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The Large-Angle Photon Veto System for the NA62 Experiment at CERN

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 Added by Matthew Moulson
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The branching ratio (BR) for the decay K^+ rightarrow pi^+ u bar{ u} is a sensitive probe for new physics. The NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS will measure this BR to within about 10%. To reject the dominant background from channels with final state photons, the large-angle vetoes (LAVs) must detect photons of energy as low as 200 MeV with an inefficiency of less than 10^-4, as well as provide energy and time measurements with resolutions of 10% and 1 ns for 1 GeV photons. The LAV detectors make creative reuse of lead glass blocks recycled from the OPAL electromagnetic calorimeter barrel. We describe the mechanical design and challenges faced during construction, the characterization of the lead glass blocks and solutions adopted for monitoring their performance, and the development of front-end electronics to allow simultaneous time and energy measurements over an extended dynamic range using the time-over-threshold technique. Our results are based on test-beam data and are reproduced by a detailed Monte Carlo simulation that includes the readout chain.

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The P326 experiment at the CERN SPS has been proposed with the purpose of measuring the branching ratio for the decay K^+ to pi^+ u bar{ u} to within 10%. The photon veto system must provide a rejection factor of 10^8 for pi^0 decays. We have explored two designs for the large-angle veto detectors, one based on scintillating tiles and the other using scintillating fibers. We have constructed a prototype module based on the fiber solution and evaluated its performance using low-energy electron beams from the Frascati Beam-Test Facility. For comparison, we have also tested a tile prototype constructed for the CKM experiment, as well as lead-glass modules from the OPAL electromagnetic barrel calorimeter. We present results on the linearity, energy resolution, and time resolution obtained with the fiber prototype, and compare the detection efficiency for electrons obtained with all three instruments.
The NA62 experiment is a fixed-target experiment at CERN SPS. The main goal of the experiment is to measure the branching ratio of the ultra-rare kaon decay $K^{+}topi^{+} ubar u$. The NA62 detector allows also to study other rare kaon decays and to search for very weakly coupled particles of MeV-GeV mass-scale. The new ANTI-0 hodoscope is proposed and designed to veto events with charged halo particles entering the decay volume. It is now being assembled at CERN. The detector design, the performance simulation and the results of measurements with cosmic rays and test beams for the individual elements are presented. The commissioning and the first run of data-taking is scheduled for after the end of LS2 long shutdown (April 2021).
The design, construction and test of a charged particle detector made of scintillation counters read by Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) is described. The detector, which operates in vacuum and is used as a veto counter in the NA62 experiment at CERN, has a single channel time resolution of 1.14 ns, a spatial resolution of ~2.5 mm and an efficiency very close to 1 for penetrating charged particles.
The NA62 experiment at CERN aims to make a precision measurement of the ultra-rare decay $K^{+} rightarrow pi^{+} uoverline{ u}$, and relies on a differential Cherenkov detector (KTAG) to identify charged kaons at an average rate of 50 MHz in a 750 MHz unseparated hadron beam. The experimental sensitivity of NA62 to K-decay branching ratios (BR) of $10^{-11}$ requires a time resolution for the KTAG of better than 100 ps, an efficiency better than 95% and a contamination of the kaon sample that is smaller than $10^{-4}$. A prototype version of the detector was tested in 2012, during the first NA62 technical run, in which the required resolution of 100 ps was achieved and the necessary functionality of the light collection system and electronics was demonstrated.
The integrated low-level trigger and data acquisition (TDAQ) system of the NA62 experiment at CERN is described. The requirements of a large and fast data reduction in a high-rate environment for a medium-scale, distributed ensemble of many different sub-detectors led to the concept of a fully digital integrated system with good scaling capabilities. The NA62 TDAQ system is rather unique in allowing full flexibility on this scale, allowing in principle any information available from the detector to be used for triggering. The design concept, implementation and performances from the first years of running are illustrated.
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