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Numerical Results for the System Noise Temperature of an Aperture Array Tile and Comparison with Measurements

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 Added by Marianna Ivashina
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The purpose of this report is to document the noise performance of a complex beamforming array antenna system and to characterize the recently developed noise measurement facility called THACO, which was developed at ASTRON. The receiver system includes the array antenna of strongly coupled 144 TSA elements, 144 Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) (Tmin =35-40K) and the data recording/storing facilities of the initial test station that allow for off-line digital beamforming. The primary goal of this study is to compare the measured receiver noise temperatures with the simulated values for several practical beamformers, and to predict the associated receiver noise coupling contribution, antenna thermal noise and ground noise pick-up (due to the back radiation).

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Aperture arrays have been studied extensively for application in the next generation of large radio telescopes for astronomy, requiring extremely low noise performance. Prototype array systems need to demonstrate the low noise potential of aperture array technology. This paper presents noise measurements for an Aperture Array tile of 144 dual-polarized tapered slot antenna (TSA) elements, originally built and characterized for use as a Phased Array Feed for application in an L-band radio astronomical receiving system. The system noise budget is given and the dependency of the measured noise temperatures on the beam steering is discussed. A comparison is made of the measurement results with simulations of the noise behavior using a system noise model. This model includes the effect of receiver noise coupling, resulting from a changing active reflection coefficient and array noise contribution as a function of beam steering. Measurement results clearly demonstrate the validity of the model and thus the concept of active reflection coefficient for the calculation of effective system noise temperatures. The presented array noise temperatures, with a best measured value of 45 K, are state-of-the-art for room temperature aperture arrays in the 1 GHz range and illustrate their low noise potential.
We have measured the aperture-array noise temperature of the first Mk. II phased array feed that CSIRO has built for the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder telescope. As an aperture array, the Mk. II phased array feed achieves a beam equivalent noise temperature less than 40 K from 0.78 GHz to 1.7 GHz and less than 50 K from 0.7 GHz to 1.8 GHz for a boresight beam directed at the zenith. We believe these are the lowest reported noise temperatures over these frequency ranges for ambient-temperature phased arrays. The measured noise temperature includes receiver electronics noise, ohmic losses in the array, and stray radiation from sidelobes illuminating the sky and ground away from the desired field of view. This phased array feed was designed for the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder to demonstrate fast astronomical surveys with a wide field of view for the Square Kilometre Array.
In this paper we present the electromagnetic modeling and beam pattern measurements of a 16-elements ultra wideband sparse random test array for the low frequency instrument of the Square Kilometer Array telescope. We discuss the importance of a small array test platform for the development of technologies and techniques towards the final telescope, highlighting the most relevant aspects of its design. We also describe the electromagnetic simulations and modeling work as well as the embedded-element and array pattern measurements using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle system. The latter are helpful both for the validation of the models and the design as well as for the future instrumental calibration of the telescope thanks to the stable, accurate and strong radio frequency signal transmitted by the UAV. At this stage of the design, these measurements have shown a general agreement between experimental results and numerical data and have revealed the localized effect of un-calibrated cable lengths in the inner side-lobes of the array pattern.
Recently, the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) has placed a contract with Hamamatsu Photonics to acquire hundreds of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) tiles to build 10 cameras with 37 tiles each for the ASTRI Mini-Array (MA) project. Each tile is made up of 8x8 pixels of 7x7 mm2 with micro-cells of 75um. To check the quality of the delivered tiles a complex and acurate test plan has been studied. The possibility to simultaneously analyse as many pixels as possible becomes of crucial im-portance. Dark Count Rate (DCR) versus over-voltage and versus temperature and Optical Cross Talk (OCT) versus over-voltage can be easily measured simultaneously for all pixels because they are carried out in dark conditions. On the contrary, simultaneous Photon Detection Efficiency (PDE) measurement of all pixels of a tile is not easily achievable and needs an appropriate optical set-up. Simultaneous measurements have the advantage of speeding up the entire procedure and enabling quick PDE compari-son of all the tile pixels. The paper describes the preliminary steps to guarantee an accurate absolute PDE measurement and the investigation the capa-bility of the electronics to obtain simultaneous PDE measurements. It also demonstrates the possibility of using a calibrated SiPM as reference detector instead of a calibrated photodiode. The method to achieve accurate absolute PDE of four central pixels of a tile is also described.
The recent progress in the radio detection technique for air showers paves the path to future cosmic-ray radio detectors. Digital radio arrays allow for a measurement of the air-shower energy and depth of its maximum with a resolution comparable to those of the leading optical detection methods. One of the remaining challenges regarding cosmic-ray radio instrumentation is an accurate estimation of their efficiency and aperture. We present a probabilistic model to address this challenge. We use the model to estimate the efficiency and aperture of the Tunka-Rex radio array. The basis of the model is a parametrization of the radio footprint and a probabilistic treatment of the detection process on both the antenna and array levels. In this way, we can estimate the detection efficiency for air showers as function of their arrival direction, energy, and impact point on the ground. In addition, the transparent internal relationships between the different stages of the air-shower detection process in our probabilistic approach enable to estimate the uncertainty of the efficiency and, consequently, of the aperture of radio arrays. The details of the model will be presented in the contribution.
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