our measurement inaccuracies is low enough to violate the widely used, but not universally valid, Arthurs-Kelly relation.
To employ a quantum device, the performance of the quantum gates in the device needs to be evaluated first. Since the dimensionality of a quantum gate grows exponentially with the number of qubits, evaluating the performance of a quantum gate is a challenging task. Recently, a scheme called quantum gate verification (QGV) has been proposed, which can verifies quantum gates with near-optimal efficiency. In this work, we implement a proof-of-principle optical experiment to demonstrate this QGV scheme. We show that for a single-qubit quantum gate, only $sim400$ samples are needed to confirm the fidelity of the quantum gate to be at least $97%$ with a $99%$ confidence level using the QGV method, while at least $sim5000$ samples are needed to achieve the same result using the standard quantum process tomography method. The QGV method validated by this work has the potential to be widely used for the evaluation of quantum devices in various quantum information applications.
What are the consequences ... that Fermi particles cannot get into the same state ... R. P. Feynman wrote of the Pauli exclusion principle, In fact, almost all the peculiarities of the material world hinge on this wonderful fact. In 1972 Borland and Dennis showed that there exist powerful constraints beyond the Pauli exclusion principle on the orbital occupations of Fermi particles, providing important restrictions on quantum correlation and entanglement. Here we use computations on quantum computers to experimentally verify the existence of these additional constraints. Quantum many-fermion states are randomly prepared on the quantum computer and tested for constraint violations. Measurements show no violation and confirm the generalized Pauli exclusion principle with an error of one part in one quintillion.
80 - X. Zhong 2019
The twin-field (TF) quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol and its variants are highly attractive because they can beat the well-known rate-loss limit (i.e., the PLOB bound) for QKD protocols without quantum repeaters. In this paper, we perform a proof-of-principle experimental demonstration of TF-QKD based on the protocol proposed by Curty et al. which removes from the original TF-QKD scheme the need for post-selection on the matching of a global phase, and can deliver nearly an order of magnitude higher secret key rate. Furthermore, we overcome the major difficulty in the practical implementation of TF-QKD, namely, the need to stabilize the phase of the quantum state over kilometers of fiber. A Sagnac loop structure is utilized to ensure excellent phase stability between the different parties. Using decoy states, we demonstrate secret-key generation rates that beat the PLOB bound when the channel loss is above 40 dB.
In this document we shows a first implementation and some preliminary results of a new theory, facing Machine Learning problems in the frameworks of Classical Mechanics and Variational Calculus. We give a general formulation of the problem and then we studies basic behaviors of the model on simple practical implementations.
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