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Far-IR/Submillimeter Spectroscopic Cosmological Surveys: Predictions of Infrared Line Luminosity Functions for z<4 Galaxies

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 Added by Luigi Spinoglio
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Star formation and accretion onto supermassive black holes in the nuclei of galaxies are the two most energetic processes in the Universe, producing the bulk of the observed emission throughout its history. We simulated the luminosity functions of star-forming and active galaxies for spectral lines that are thought to be good spectroscopic tracers of either phenomenon, as a function of redshift. We focused on the infrared (IR) and sub-millimeter domains, where the effects of dust obscuration are minimal. Using three different and independent theoretical models for galaxy formation and evolution, constrained by multi-wavelength luminosity functions, we computed the number of star-forming and active galaxies per IR luminosity and redshift bin. We converted the continuum luminosity counts into spectral line counts using relationships that we calibrated on mid- and far-IR spectroscopic surveys of galaxies in the local universe. Our results demonstrate that future facilities optimized for survey-mode observations, i.e., the Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) and the Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope (CCAT), will be able to observe thousands of z>1 galaxies in key fine-structure lines, e.g., [SiII], [OI], [OIII], [CII], in a half-square-degree survey, with one hour integration time per field of view. Fainter lines such as [OIV], [NeV] and H_2 (0-0)S1 will be observed in several tens of bright galaxies at 1<z<2, while diagnostic diagrams of active-nucleus vs star-formation activity will be feasible even for normal z~1 galaxies. We discuss the new parameter space that these future telescopes will cover and that strongly motivate their construction.

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198 - B. Magnelli , D. Lutz , S. Berta 2010
We use deep observations obtained with the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) onboard the Herschel space observatory to study the far-infrared (FIR) properties of submm and optically faint radio galaxies (SMGs and OFRGs). From literature we compiled a sample of 35 securely identified SMGs and nine OFRGs located in the GOODS-N and the A2218 fields. This sample is cross-matched with our PACS 100 um and 160 um multi-wavelength catalogs. About half of the galaxies in our sample are detected with PACS. The dust temperatures and the infrared luminosities of our galaxies are derived by fitting their PACS and SCUBA 850 um (only the upper limits for the OFRGs) flux densities with a single modified (beta=1.5) black body function. The median dust temperature of our SMG sample is T=36+/-8K while for our OFRG sample it is T=47+/-3K. For both samples, median dust temperatures derived from Herschel data agree well with previous estimates. In particular, Chapman et al. (2005) found a dust temperature of T=36+/-7K for a large sample of SMGs assuming the validity of the FIR/radio correlation. The agreement between our studies confirms that the local FIR/radio correlation effectively holds at high redshift even though we find <q>=2.17+/-0.19, a slightly lower value than that observed in local systems. The median IR luminosities of SMGs and OFRGs are 4.6*10^12 Lsun and 2.6*10^12 Lsun, respectively. We note that for both samples the IR luminosity estimates from the radio part of the spectral energy distribution are accurate, while estimates from the mid-IR are considerably (x3) more uncertain. Our observations confirm the remarkably high luminosities of SMGs and thus imply median star-formation rates of 960Msun yr^-1 for SMGs with S(850um)>5mJy and 460Msun yr^-1 for SMGs with S(850um)>2mJy, assuming a Chabrier IMF and no dominant AGN contribution to the far-infrared luminosity.
152 - Tomotsugu Goto 2011
By cross-correlating AKARI infrared (IR) sources with the SDSS galaxies, we identified 2357 infrared galaxies with a spectroscopic redshift. This is not just one of the largest samples of local IR galaxies, but AKARI provides crucial FIR bands (9, 18, 65, 90, 140, and 160um) in accurately measuring galaxy SED across the peak of the dust emission at ~100um. By fitting modern IR SED models to the AKARI photometry, we measured the total infrared luminosity (L_IR) of individual galaxies more accurately. Using this L_IR, we constructed luminosity functions of infrared galaxies at a median redshift of z=0.031, with 4 times larger sample than previous work. The LF agrees well with that at z=0.0082 (RBGS), showing smooth and continuous evolution toward higher redshift LFs measured in the AKARI NEP deep field. The derived local cosmic IR luminosity density is Omega_IR=3.8x10^8 LsunMpc^-3. We separate galaxies into AGN, star-forming, and composite by using the [NII]/Ha vs [OIII]/Hb line ratios. The fraction of AGN shows a continuous increase with increasing L_IR from 25% to 90% at 9<log L_IR<12.5. The SFR_Ha and L_[OIII] show good correlations with L_IR for SFG (star-forming galaxies) and AGN, respectively. The self-absorption corrected Ha/Hb ratio shows a weak increase with L_IR with a substantial scatter. When we separate IR LFs into contributions from AGN and SFG, the AGN contribution becomes dominant at L_IR>10^11Lsun, coinciding the break of the both SFG and AGN IR LFs. At L_IR<10^11Lsun, SFG dominates IR Lfs. Only 1.1% of Omega_IR is produced by LIRG, and only 0.03% is by ULIRG in the local Universe. This work also provides the most accurate infrared luminosity density of the local Universe to date. Compared with high redshift results from the AKARI NEP deep survey, we observed a strong evolution of Omega_IR^SFG ~(1+z)^4.1+-0.4 and Omega_IR^AGN ~(1+z)^4.1+-0.5 (abridged).
