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The quasi-stellar object (QSO)/merger Mrk 231 is arguably the nearest and best laboratory for studying QSO feedback. It hosts several outflows, including broad-line winds, radio jets, and a poorly-understood kpc scale outflow. In this Letter, we present integral field spectroscopy from the Gemini telescope that represents the first unambiguous detection of a wide-angle, kpc scale outflow from a powerful QSO. Using neutral gas absorption, we show that the nuclear region hosts an outflow with blueshifted velocities reaching 1100 km/s, extending 2-3 kpc from the nucleus in all directions in the plane of the sky. A radio jet impacts the outflow north of the nucleus, accelerating it to even higher velocities (up to 1400 km/s). Finally, 3.5 kpc south of the nucleus, star formation is simultaneously powering an outflow that reaches more modest velocities of only 570 km/s. Blueshifted ionized gas is also detected around the nucleus at lower velocities and smaller scales. The mass and energy flux from the outflow are >~2.5 times the star formation rate and >~0.7% of the active galactic nucleus luminosity, consistent with negative feedback models of QSOs.
We report the detection of an emission feature at the 12 sigma level with FWHM line width of about 450 km/s toward the nearest quasi-stellar object, QSO Mrk 231. Based on observations with the IRAM 30 m telescope and the NOEMA Interferometer, the 11-10 transition of molecular oxygen is the likely origin of line with rest frequency close to 118.75 GHz. The velocity of the O2 emission in Mrk 231 coincides with the red wing seen in CO emission, suggesting that it is associated with the outflowing molecular gas, located mainly at about ten kpc away from the central AGN. This first detection of extragalactic molecular oxygen provides an ideal tool to study AGN-driven molecular outflows on dynamic time scales of tens of Myr. O2 may be a significant coolant for molecular gas in such regions affected by AGN-driven outflows. New astrochemical models are needed to explain the implied high molecular oxygen abundance in such regions several kpc away from the center of galaxies.
Feedback likely plays a vital role in the formation of dwarf galaxies. While stellar processes have long been considered the main source of feedback, recent studies have revealed tantalizing signs of AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies. In this paper, we report the results from an integral-field spectroscopic study of a sample of eight dwarf galaxies with known AGN and suspected outflows. Outflows are detected in seven of them. The outflows are fast, with 50-percentile (median) velocity of up to $sim$240 km s$^{-1}$ and 80-percentile line width reaching $sim$1200 km s$^{-1}$, in clear contrast with the more quiescent kinematics of the host gas and stellar components. The outflows are generally spatially extended on a scale of several hundred pc to a few kpc, although our data do not clearly resolve the outflows in three targets. The outflows appear to be primarily photoionized by the AGN rather than shocks or young, massive stars. The kinematics and energetics of these outflows suggest that they are primarily driven by the AGN, although the star formation activity in these objects may also contribute to the energy input. A small but non-negligible portion of the outflowing material likely escapes the main body of the host galaxy and contributes to the enrichment of the circumgalactic medium. Overall, the impact of these outflows on their host galaxies is similar to those taking place in the more luminous AGN in the low-redshift universe.
Ultravoilet (UV) absorption lines provide abundant spectroscopic information enabling the probe of the physical conditions in AGN outflows, but the outflow radii (and the energetics consequently) can only be determined indirectly. In this paper, we present the first direct test of these determinations using integral field unit (IFU) spectroscopy. We have conducted Gemini IFU mapping of the ionized gas nebulae surrounding two AGNs, whose outflow radii have been constrained by UV absorption line analyses. In Mrk 509, we find a quasi-spherical outflow with a radius of 1.2 kpc and a velocity of $sim290$ km s$^{-1}$, while IRAS F04250$-$5718 is driving a biconical outflow extending out to 2.9 kpc, with a velocity of $sim580$ km s$^{-1}$ and an opening angle of $sim70^{circ}$. The derived mass flow rate is $sim5$ and $>1$ M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, respectively, and the kinetic luminosity is $gtrsim1times10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$ for both. Adopting the outflow radii and geometric parameters measured from IFU, absorption line analyses would yield mass flow rates and kinetic luminosities in agreement with the above results within a factor of $sim2$. We conclude that the spatial locations, kinematics and energetics revealed by this IFU emission-line study are consistent with pre-existing UV absorption line analyses, providing a long-awaited direct confirmation of the latter as an effective approach for characterizing outflow properties.
