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de Sitter gauge theories and induced gravities

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 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Pure de Sitter, anti de Sitter, and orthogonal gauge theories in four-dimensional Euclidean spacetime are studied. It is shown that, if the theory is asymptotically free and a dynamical mass is generated, then an effective geometry may be induced and a gravity theory emerges. The asymptotic freedom and the running of the mass might account for an Inonu-Wigner contraction which induces a breaking of the gauge group to the Lorentz group, while the mass itself is responsible for the coset sector of the gauge field to be identified with the effective vierbein. Furthermore, the resulting local isometries are Lorentzian for the anti de Sitter group and Euclidean for the de Sitter and orthogonal groups.

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We discuss the possibility of a class of gauge theories, in four Euclidean dimensions, to describe gravity at quantum level. The requirement is that, at low energies, these theories can be identified with gravity as a geometrodynamical theory. Specifically, we deal with de Sitter-type groups and show that a Riemann-Cartan first order gravity emerges. An analogy with quantum chromodynamics is also formulated. Under this analogy it is possible to associate a soft BRST breaking to a continuous deformation between both sectors of the theory, namely, ultraviolet and infrared. Moreover, instead of hadrons and glueballs, the physical observables are identified with the geometric properties of spacetime. Furthermore, Newton and cosmological constants can be determined from the dynamical content of the theory.
Maximally symmetric curved-brane solutions are studied in dilatonic braneworld models which realise the self-tuning of the effective four-dimensional cosmological constant. It is found that no vacua in which the brane has de Sitter or anti-de Sitter geometry exist, unless one modifies the near-boundary asymptotics of the bulk fields. In the holographic dual picture, this corresponds to coupling the UV CFT to a curved metric (possibly with a defect). Alternatively, the same may be achieved in a flat-space QFT with suitable variable scalar sources. With these ingredients, it is found that maximally symmetric, positive and negative curvature solutions with a stabilised brane position generically exist. The space of such solutions is studied in two different types of realisations of the self-tuning framework. In some regimes we observe a large hierarchy between the curvature on the brane and the boundary UV CFT curvature. This is a dynamical effect due to the self-stabilisation mechanism. This setup provides an alternative route to realising de Sitter space in string theory.
The one-loop effective potential for gauge models in static de Sitter space at finite temperatures is computed by means of the $zeta$--function method. We found a simple relation which links the effective potentials of gauge and scalar fields at all temperatures. In the de Sitter invariant and zero-temperature states the potential for the scalar electrodynamics is explicitly obtained, and its properties in these two vacua are compared. In this theory the two states are shown to behave similarly in the regimes of very large and very small radii a of the background space. For the gauge symmetry broken in the flat limit ($a to infty$) there is a critical value of a for which the symmetry is restored in both quantum states. Moreover, the phase transitions which occur at large or at small a are of the first or of the second order, respectively, regardless the vacuum considered. The analytical and numerical analysis of the critical parameters of the above theory is performed. We also established a class of models for which the kind of phase transition occurring depends on the choice of the vacuum.
Robinson-Wilczeks recent work shows that, the energy momentum tensor flux required to cancel gravitational anomaly at the event horizon of a Schwarzschild-type black hole has an equivalent form to that of a (1+1)-dimensional blackbody radiation at the Hawking temperature. Motivated by their work, Hawking radiation from the cosmological horizons of the general Schwarzschild-de Sitter and Kerr-de Sitter black holes, has been studied by the method of anomaly cancellation. The result shows that the absorbing gauge current and energy momentum tensor fluxes required to cancel gauge and gravitational anomalies at the cosmological horizon are precisely equal to those of Hawking radiation from it. It should be emphasized that the effective field theory for generic black holes in de Sitter spaces should be formulated within the region between the event horizon (EH) and the cosmological horizon (CH), to integrate out the classically irrelevant ingoing modes at the EH and the classically irrelevant outgoing modes at the CH, respectively.
We study boundary conditions for 3-dimensional higher spin gravity that admit asymptotic symmetry algebras expected of 2-dimensional induced higher spin theories in the light cone gauge. For the higher spin theory based on sl(3, R) plus sl(3,R) algebra, our boundary conditions give rise to one copy of classical W3 and a copy of sl(3,R) or su(1,2) Kac-Moody symmetry algebra. We propose that the higher spin theories with these boundary conditions describe appropriate chiral induced W-gravity theories on the boundary. We also consider boundary conditions of spin-3 higher spin gravity that admit u(1) plus u(1) current algebra.
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