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Solving the Parquet Equations for the Hubbard Model beyond Weak Coupling

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 Added by Ka-Ming Tam
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We find that imposing the crossing symmetry in the iteration process considerably extends the range of convergence for solutions of the parquet equations for the Hubbard model. When the crossing symmetry is not imposed, the convergence of both simple iteration and more complicated continuous loading (homotopy) methods are limited to high temperatures and weak interactions. We modify the algorithm to impose the crossing symmetry without increasing the computational complexity. We also imposed time reversal and a subset of the point group symmetries, but they did not further improve the convergence. We elaborate the details of the latency hiding scheme which can significantly improve the performance in the computational implementation. With these modifications, stable solutions for the parquet equations can be obtained by iteration more quickly even for values of the interaction that are a significant fraction of the bandwidth and for temperatures that are much smaller than the bandwidth. This may represent a crucial step towards the solution of two-particle field theories for correlated electron models.

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A strong-coupling expansion for models of correlated electrons in any dimension is presented. The method is applied to the Hubbard model in $d$ dimensions and compared with numerical results in $d=1$. Third order expansion of the Green function suffices to exhibit both the Mott metal-insulator transition and a low-temperature regime where antiferromagnetic correlations are strong. It is predicted that some of the weak photoemission signals observed in one-dimensional systems such as $SrCuO_2$ should become stronger as temperature increases away from the spin-charge separated state.
Taking the competition and the mutual screening of various bosonic fluctuations in correlated electron systems into account requires an unbiased approach to the many-body problem. One such approach is the self-consistent solution of the parquet equations, whose numerical treatment in lattice systems is however prohibitively expensive. In a recent article it was shown that there exists an alternative to the parquet decomposition of the four-point vertex function, which classifies the vertex diagrams according to the principle of single-boson exchange (SBE) [F. Krien, A. Valli, and M. Capone, arXiv:1907.03581 (2019)]. Here we show that the SBE decomposition leads to a closed set of equations for the Hedin three-leg vertex, the polarization, and the electronic self-energy, which sums self-consistently the diagrams of the Maki-Thompson type. This circumvents the calculation of four-point vertex functions and the inversion of the Bethe-Salpeter equations, which are the two major bottlenecks of the parquet equations. The convergence of the calculation scheme starting from a fully irreducible vertex is demonstrated for the Anderson impurity model.
137 - Jan Gukelberger , Li Huang , 2015
We study the two-dimensional Hubbard model in the weak-coupling regime and compare the self-energy obtained from various approximate diagrammatic schemes to the result of diagrammatic Monte Carlo simulations, which sum up all weak-coupling diagrams up to a given order. While dynamical mean-field theory provides a good approximation for the local part of the self-energy, including its frequency dependence, the partial summation of bubble and/or ladder diagrams typically yields worse results than second order perturbation theory. Even widely used self-consistent schemes such as GW or the fluctuation-exchange approximation (FLEX) are found to be unreliable. Combining the dynamical mean-field self-energy with the nonlocal component of GW in GW+DMFT yields improved results for the local self-energy and nonlocal self-energies of the correct order of magnitude, but here, too, a more reliable scheme is obtained by restricting the nonlocal contribution to the second order diagram. FLEX+DMFT is found to give accurate results in the low-density regime, but even worse results than FLEX near half-filling.
We analyze the quantum phase diagram of the Holstein-Hubbard model using an asymptotically exact strong-coupling expansion. We find all sorts of interesting phases including a pair-density wave (PDW), a charge 4e (and even a charge 6e) superconductor, regimes of phase separation, and a variety of distinct charge-density-wave (CDW), spin-density-wave (SDW) and superconducting regimes. We chart the crossovers that occur as a function of the degree of retardation, i.e. the ratio of characteristic phonon frequency to the strength of interactions.
106 - Yusuke Kamogawa , Joji Nasu , 2019
We study a ferromagnetic instability in a doped single-band Hubbard model by means of dynamical mean-field theory with the continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Examining the effect of the strong correlations in the system on the hypercubic and Bethe lattice, we find that the ferromagnetically ordered state appears in the former, while it does not in the latter. We also reveal that the ferromagnetic order is more stable in the case that the noninteracting DOS exhibits a slower decay in the high-energy region. The present results suggest that, in the strong-coupling regime, the high-energy part of DOS plays an essential role for the emergence of the ferromagnetically ordered state, in contrast to the Stoner criterion justified in the weak interaction limit.
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