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No quantum gravity signature from the farthest quasars

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 Added by Fabrizio Tamburini
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Context: Strings and other alternative theories describing the quantum properties of space-time suggest that space-time could present a foamy structure and also that, in certain cases, quantum gravity (QG) may manifest at energies much below the Planck scale. One of the observable effects could be the degradation of the diffraction images of distant sources. Aims: We searched for this degradation effect, caused by QG fluctuations, in the light of the farthest quasars (QSOs) observed by the Hubble Space Telescope with the aim of setting new limits on the fluctuations of the space-time foam and QG models. Methods: We developed a software that estimates and compares the phase variation in the interference patterns of the high-redshift QSOs, taken from the snapshot survey of HST-SDSS, with those of stars that are expected to not be affected by QG effects. We used a two-parameter function to determine, for each test star and QSO, the maximum of the diffraction pattern and to calculate the Strehl ratio. Results: Our results go far beyond those already present in the literature. By adopting the most conservative approach where the correction terms, that describe the possibility for space-time fluctuations cumulating across long distances and partially compensate for the effects of the phase variations, are taken into account. We exclude the random walk model and most of the holographic models of the space-time foam. Without considering these correction terms, all the main QG scenarios are excluded. Finally, our results show the absence of any directional dependence of QG effects and the validity of the cosmological principle with an independent method; that is, viewed on a large scale, the properties of the Universe are the same for all observers, including the effects of space-time fluctuations.

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78 - Indranil Das 2021
Recently, Amendola et al. proposed a geometrical theory of gravity containing higher-order derivative terms. The authors introduced anticurvature scalar $(A)$, which is the trace of the inverse of the Ricci tensor ($A^{mu u} = R_{mu u}^{-1}$). In this work, we consider two classes of Ricci-inverse -- Class I and Class II -- models. Class I models are of the form $f(R, A)$ where $f$ is a function of Ricci and anticurvature scalars. Class II models are of the form ${cal F}(R, A^{mu u}A_{mu u})$ where ${cal F}$ is a function of Ricci scalar and square of anticurvature tensor. For both these classes of models, we numerically solve the modified Friedmann equations in the redshift range $1500 < z < 0$. We show that the late-time evolution of the Universe, i.e., evolution from matter-dominated epoch to accelerated expansion epoch, can not be explained by these two classes of models. Using the reduced action approach, we show why we can not bypass the no-go theorem for Ricci-inverse gravity models. Finally, we discuss the implications of our analysis for the early-Universe cosmology.
We explore the cosmological dynamics of an effective f(R) model constructed from a renormalisation group (RG) improvement of the Einstein--Hilbert action, using the non-perturbative beta functions of the exact renormalisation group equation. The resulting f(R) model has some remarkable properties. It naturally exhibits an unstable de Sitter era in the ultraviolet (UV), dynamically connected to a stable de Sitter era in the IR, via a period of radiation and matter domination, thereby describing a non-singular universe. We find that the UV de Sitter point is one of an infinite set, which make the UV RG fixed point inaccessible to classical cosmological evolution. In the vicinity of the fixed point, the model behaves as R^2 gravity, while it correctly recovers General Relativity at solar system scales. In this simplified model, the fluctuations are too large to be the observed ones, and more ingredients in the action are needed.
74 - Takeshi Chiba 2018
Recent cosmological observations are in good agreement with the scalar spectral index $n_s$ with $n_s-1simeq -2/N$, where $N$ is the number of e-foldings. In the previous work, the reconstruction of the inflaton potential for a given $n_s$ was studied, and it was found that for $n_s-1=-2/N$, the potential takes the form of either $alpha$-attractor model or chaotic inflation model with $phi^2$ to the leading order in the slow-roll approximation. Here we consider the reconstruction of $f(R)$ gravity model for a given $n_s$ both in the Einstein frame and in the Jordan frame. We find that for $n_s-1=-2/N$ (or more general $n_s-1=-p/N$), $f(R)$ is given parametrically and is found to asymptote to $R^2$ for large $R$. This behavior is generic as long as the scalar potential is of slow-roll type.
Dimensional flow, the scale dependence of the dimensionality of spacetime, is a feature shared by many theories of quantum gravity (QG). We present the first study of the consequences of QG dimensional flow for the luminosity distance scaling of gravitational waves in the frequency ranges of LIGO and LISA. We find generic modifications with respect to the standard general-relativistic scaling, largely independent of specific QG proposals. We constrain these effects using two examples of multimessenger standard sirens, the binary neutron-star merger GW170817 and a simulated supermassive black-hole merger event detectable with LISA. We apply these constraints to various QG candidates, finding that the quantum geometries of group field theory, spin foams and loop quantum gravity can give rise to observable signals in the gravitational-wave spin-2 sector. Our results complement and improve GW propagation-speed bounds on modified dispersion relations. Under more model-dependent assumptions, we also show that bounds on quantum geometry can be strengthened by solar-system tests.
Among all cosmological quantum-gravity or quantum-gravity-inspired scenarios, only very few predict a blue-tilted primordial tensor spectrum. We explore five of them and check whether they can generate a stochastic gravitational-wave background detectable by present and future interferometers: non-local quantum gravity, string-gas cosmology, new ekpyrotic scenario, Brandenberger-Ho non-commutative inflation and multi-fractional spacetimes. We show that non-local quantum gravity is unobservable, while all the other models can reach the strain sensitivity of DECIGO but not that of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA, LISA or Einstein Telescope. Other quantum-gravity models with red-tilted spectra (most loop quantum cosmologies) or with exceptionally tiny quantum corrections (Wheeler-DeWitt quantum cosmology) are found to be non-detectable.
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