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Creating Non-Maxwellian Velocity Distributions in Ultracold Plasmas

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 Added by Georg Bannasch
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present techniques to perturb, measure and model the ion velocity distribution in an ultracold neutral plasma produced by photoionization of strontium atoms. By optical pumping with circularly polarized light we promote ions with certain velocities to a different spin ground state, and probe the resulting perturbed velocity distribution through laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. We discuss various approaches to extract the velocity distribution from our measured spectra, and assess their quality through comparisons with molecular dynamic simulations

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Ultracold neutral plasmas, formed by photoionizing laser-cooled atoms near the ionization threshold, have electron temperatures in the 1-1000 kelvin range and ion temperatures from tens of millikelvin to a few kelvin. They represent a new frontier in the study of neutral plasmas, which traditionally deals with much hotter systems, but they also blur the boundaries of plasma, atomic, condensed matter, and low temperature physics. Modelling these plasmas challenges computational techniques and theories of non-equilibrium systems, so the field has attracted great interest from the theoretical and computational physics communities. By varying laser intensities and wavelengths it is possible to accurately set the initial plasma density and energy, and charged-particle-detection and optical diagnostics allow precise measurements for comparison with theoretical predictions. Recent experiments using optical probes demonstrated that ions in the plasma equilibrate in a strongly coupled fluid phase. Strongly coupled plasmas, in which the electrical interaction energy between charged particles exceeds the average kinetic energy, reverse the traditional energy hierarchy underlying basic plasma concepts such as Debye screening and hydrodynamics. Equilibration in this regime is of particular interest because it involves the establishment of spatial correlations between particles, and it connects to the physics of the interiors of gas-giant planets and inertial confinement fusion devices.
137 - P. Gupta , S. Laha , C. E. Simien 2007
We have used the free expansion of ultracold neutral plasmas as a time-resolved probe of electron temperature. A combination of experimental measurements of the ion expansion velocity and numerical simulations characterize the crossover from an elastic-collision regime at low initial Gamma_e, which is dominated by adiabatic cooling of the electrons, to the regime of high Gamma_e in which inelastic processes drastically heat the electrons. We identify the time scales and relative contributions of various processes, and experimentally show the importance of radiative decay and disorder-induced electron heating for the first time in ultracold neutral plasmas.
225 - G. Bannasch , T. Pohl 2011
In plasmas at very low temperatures formation of neutral atoms is dominated by collisional three-body recombination, owing to the strong ~ T^(-9/2) scaling of the corresponding recombination rate with the electron temperature T. While this law is well established at high temperatures, the unphysical divergence as T -> 0 clearly suggest a breakdown in the low-temperature regime. Here, we present a combined molecular dynamics-Monte-Carlo study of electron-ion recombination over a wide range of temperatures and densities. Our results reproduce the known behavior of the recombination rate at high temperatures, but reveal significant deviations with decreasing temperature. We discuss the fate of the kinetic bottleneck and resolve the divergence-problem as the plasma enters the ultracold, strongly coupled domain.
The Balmer line profiles of nonradiative supernova remnant shocks provide the means to measure the post-shock proton velocity distribution. While most analyses assume a Maxwellian velocity distribution, this is unlikely to be correct. In particular, neutral atoms that pass through the shock and become ionized downstream form a nonthermal distribution similar to that of pickup ions in the solar wind. We predict the H alpha line profiles from the combination of pickup protons and the ordinary shocked protons, and we consider the extent to which this distribution could affect the shock parameters derived from H alpha profiles. The Maxwellian assumption could lead to an underestimate of shock speed by up to about 15%. The isotropization of the pickup ion population generates wave energy, and we find that for the most favorable parameters this energy could significantly heat the thermal particles. Sufficiently accurate profiles could constrain the strength and direction of the magnetic field in the shocked plasma, and we discuss the distortions from a Gaussian profile to be expected in Tychos supernova remnant.
62 - Hong Wang , Jiulin Du , Rui Huo 2021
The collision frequencies of electron-neutral-particle in the weakly ionized complex plasmas with the non-Maxwellian velocity distributions are studied. The average collision frequencies of electron-neutral-particle in the plasmas are derived accurately. We find that these collision frequencies are significantly dependent on the power-law spectral indices of non-Maxwellian distribution functions and so they are generally different from the collision frequencies in the plasmas with a Maxwellian velocity distribution, which will affect the transport properties of the charged particles in the plasmas. Numerically analyses are made to show the roles of the spectral indices in the average collision frequencies respectively.
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