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Rigorous definition of oxidation states of ions in solids

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 Added by Lai Jiang
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present justification and rigorous procedure for electron partitioning among atoms in extended systems. The method is based on wavefunction topology and the modern theory of polarization, rather than charge density partitioning or wavefunction projection, and, as such, re-formulates the concept of oxidation state without assuming real-space charge transfer between atoms. This formulation provides rigorous electrostatics of finite extent solids, including films and nanowires.

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293 - I. Makkonen , M. J. Puska 2007
We report a computational first-principles study of positron trapping at vacancy defects in metals and semiconductors. The main emphasis is on the energetics of the trapping process including the interplay between the positron state and the defects ionic structure and on the ensuing annihilation characteristics of the trapped state. For vacancies in covalent semiconductors the ion relaxation is a crucial part of the positron trapping process enabling the localization of the positron state. However, positron trapping does not strongly affect the characteristic features of the electronic structure, e.g., the ionization levels change only moderately. Also in the case of metal vacancies the positron-induced ion relaxation has a noticeable effect on the calculated positron lifetime and momentum distribution of annihilating electron-positron pairs.
Research on topological physics of phonons has attracted enormous interest but demands appropriate model materials. Our {it ab initio} calculations identify silicon as an ideal candidate material containing extraordinarily rich topological phonon states. In silicon, we identify various topological nodal lines protected by glide mirror or mirror symmetries and characterized by quantized Berry phase $pi$, which gives drumhead surface states observable from any surface orientations. Remarkably, a novel type of topological nexus phonon is discovered, which is featured by double Fermi-arc-like surface states and distinguished from Weyl phonons by requiring neither inversion nor time-reversal symmetry breaking. Versatile topological states can be created from the nexus phonons, such as Hopf nodal link by strain. Furthermore, we generalize the symmetry analysis to other centrosymmetric systems and find numerous candidate materials, demonstrating the ubiquitous existence of topological phonons in solids. These findings open up new opportunities for studying topological phonons in realistic materials and their influence on surface physics.
The ground state band structure, magnetic moments, charges and population numbers of electronic shells of Cu and Fe atoms have been calculated for chalcopyrite CuFeS2 using density functional theory. The comparison between our calculation results and experimental data (X-ray photoemission, X-ray absorption and neutron diffraction spectroscopy) has been made. Our calculations predict a formal oxidation state for chalcopyrite as Cu$^{1+}$Fe$^{3+}$S$_{2}$$^{2-}$. However, the assignment of formal valence state to transition metal atoms appears to be oversimplified. It is anticipated that the valence state can be confirmed experimentally by nuclear magnetic and nuclear quadrupole resonance and Mossbauer spectroscopy methods.
Atomic vibrations play a vital role in the functions of various physical, chemical, and biological materials. The vibrational properties and the specific heat of a bulk material are well described by the Debye theory, which successfully predicts the quadratic $omega^{2}$ low-frequency scaling of the vibrational density of states (VDOS) in bulk solids from few fundamental assumptions. However, the corresponding relationships for nanoconfined materials with fewer degrees of freedom have been far less well explored. In this work, using inelastic neutron scattering, we characterize the VDOS of amorphous ice confined to a thickness of $approx 1$ nm inside graphene oxide membranes and we observe a crossover from the Debye $omega^2$ scaling to a novel and anomalous $omega^3$ behaviour upon reducing the confinement size $L$. Additionally, using molecular dynamics simulations, we not only confirm the experimental findings but also prove that such a novel scaling of the VDOS appears in both crystalline and amorphous solids under slab-confinement. Finally, we theoretically demonstrate that this low-frequency $omega^3$ law results from the geometric constraints on the momentum phase space induced by confinement along one spatial direction. This new physical phenomenon, revealed by combining theoretical, experimental and simulations results, is relevant to a myriad of systems both in synthetic and biological contexts and it could impact various technological applications for systems under confinement such as nano-devices or thin films.
In this brief review we discuss the transient processes in solids under irradiation with femtosecond X-ray free-electron-laser (FEL) pulses and swift-heavy ions (SHI). Both kinds of irradiation produce highly excited electrons in a target on extremely short timescales. Transfer of the excess electronic energy into the lattice may lead to observable target modifications such as phase transitions and damage formation. Transient kinetics of material excitation and relaxation under FEL or SHI irradiation are comparatively discussed. The same origin for the electronic and atomic relaxation in both cases is demonstrated. Differences in these kinetics introduced by the geometrical effects ({mu}m-size of a laser spot vs nm-size of an ion track) and initial irradiation (photoabsorption vs an ion impact) are analyzed. The basic mechanisms of electron transport and electron-lattice coupling are addressed. Appropriate models and their limitations are presented. Possibilities of thermal and nonthermal melting of materials under FEL and SHI irradiation are discussed.
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