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Indirect searches for gravitino dark matter

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 Added by Michael Grefe
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The gravitino in models with a small violation of R-parity is a well-motivated decaying dark matter candidate that leads to a cosmological scenario that is consistent with big bang nucleosynthesis and thermal leptogenesis. The gravitino lifetime is cosmologically long-lived since its decays are suppressed by the Planck-scale as well as the small R-parity violating parameter. We discuss the signals in different cosmic-ray species coming from the decay of gravitino dark matter, namely gamma rays, positrons, antiprotons, antideuterons and neutrinos. Comparison to cosmic-ray data can be used to constrain the parameters of the model.

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High to ultrahigh energy neutrino detectors can uniquely probe the properties of dark matter $chi$ by searching for the secondary products produced through annihilation and/or decay processes. We evaluate the sensitivities to dark matter thermally averaged annihilation cross section $langlesigma vrangle$ and partial decay width into neutrinos $Gamma_{chirightarrow ubar{ u}}$ (in the mass scale $10^7 leq m_chi/{rm GeV} leq 10^{15}$) for next generation observatories like POEMMA and GRAND. We show that in the range $ 10^7 leq m_chi/{rm GeV} leq 10^{11}$, space-based Cherenkov detectors like POEMMA have the advantage of full-sky coverage and rapid slewing, enabling an optimized dark matter observation strategy focusing on the Galactic center. We also show that ground-based radio detectors such as GRAND can achieve high sensitivities and high duty cycles in radio quiet areas. We compare the sensitivities of next generation neutrino experiments with existing constraints from IceCube and updated 90% C.L. upper limits on $langlesigma vrangle$ and $Gamma_{chirightarrow ubar{ u}}$ using results from the Pierre Auger Collaboration and ANITA. We show that in the range $ 10^7 leq m_chi/{rm GeV} leq 10^{11}$ POEMMA and GRAND10k will improve the neutrino sensitivity to particle dark matter by factors of 2 to 10 over existing limits, whereas GRAND200k will improve this sensitivity by two orders of magnitude. In the range $10^{11} leq m_chi/{rm GeV} leq 10^{15}$, POEMMAs fluorescence observation mode will achieve an unprecedented sensitivity to dark matter properties. Finally, we highlight the importance of the uncertainties related to the dark matter distribution in the Galactic halo, using the latest fit and estimates of the Galactic parameters.
Indirect searches for dark matter (DM) have conventionally been applied to the products of DM annihilation or decay. If DM couples to light force carriers, however, it can be captured into bound states via dissipation of energy that may yield detectable signals. We extend the indirect searches to DM bound state formation and transitions between bound levels, and constrain the emission of unstable dark photons. Our results significantly refine the predicted signal flux that could be observed in experiments. As a concrete example, we use Fermi-LAT dwarf spheroidal observations to obtain constraints in terms of the dark photon mass and energy which we use to search for the formation of stable or unstable bound states.
This white paper describes the basic idea for indirect dark matter searches using antideuterons. Low energy antideuterons produced by dark matter annihilations/decays provide an attractive dark matter signature, due to the low astrophysical background. The current and future experiments have a strong potential to detect antideuterons from dark matter. They are complementary not only with each other, but also with other dark matter searches.
230 - Yuchao Gu , Maxim Khlopov , Lei Wu 2020
The recent measurements of the cosmological parameter $H_0$ from the direct local observations and the inferred value from the Cosmic Microwave Background show $sim 4 sigma$ discrepancy. This may indicate new physics beyond the standard $Lambda$CDM. We investigate the keV gravitino dark matter that has a small fraction of non-thermal component (e.g. from the late decay of NLSP bino) under various cosmological constraints. We find such a scenario is highly predictive and can be tested by searching for the dilepton plus missing energy events at the LHC. Besides, we also discuss its implication for Hubble tension, however, which can be reduced to $3sigma$ level marginally.
We study the possibility of improving the constraints on the lifetime of gravitino dark matter in scenarios with bilinear R-parity violation by estimating the amount of cosmic-ray antideuterons that can be produced in gravitino decays. Taking into account all different sources of theoretical uncertainties, we find that the margin of improvement beyond the limits already set by cosmic-ray antiproton data are quite narrow and unachievable for the next generation of experiments. However, we also identify more promising energy ranges for future experiments.
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