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Distance Scale Zero-Points from Galactic RR Lyrae Star Parallaxes

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 Added by G. Fritz Benedict
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present new absolute trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions for seven Pop II variable stars: five RR Lyr variables; RZ Cep, XZ Cyg, SU Dra, RR Lyr, UV Oct; and two type 2 Cepheids; VY Pyx and {kappa} Pav. We obtained these results with astrometric data from Fine Guidance Sensors, white-light interfer- ometers on Hubble Space Telescope. We find absolute parallaxes in milliseconds of arc: RZ Cep, 2.12pm0.16 mas; XZ Cyg, 1.67pm0.17 mas; SU Dra, 1.42pm0.16 mas; RR Lyr, 3.77pm0.13 mas; UV Oct, 1.71pm0.10 mas; VY Pyx, 6.44pm0.23 mas; and {kappa} Pav, 5.57pm0.28 mas; an average {sigma}{pi}/{pi} = 5.4%. With these parallaxes we compute absolute magnitudes in V and K bandpasses corrected for interstellar extinction and Lutz-Kelker-Hanson bias. Using these RRL absolute magnitudes, we then derive zero-points for MV -[Fe/H] and MK -[Fe/H]-Log P relations. The technique of reduced parallaxes corroborates these results. We employ our new results to determine distances and ages of several Galactic globular clusters and the dis- tance of the LMC. The latter is close to that previously derived from Classical Cepheids uncorrected for any metallicity effect, indicating that any such effect is small. We also discuss the somewhat puzzling results obtained for our two type 2 Cepheids.

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We constructed new sets of He-enhanced (Y = 0.30, Y = 0.40) nonlinear, time-dependent convective hydrodynamical models of RR Lyrae (RRL) stars covering a broad range in metal abundances (Z from 0.0001 to 0.02). The increase in He content from the canonical value (Y = 0.245) to Y = 0.30 and 0.40 causes a simultaneous increase in stellar luminosity and in pulsation period. To investigate the dependence of the RRL distance scale on the He abundance, we computed new optical (RI) and near-infrared (JHK ) period luminosity metallicity helium relations. Interestingly enough, the increase in He content causes a minimal change in the coefficients of both period and metallicity terms, since canonical and He-enhanced models obey similar PLZ relations. On the contrary, the classical B and V band mean magnitude metallicity relations and the R band PLZ relation display a significant dependence on the He content. The He enhanced models are, at fixed metal content, 0.2 to 0.5 mag brighter than canonical ones. This variation is only marginally affected by evolutionary effects. The quoted distance diagnostics once calibrated with trigonometric parallaxes (Gaia) will provide the opportunity to estimate the He content of field and cluster RRLs. Moreover, the use of either spectroscopic or photometric metal abundances will pave the way to new empirical constraints on the universality of the helium to metal enrichment ratio in old stellar tracers.
65 - M. Dallora 2006
We present new observational results on the RR Lyrae K-band Period-Luminosity relation (PLK). Data on the Galactic globular clusters NGC 3201 and NGC 4590 (M68), and on the Large Magellanic Cloud cluster Reticulum are shown. We compare the observed slopes of the PLK relations for these three clusters with those predicted by pulsational and evolutionary models, finding a fair agreement. Trusting on this finding we decided to adopt these theoretical calibrations to estimate the distance to the target clusters,finding a good agreement with optical-based RR Lyrae distances, but with a smaller formal scatter.
We present high quality BVRI CCD photometry of the variable star V716 Monocerotis (= NSV 03775). We confirm it to be an RR Lyrae star of variability type ab (i.e. a fundamental mode pulsator), and determine its metallicity ([Fe/H] = -1.33 +/- 0.25), luminosity (Mv = 0.80 +/- 0.06), and foreground reddening (E(B-V) = 0.05-0.17) from the Fourier components of its light curve. These parameters indicate a distance of 4.1 +/- 0.3 kpc, placing V716 Mon near the plane of the Galaxy well outside the solar circle. This research was conducted as part of the 1999 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and Practicas de Investigacion en Astronomia (PIA) Programs at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO).
We discuss the role that dwarf galaxies may have played in the formation of the Galactic halo (Halo) using RR Lyrae stars (RRL) as tracers of their ancient stellar component. The comparison is performed using two observables (periods, luminosity amplitudes) that are reddening and distance independent. Fundamental mode RRL in six dwarf spheroidals and eleven ultra faint dwarf galaxies (1,300) show a Gaussian period distribution well peaked around a mean period of <Pab>=0.610+-0.001 days (sigma=0.03). The Halo RRL (15,000) are characterized by a broader period distribution. The fundamental mode RRL in all the dwarf spheroidals apart from Sagittarius are completely lacking in High Amplitude Short Period (HASP) variables, defined as those having P< 0.48 days and Av> 0.75mag. Such variables are not uncommon in the Halo and among the globular clusters and massive dwarf irregulars. To further interpret this evidence, we considered eighteen globulars covering a broad range in metallicity (-2.3< [Fe/H]< -1.1) and hosting more than 35 RRL each. The metallicity turns out to be the main parameter, since only globulars more metal--rich than [Fe/H] -1.5 host RRL in the HASP region. This finding suggests that dSphs similar to the surviving ones do not appear to be the major building-blocks of the Halo. Leading physical arguments suggest an extreme upper limit of 50% to their contribution. On the other hand, massive dwarfs hosting an old population with a broad metallicity distribution (Large Magellanic Cloud, Sagittarius) may have played a primary role in the formation of the Halo.
We present newly-calibrated period-$phi_{31}$-[Fe/H] relations for fundamental mode RR Lyrae stars in the optical and, for the first time, mid-infrared. This works calibration dataset provides the largest and most comprehensive span of parameter space to date with homogeneous metallicities from $-3<textrm{[Fe/H]}<0.4$ and accurate Fourier parameters derived from 1980 ASAS-SN ($V$-band) and 1083 WISE (NEOWISE extension, $W1$ and $W2$ bands) RR Lyrae stars with well-sampled light curves. We compare our optical period-$phi_{31}$-[Fe/H] with those available in the literature and demonstrate that our relation minimizes systematic trends in the lower and higher metallicity range. Moreover, a direct comparison shows that our optical photometric metallicities are consistent with both those from high-resolution spectroscopy and globular clusters, supporting the good performance of our relation. We found an intrinsic scatter in the photometric metallicities (0.41 dex in the $V$-band and 0.50 dex in the infrared) by utilizing large calibration datasets covering a broad metallicity range. This scatter becomes smaller when optical and infrared bands are used together (0.37 dex). Overall, the relations derived in this work have many potential applications, including large-area photometric surveys with JWST in the infrared and LSST in the optical.
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