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Systematic description of 6Li(n, n)6Li* $to$ d + $alpha$ reactions with the microscopic coupled-channels method

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 Added by Takuma Matsumoto
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is English

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We investigate $^6$Li($n$, $n$)$^6$Li$^*$ $to$ $d$ + $alpha$ reactions by using the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method with the complex Jeukenne-Lejeune-Mahaux effective nucleon-nucleon interaction. In this study, the $^6$Li nucleus is described as a $d$ + $alpha$ cluster model. The calculated elastic cross sections for incident energies between 7.47 and 24.0 MeV are good agreement with experimental data. Furthermore, we show the neutron spectra to $^6$Li breakup states measured at selected angular points and incident energies can be also reproduced systematically.

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88 - Q. Zhao , B. Zhou , M. Kimura 2021
The low-lying cluster states of 6He (a+n+n) and 6Li (a+n+p) are calculated by the real-time evolution method (REM) which generates basis wave functions for the generator coordinate method (GCM) from the equation of motion of Gaussian wave packets. The 0+ state of 6He as well as the 1+, 0+ and 3+ states of 6Li are calculated as a benchmark. We also calculate the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) radii of the point matter, the point proton, and the point neutron of these states, particularly for the study of the halo characters of these two nuclei. It is shown that REM can be one constructive way for generating effective basis wave functions in GCM calculations.
As a step toward performing a complete coupled-channels analysis of the world data of pi N, gamma^* N --> pi N, eta N, pi pi N reactions, the pi N --> pi pi N reactions are investigated starting with the dynamical coupled-channels model developed in Phys. Rev. C76, 065201 (2007). The channels included are pi N, eta N, and pi pi N which has pi Delta, rho N, and sigma N resonant components. The non-resonant amplitudes are generated from solving a set of coupled-channels equations with the meson-baryon potentials defined by effective Lagrangians. The resonant amplitudes are generated from 16 bare excited nucleon (N^*) states which are dressed by the non-resonant interactions as constrained by the unitarity condition. The data of total cross sections and pi N and pi pi invariant mass distributions of pi^+ p --> pi^+ pi^+ n, pi^+ pi^0p and pi^- p --> pi^+ pi^- n, pi^- pi^0 n, pi^0 pi^0 n reactions from threshold to the invariant mass W = 2 GeV can be described to a very large extent. We show the importance of the coupled-channels effects and the strong interference between the contributions from the pi Delta, sigma N, and rho N channels. The large interference between the resonant and non-resonant amplitudes is also demonstrated. Possible future developements are discussed.
We have performed a dynamical coupled-channels analysis of available p(e,epi)N data in the region of W < 1.6 GeV and Q^2 < 1.45 (GeV/c)^2. The channels included are gamma^* N, pi N, eta N, and pi pi N which has pi Delta, rho N, and sigma N components. With the hadronic parameters of the model determined in our previous investigations of pi N --> pi N, pi pi N reactions, we have found that the available data in the considered W < 1.6 GeV region can be fitted well by only adjusting the bare gamma^* N --> N^* helicity amplitudes for the lowest N^* states in P33, P11, S11 and D13 partial waves. The sensitivity of the resulting parameters to the amount of data included in the analysis is investigated. The importance of coupled-channels effect on the p(e,e pi)N cross sections is demonstrated. The meson cloud effects, as required by the unitarity conditions, on the gamma^* N --> N^* form factors are also examined. Necessary future developments, both experimentally and theoretically, are discussed.
The 235U(n,f) cross section was measured in a wide energy range at n_TOF relative to 6Li(n,t) and 10B(n,alpha), with high resolution and in a wide energy range, with a setup based on a stack of six samples and six silicon detectors placed in the neutron beam. This allowed us to make a direct comparison of the reaction yields under the same experimental conditions, and taking into account the forward/backward emission asymmetry. A hint of an anomaly in the 10{div}30 keV neutron energy range had been previously observed in other experiments, indicating a cross section systematically lower by several percent relative to major evaluations. The present results indicate that the evaluated cross section in the 9{div}18 keV neutron energy range is indeed overestimated, both in the recent updates of ENDF/B-VIII.0 and of the IAEA reference data. Furthermore, these new high-resolution data confirm the existence of resonance-like structures in the keV neutron energy region. The new, high accuracy results here reported may lead to a reduction of the uncertainty in the 1{div}100 keV neutron energy region. Finally, the present data provide additional confidence on the recently re-evaluated cross section integral between 7.8 and 11 eV.
In order to test the $^{16}$C internal wave function, we perform microscopic coupled-channels (MCC) calculations of the $^{16}$C($0_1^+ to 2_1^+$) inelastic scattering by $^{208}$Pb target at $E/A$=52.7 MeV using the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) wave functions of $^{16}$C, and compare the calculated differential cross sections with the measured ones. The MCC calculations with AMD wave functions reproduce the experimental data fairly well, although they slightly underestimate the magnitude of the cross sections. The absolute magnitude of calculated differential cross sections is found to be sensitive to the neutron excitation strength. We prove that the MCC method is a useful tool to connect the inelastic scattering data with the internal wave functions.
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