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Proximity Effects and Nonequilibrium Superconductivity in Transition-Edge Sensors

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 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We have recently shown that normal-metal/superconductor (N/S) bilayer TESs (superconducting Transition-Edge Sensors) exhibit weak-link behavior.1 Here we extend our understanding to include TESs with added noise-mitigating normal-metal structures (N structures). We find TESs with added Au structures also exhibit weak-link behavior as evidenced by exponential temperature dependence of the critical current and Josephson-like oscillations of the critical current with applied magnetic field. We explain our results in terms of an effect converse to the longitudinal proximity effect (LoPE)1, the lateral inverse proximity effect (LaiPE), for which the order parameter in the N/S bilayer is reduced due to the neighboring N structures. Resistance and critical current measurements are presented as a function of temperature and magnetic field taken on square Mo/Au bilayer TESs with lengths ranging from 8 to 130 {mu}m with and without added N structures. We observe the inverse proximity effect on the bilayer over in-plane distances many tens of microns and find the transition shifts to lower temperatures scale approximately as the inverse square of the in- plane N-structure separation distance, without appreciable broadening of the transition width. We also present evidence for nonequilbrium superconductivity and estimate a quasiparticle lifetime of 1.8 times 10-10 s for the bilayer. The LoPE model is also used to explain the increased conductivity at temperatures above the bilayers steep resistive transition.

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Transition Edge Sensors are ultra-sensitive superconducting detectors with applications in many areas of research, including astrophysics. The device consists of a superconducting thin film, often with additional normal metal features, held close to its transition temperature and connected to two superconducting leads of a higher transition temperature. There is currently no way to reliably assess the performance of a particular device geometry or material composition without making and testing the device. We have developed a proximity effect model based on the Usadel equations to predict the effects of device geometry and material composition on sensor performance. The model is successful in reproducing I-V curves for two devices currently under study. We use the model to suggest the optimal size and geometry for TESs, considering how small the devices can be made before their performance is compromised. In the future, device modelling prior to manufacture will reduce the need for time-consuming and expensive testing.
In order to investigate the origin of the until now unaccounted excess noise and to minimize the uncontrollable phenomena at the transition in X-ray microcalorimeters we have developed superconducting transition-edge sensors into an edgeless geometry, the so-called Corbino disk (CorTES), with superconducting contacts in the centre and at the outer perimeter. The measured rms current noise and its spectral density can be modeled as resistance noise resulting from fluctuations near the equilibrium superconductor-normal metal boundary
With its first flight in 2018, Micro-X became the first program to fly Transition-Edge Sensors and their SQUID readouts in space. The science goal was a high-resolution, spatially resolved X-ray spectrum of the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant. While a rocket pointing error led to no time on target, the data was used to demonstrate the flight performance of the instrument. The detectors observed X-rays from the on-board calibration source, but a susceptibility to external magnetic fields limited their livetime. Accounting for this, no change was observed in detector response between ground operation and flight operation. This paper provides an overview of the first flight performance and focuses on the upgrades made in preparation for reflight. The largest changes have been upgrading the SQUIDs to mitigate magnetic susceptibility, synchronizing the clocks on the digital electronics to minimize beat frequencies, and replacing the mounts between the cryostat and the rocket skin to improve mechanical integrity. As the first flight performance was consistent with performance on the ground, reaching the instrument goals in the laboratory is considered a strong predictor of future flight performance.
Materials with transition metals in triangular lattices are of great interest for their potential combination of exotic magnetism and electronic topology. Kagome nets, also known as trihexagonal, are of particular importance since the discovery of geometrically frustrated magnetism and massive Dirac fermions in crystals like Herbertsmithite and $mathrm{Fe_3Sn_2}$, respectively. Recently, $mathrm{K_{1-x}V_3Sb_5}$, was discovered to be a layered, topological metal with a Kagome net of vanadium, and shown to have a giant extrinsic anomalous Hall effect (AHE) related to its triangular lattice. Here, we fabricated Josephson Junctions (JJ) of $mathrm{K_{1-x}V_3Sb_5}$ and induced superconductivity over extremely long junction lengths (6 $mathrm{mu m}$). Surprisingly, through magnetoresistance and current vs. phase measurements, we observed evidence of both spin-triplet supercurrent and spatially localized conducting channels arising from topological edge states. This observation opens the door to studying the interplay of quantum magnetism, strong correlation, and topology as well as facile generation of spin-triplet supercurrent for quantum device applications.
We have studied the origin of excess noise in superconducting transition-edge sensors (TES) with several different detector designs. We show that most of the observed noise and complex impedance features can be explained by a thermal model consisting of three bodies. We suggest that one of the thermal blocks and the corresponding thermal fluctuation noise arises due to the high-frequency thermal decoupling of the normal and superconducting phase regions inside the TES film. Our results are also consistent with the prediction that in thin bilayer proximitized superconductors, the jump in heat capacity at the critical temperature is smaller than the universal BCS theory result.
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