We present Herschel observations of six fine-structure lines in 25 Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies at z<0.27. The lines, [O III]52, [N III]57, [O I]63, [N II]122, [O I]145, and [C II]158, are mostly single gaussians with widths <600 km s-1 and luminosities of 10^7 - 10^9 Solar. There are deficits in the [O I]63/L_IR, [N II]/L_IR, [O I]145/L_IR, and [C II]/L_IR ratios compared to lower luminosity systems. The majority of the line deficits are consistent with dustier H II regions, but part of the [C II] deficit may arise from an additional mechanism, plausibly charged dust grains. This is consistent with some of the [C II] originating from PDRs or the ISM. We derive relations between far-IR line luminosities and both IR luminosity and star formation rate. We find that [N II] and both [O I] lines are good tracers of IR luminosity and star formation rate. In contrast, [C II] is a poor tracer of IR luminosity and star formation rate, and does not improve as a tracer of either quantity if the [C II] deficit is accounted for. The continuum luminosity densities also correlate with IR luminosity and star formation rate. We derive ranges for the gas density and ultraviolet radiation intensity of 10^1 < n < 10^2.5 and 10^2.2 < G_0 < 10^3.6, respectively. These ranges depend on optical type, the importance of star formation, and merger stage. We do not find relationships between far-IR line properties and several other parameters; AGN activity, merger stage, mid-IR excitation, and SMBH mass. We conclude that these far-IR lines arise from gas heated by starlight, and that they are not strongly influenced by AGN activity.
We present a search for Herschel-PACS counterparts of dust-obscured, high-redshift objects previously selected at submillimeter and millimeter wavelengths in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey North field. We detect 22 of 56 submillimeter galaxies (39%) with a SNR of >=3 at 100 micron down to 3.0 mJy, and/or at 160 micron down to 5.7 mJy. The fraction of SMGs seen at 160 micron is higher than that at 100 micron. About 50% of radio-identified SMGs are associated with PACS sources. We find a trend between the SCUBA/PACS flux ratio and redshift, suggesting that these flux ratios could be used as a coarse redshift indicator. PACS undetected submm/mm selected sources tend to lie at higher redshifts than the PACS detected ones. A total of 12 sources (21% of our SMG sample) remain unidentified and the fact that they are blank fields at Herschel-PACS and VLA 20 cm wavelength may imply higher redshifts for them than for the average SMG population (e.g., z>3-4). The Herschel-PACS imaging of these dust-obscured starbursts at high-redshifts suggests that their far-infrared spectral energy distributions have significantly different shapes than template libraries of local infrared galaxies.
We present Herschel far-infrared (FIR) observations of two sub-mm bright quasars at high redshift: SDSS J1148+5251 (z=6.42) and BR 1202-0725 (z=4.69) obtained with the PACS instrument. Both objects are detected in the PACS photometric bands. The Herschel measurements provide additional data points that constrain the FIR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of both sources, and they emphasise a broad range of dust temperatures in these objects. For lambda_rest ~< 20mu, the two SEDs are very similar to the average SEDs of quasars at low redshift. In the FIR, however, both quasars show excess emission compared to low-z QSO templates, most likely from cold dust powered by vigorous star formation in the QSO host galaxies. For SDSS J1148+5251 we detect another object at 160mu with a distance of ~10 arcseconds from the QSO. Although no physical connection between the quasar and this object can be shown with the available data, it could potentially confuse low-resolution measurements, thus resulting in an overestimate of the FIR luminosity of the z=6.42 quasar.
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