We investigate the 2D excitation structure of the ISM in a sample of LIRGs and Seyferts using near-IR IFS. This study extends to the near-IR the well-known optical and mid-IR emission line diagnostics used to classify activity in galaxies. Based on the spatially resolved spectroscopy of prototypes, we identify in the [FeII]1.64/Br$gamma$ - H_2 1-0S(1)/Br$gamma$ plane regions dominated by the different heating sources, i.e. AGNs, young MS massive stars, and evolved stars i.e. supernovae. The ISM in LIRGs occupy a wide region in the near-IR diagnostic plane from -0.6 to +1.5 and from -1.2 to +0.8 (in log units) for the [FeII]/Br$gamma$ and H_2/Br$gamma$ line ratios, respectively. The corresponding median(mode) ratios are +0.18(0.16) and +0.02(-0.04). Seyferts show on average larger values by factors ~2.5 and ~1.4 for the [FeII]/Br$gamma$ and H_2/Br$gamma$ ratios, respectively. New areas and relations in the near-IR diagnostic plane are defined for the compact, high surface brightness regions dominated by AGN, young ionizing stars, and SNe explosions, respectively. In addition, the diffuse regions affected by the AGN radiation field cover an area similar to that of Seyferts, but with high values in [FeII]/Br$gamma$ that are not as extreme. The extended, non-AGN diffuse regions cover a wide area in the diagnostic diagram that overlaps that of individual excitation mechanisms (i.e. AGN, young stars, and SNe), but with its mode value to that of the young SF clumps. This indicates that the excitation conditions of the diffuse ISM are likely due to a mixture of the different ionization sources. The integrated line ratios in LIRGs show higher excitation conditions i.e. towards AGNs, than those measured by the spatially resolved spectroscopy. If this behaviour is representative, it would have clear consequences when classifying high-z, SF galaxies based on their near-IR integrated spectra.
We report on the Herschel/PACS observations of OH in Mrk 231, with detections in 9 doublets observed within the PACS range, and present radiative transfer models for the outflowing OH. Signatures of outflowing gas are found in up to 6 OH doublets with different excitation requirements. At least two outflowing components are identified, one with OH radiatively excited, and the other with low excitation, presumably spatially extended. Particularly prominent, the blue wing of the absorption detected in the in-ladder 2Pi_{3/2} J=9/2-7/2 OH doublet at 65 um, with E_lower=290 K, indicates that the excited outflowing gas is generated in a compact and warm (circum)nuclear region. Because the excited, outflowing OH gas in Mrk 231 is associated with the warm, far-IR continuum source, it is likely more compact (diameter of 200-300 pc) than that probed by CO and HCN. Nevertheless, its mass-outflow rate per unit of solid angle as inferred from OH is similar to that previously derived from CO, >~70x(2.5x10^{-6}/X_{OH}) Msun yr^{-1} sr^{-1}, where X_{OH} is the OH abundance relative to H nuclei. In spherical symmetry, this would correspond to >~850x(2.5x10^{-6}/X_{OH}) Msun yr^{-1}, though significant collimation is inferred from the line profiles. The momentum flux of the excited component attains ~15 L_{AGN}/c, with an OH column density of (1.5-3)x10^{17} cm^-2 and a mechanical luminosity of ~10^{11} Lsun. The detection of very excited OH peaking at central velocities indicates the presence of a nuclear reservoir of gas rich in OH, plausibly the 130-pc scale circumnuclear torus previously detected in OH megamaser emission, that may be feeding the outflow. An exceptional ^{18}OH enhancement, with OH/^{18}OH<~30 at both central and blueshifted velocities, is likely the result of interstellar-medium processing by recent starburst/SNe activity.