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Laser Phase and Frequency Stabilization Using Atomic Coherence

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 Added by Yoshio Torii
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a novel and simple method of stabilizing the laser phase and frequency by polarization spectroscopy of an atomic vapor. In analogy to the Pound-Drever-Hall method, which uses a cavity as a memory of the laser phase, this method uses atomic coherence (dipole oscillations) as a phase memory of the transmitting laser field. A preliminary experiment using a distributed feedback laser diode and a rubidium vapor cell demonstrates a shot-noise-limited laser linewidth reduction (from 2 MHz to 20 kHz). This method would improve the performance of gas-cell-based optical atomic clocks and magnetometers and facilitate laser-cooling experiments using narrow transitions.

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We present a laser frequency stabilization system that uses a transfer interferometer to stabilize slave lasers to a reference laser. Our implementation uses off-the-shelf optical components along with microcontroller-based digital feedback, and offers a simple, flexible and robust way to stabilize multiple laser frequencies to better than 1 MHz.
We report on a simple and robust technique to generate a dispersive signal which serves as an error signal to electronically stabilize a monomode cw laser emitting around an atomic resonance. We explore nonlinear effects in the laser beam propagation through a resonant vapor by way of spatial filtering. The performance of this technique is validated by locking semiconductor lasers to the cesium and rubidiumD2 line and observing long-term reduction of the emission frequency drifts, making the laser well adapted for many atomic physics applications.
We present a new possibility for the active frequency stabilization of a laser using transitions in neutral praseodymium. Because of its five outer electrons, this element shows a high density of energy levels leading to an extremely line-rich excitation spectrum with more than 25000 known spectral lines ranging from the UV to the infrared. We demonstrate the active frequency stabilization of a diode laser on several praseodymium lines between 1105 and 1123 nm. The excitation signals were recorded in a hollow cathode lamp and observed via laser-induced fluorescence. These signals are strong enough to lock the diode laser onto most of the lines by using standard laser locking techniques. In this way, the frequency drifts of the unlocked laser of more than 30 MHz/h were eliminated and the laser frequency stabilized to within 1.4(1) MHz for averaging times >0.2 s. Frequency quadrupling the stabilized diode laser can produce frequency-stable UV-light in the range from 276 to 281 nm. In particular, using a strong hyperfine component of the praseodymium excitation line E = 16 502.616_7/2 cm^-1 -> E = 25 442.742_9/2 cm^-1 at lambda = 1118.5397(4) nm makes it possible - after frequency quadruplication - to produce laser radiation at lambda/4 = 279.6349(1) nm, which can be used to excite the D2 line in Mg^+.
We demonstrate Ramsey-Borde (RB) atom interferometry for high performance laser stabilization with fractional frequency instability $<2 times 10^{-16}$ for timescales between 10 and 1000s. The RB spectroscopy laser interrogates two counterpropagating $^{40}$Ca beams on the $^1$S$_0$ -- $^3$P$_1$ transition at 657 nm, yielding 1.6 kHz linewidth interference fringes. Fluorescence detection of the excited state population is performed on the (4s4p) $^3$P$_1$ -- (4p$^2$) $^3$P$_0$ transition at 431 nm. Minimal thermal shielding and no vibration isolation are used. These stability results surpass performance from other thermal atomic or molecular systems by one to two orders of magnitude, and further improvements look feasible.
We present a resonantly frequency-doubled tapered amplified semiconductor laser system emitting up to 2.6 W blue light at 400 nm. The output power is stable on both short and long timescales with 0.12% RMS relative intensity noise, and less than 0.15%/h relative power loss over 16 hours of free running continuous operation. Furthermore, the output power can be actively stabilized, and the alignment of the input beams of the tapered amplifier chip, the frequency doubling cavity and-in case of fiber output-the fiber can be optimized automatically using computer-controlled mirrors.
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