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He II 4686 in eta Carinae: collapse of the wind-wind collision region during periastron passage

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 Added by Mairan Teodoro
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors M. Teodoro

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The periodic spectroscopic events in eta Carinae are now well established and occur near the periastron passage of two massive stars in a very eccentric orbit. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the variations of different spectral features, such as an eclipse by the wind-wind collision boundary, a shell ejection from the primary star or accretion of its wind onto the secondary. All of them have problems explaining all the observed phenomena. To better understand the nature of the cyclic events, we performed a dense monitoring of eta Carinae with 5 Southern telescopes during the 2009 low excitation event, resulting in a set of data of unprecedented quality and sampling. The intrinsic luminosity of the He II 4686 emission line (L~310 Lsun) just before periastron reveals the presence of a very luminous transient source of extreme UV radiation emitted in the wind-wind collision (WWC) region. Clumps in the primarys wind probably explain the flare-like behavior of both the X-ray and He II 4686 light-curves. After a short-lived minimum, He II 4686 emission rises again to a ne

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117 - J. E. Steiner , A. Damineli 2004
We report the detection of the emission line He II 4686 A in eta Carinae. The equivalent width of this line is ~100 mA along most of the 5.5-yr cycle and jumps to ~900 mA just before phase 1.0, followed by a brief disappearance. The similarity between the intensity variations of this line and of the X-ray light curve is remarkable, suggesting that they are physically connected. We show that the number of ionizing photons in the ultraviolet and soft X-rays, expected to be emitted in the shock wave from the colliding winds, is of the order of magnitude required to produce the He II emission via photoionization. The emission is clearly blueshifted when the line is strong. The radial velocity of the line is generally -100 Km/s, decreases steadily just before the event, and reaches -400 Km/s at ph = 1.001. At this point, the velocity gradient suddenly changes sign, at the same time that the emission intensity drops to nearly zero. Possible scenarios for explaining this emission are briefly discussed. The timing of the peak of He II intensity is likely to be associated to the periastron and may be a reliable fiduciary mark, important for constraining the orbital parameters.
A series of three HST/STIS spectroscopic mappings, spaced approximately one year apart, reveal three partial arcs in [Fe II] and [Ni II] emissions moving outward from eta Carinae. We identify these arcs with the shell-like structures, seen in the 3D hydrodynamical simulations, formed by compression of the primary wind by the secondary wind during periastron passages.
Context. The mass loss from massive stars is not understood well. Eta Car is a unique object for studying the massive stellar wind during the LBV phase. It is also an eccentric binary with a period of 5.54 yr. The nature of both stars is uncertain, although we know from X-ray studies that there is a wind-wind collision whose properties change with orbital phase. Methods. Observations of Eta Car were carried out with the ESO VLTI and the AMBER instrument between approximately five and seven months before the August 2014 periastron passage. Velocity-resolved aperture-synthesis images were reconstructed from the spectrally dispersed interferograms. Interferometric studies can provide information on the binary orbit, the primary wind, and the wind collision. Results. We present velocity-resolved aperture-synthesis images reconstructed in more than 100 different spectral channels distributed across the Br Gamma 2.166 micrometer emission line. The intensity distribution of the images strongly depends on wavelength. At wavelengths corresponding to radial velocities of approximately -140 to -376 km/s measured relative to line center, the intensity distribution has a fan-shaped structure. At the velocity of -277 km/s, the position angle of the symmetry axis of the fan is ~ 126 degree. The fan-shaped structure extends approximately 8.0 mas (~ 18.8 au) to the southeast and 5.8 mas (~ 13.6 au) to the northwest, measured along the symmetry axis at the 16% intensity contour. The shape of the intensity distributions suggests that the obtained images are the first direct images of the innermost wind-wind collision zone. Therefore, the observations provide velocity-dependent image structures that can be used to test three-dimensional hydrodynamical, radiative transfer models of the massive interacting winds of Eta Car.
We present infrared photometry of the episodic dust-making Wolf-Rayet system WR19 (LS3), tracking its fading from a third observed dust-formation episode in 2007 and strengthening the view that these episodes are periodic (P = 10.1+/-0.1 y). Radial velocities of the O9 component observed between 2001 and 2008 show RV variations consistent with WC19 being a spectroscopic binary of high eccentricity (e=0.8), having periastron passage in 2007.14, shortly before the phase of dust formation. In this respect, WR19 resembles the archetypical episodic dust-making colliding-wind binary system WR140.
We present spectroscopy of the P~Cygni profile of the 1.083-micron He I line in the WC7 + O5 colliding-wind binary (CWB) WR 140 (HD 193793), observed in 2008, before its periastron passage in 2009, and in 2016-17, spanning the subsequent periastron passage. Both absorption and emission components showed strong variations. The variation of the absorption component as the O5 star was occulted by the wind-collision region (WCR) sets a tight constraint on its geometry. While the sightline to the O5 star traversed the WCR, the strength and breadth of the absorption component varied significantly on time-scales of days. An emission sub-peak was observed on all our profiles. The variation of its radial velocity with orbital phase was shown to be consistent with formation in the WCR as it swung round the stars in their orbit. Modelling the profile gave a measure of the extent of the sub-peak forming region. In the phase range 0.93-0.99, the flux in the sub-peak increased steadily, approximately inversely proportionally to the stellar separation, indicating that the shocked gas in the WCR where the line was formed was adiabatic. After periastron, the sub-peak flux was anomalously strong and varied rapidly, suggesting formation in clumps down-stream in the WCR. For most of the time, its flux exceeded the 2-10-keV X-ray emission, showing it to be a significant coolant of the shocked wind.
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