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An MCMC approach to extracting the global 21-cm signal during the cosmic dawn from sky-averaged radio observations

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 Added by Geraint Harker
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Efforts are being made to observe the 21-cm signal from the cosmic dawn using sky-averaged observations with individual radio dipoles. In this paper, we develop a model of the observations accounting for the 21-cm signal, foregrounds, and several major instrumental effects. Given this model, we apply Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques to demonstrate the ability of these instruments to separate the 21-cm signal from foregrounds and quantify their ability to constrain properties of the first galaxies. For concreteness, we investigate observations between 40 and 120 MHz with the proposed DARE mission in lunar orbit, showing its potential for science return.

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The 21-cm signal of neutral hydrogen is a sensitive probe of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) and Cosmic Dawn. Currently operating radio telescopes have ushered in a data-driven era of 21-cm cosmology, providing the first constraints on the astrophysical properties of sources that drive this signal. However, extracting astrophysical information from the data is highly non-trivial and requires the rapid generation of theoretical templates over a wide range of astrophysical parameters. To this end emulators are often employed, with previous efforts focused on predicting the power spectrum. In this work we introduce 21cmGEM - the first emulator of the global 21-cm signal from Cosmic Dawn and the EoR. The smoothness of the output signal is guaranteed by design. We train neural networks to predict the cosmological signal using a database of ~30,000 simulated signals which were created by varying seven astrophysical parameters: the star formation efficiency and the minimal mass of star-forming halos; the efficiency of the first X-ray sources and their spectrum parameterized by spectral index and the low energy cutoff; the mean free path of ionizing photons and the CMB optical depth. We test the performance with a set of ~2,000 simulated signals, showing that the relative error in the prediction has an r.m.s. of 0.0159. The algorithm is efficient, with a running time per parameter set of 0.16 sec. Finally, we use the database of models to check the robustness of relations between the features of the global signal and the astrophysical parameters that we previously reported.
Emulation of the Global (sky-averaged) 21-cm signal from the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionization with neural networks has been shown to be an essential tool for physical signal modelling. In this paper we present globalemu, a Global 21-cm signal emulator that uses redshift as a character defining variable along side a set of astrophysical parameters to estimate the brightness temperature of the 21-cm signal. Combined with a physically motivated pre-processing of the data this makes for a reliable and fast emulator that is relatively insensitive to the neural network design. A single high resolution signal can be emulated in 1.3 ms when using globalemu in comparison to 133 ms, a factor of 102 improvement, when using the existing public state of the art emulator 21cmGEM evaluated with the same computing power. We illustrate, with the same training and test data used for 21cmGEM, that globalemu is almost twice as accurate as 21cmGEM and for 95% of models in a test set of $approx1,700$ we can achieve a RMSE of $leq 5.37$ mK and a mean RMSE of 2.52 mK across the band z = 7 -28 (approximately 10% the expected noise of 25 mK for the Radio Experiment for the Analysis of Cosmic Hydrogen (REACH)). Further, globalemu provides a flexible framework in which the neutral fraction history and Global signal models with updated astrophysics can be emulated easily. The emulator is pip installable and available at: globalemu will be used by the REACH collaboration to perform physical signal modelling inside a Bayesian nested sampling loop.
Upcoming measurements of the 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen will open a new observational window into the early stages of structure growth, providing a unique opportunity for probing large-scale cosmological signatures using the small-scale signals from the first stars. In this paper we evaluate the detection significance of compensated isocurvature perturbations (CIPs) from observations of the 21-cm hydrogen-line during the cosmic-dawn era. CIPs are modulations of the relative baryon and dark-matter density that leave the total matter density unchanged. We find that, under different assumptions for feedback and foregrounds, the ongoing HERA and upcoming SKA1-low experiments will provide constraints on uncorrelated CIPs at the level of $sigma(A_{rm CIP})= 10^{-3}-10^{-4}$, comparable to the sensitivity of upcoming CMB experiments, and potentially exceeding the constraints from cosmic-variance limited BAO surveys.
The upcoming radio interferometer Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is expected to directly detect the redshifted 21-cm signal from the neutral hydrogen present during the Cosmic Dawn. Temperature fluctuations from X-ray heating of the neutral intergalactic medium can dominate the fluctuations in the 21-cm signal from this time. This heating depends on the abundance, clustering, and properties of the X-ray sources present, which remain highly uncertain. We present a suite of three new large-volume, 349,Mpc a side, fully numerical radiative transfer simulations including QSO-like sources, extending the work previously presented in Ross et al. (2017). The results show that our QSOs have a modest contribution to the heating budget, yet significantly impact the 21-cm signal. Initially, the power spectrum is boosted on large scales by heating from the biased QSO-like sources, before decreasing on all scales. Fluctuations from images of the 21-cm signal with resolutions corresponding to SKA1-Low at the appropriate redshifts are well above the expected noise for deep integrations, indicating that imaging could be feasible for all the X-ray source models considered. The most notable contribution of the QSOs is a dramatic increase in non-Gaussianity of the signal, as measured by the skewness and kurtosis of the 21-cm probability distribution functions. However, in the case of late Lyman-$alpha$ saturation, this non-Gaussianity could be dramatically decreased particularly when heating occurs earlier. We conclude that increased non-Gaussianity is a promising signature of rare X-ray sources at this time, provided that Lyman-$alpha$ saturation occurs before heating dominates the 21-cm signal.
We study prospects of constraining the primordial magnetic field (PMF) and its evolution during the dark ages and cosmic dawn in light of EDGES 21-cm signal. Our analysis has been carried out on a `colder IGM background which is one of the promising avenues to interpret the EDGES signal. We consider the dark matter-baryon interactions for the excess cooling. We find that the colder IGM suppresses both the residual free electron fraction and the coupling coefficient between the ionised and neutral components. The Compton heating also gets affected in colder IGM background. Consequently, the IGM heating rate due to the PMF enhances compared to the standard scenario. Thus, a significant fraction of the magnetic energy, for $B_0 lesssim 0.5 , {rm nG}$, gets transferred to the IGM and the magnetic field decays at a much faster rate compared to the simple $(1+z)^2$ scaling during the dark ages and cosmic dawn. This low PMF is an unlikely candidate for explaining the rise of the EDGES absorption signal at lower redshift. We also see that the PMF and DM-baryon interaction together introduces a plateau-like feature in the redshift evolution of the IGM temperature. We find that the upper limit on the PMF depends on the underlying DM-baryon interaction. Higher PMF can be allowed when the interaction cross-section is higher and/or the DM particle mass is lower. Our study shows that the PMF with $B_0$ up to $sim 0.4 , {rm nG}$, which is ruled out in the standard model, can be allowed if DM-baryon interaction with suitable cross-section and DM mass is considered.
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