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A q-Brauer algebra

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 Added by Hans Wenzl
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is English
 Authors Hans Wenzl

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We define a new $q$-deformation of Brauers centralizer algebra which contains Hecke algebras of type $A$ as unital subalgebras. We determine its generic structure as well as the structure of certain semisimple quotients. This is expected to have applications for constructions of subfactors of type II$_1$ factors and for module categories of fusion categories of type $A$ corresponding to certain symmetric spaces.

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300 - Jeroen Dello , Yinhuo Zhang 2014
Let $(H, R)$ be a finite dimensional quasitriangular Hopf algebra over a field $k$, and $_Hmathcal{M}$ the representation category of $H$. In this paper, we study the braided autoequivalences of the Drinfeld center $^H_Hmathcal{YD}$ trivializable on $_Hmathcal{M}$. We establish a group isomorphism between the group of those autoequivalences and the group of quantum commutative bi-Galois objects of the transmutation braided Hopf algebra $_RH$. We then apply this isomorphism to obtain a categorical interpretation of the exact sequence of the equivariant Brauer group $mathrm{BM}(k, H,R)$ in [18]. To this aim, we have to develop the braided bi-Galois theory initiated by Schauenburg in [14,15], which generalizes the Hopf bi-Galois theory over usual Hopf algebras to the one over braided Hopf algebras in a braided monoidal category.
In this paper, we study a certain deformation $D$ of the Virasoro algebra that was introduced and called $q$-Virasoro algebra by Nigro,in the context of vertex algebras. Among the main results, we prove that for any complex number $ell$, the category of restricted $D$-modules of level $ell$ is canonically isomorphic to the category of quasi modules for a certain vertex algebra of affine type. We also prove that the category of restricted $D$-modules of level $ell$ is canonically isomorphic to the category of $mathbb{Z}$-equivariant $phi$-coordinated quasi modules for the same vertex algebra. In the process, we introduce and employ a certain infinite dimensional Lie algebra which is defined in terms of generators and relations and then identified explicitly with a subalgebra of $mathfrak{gl}_{infty}$.
213 - Hongyan Guo 2021
In this paper, we explore a canonical connection between the algebra of $q$-difference operators $widetilde{V}_{q}$, affine Lie algebra and affine vertex algebras associated to certain subalgebra $mathcal{A}$ of the Lie algebra $mathfrak{gl}_{infty}$. We also introduce and study a category $mathcal{O}$ of $widetilde{V}_{q}$-modules. More precisely, we obtain a realization of $widetilde{V}_{q}$ as a covariant algebra of the affine Lie algebra $widehat{mathcal{A}^{*}}$, where $mathcal{A}^{*}$ is a 1-dimensional central extension of $mathcal{A}$. We prove that restricted $widetilde{V_{q}}$-modules of level $ell_{12}$ correspond to $mathbb{Z}$-equivariant $phi$-coordinated quasi-modules for the vertex algebra $V_{widetilde{mathcal{A}}}(ell_{12},0)$, where $widetilde{mathcal{A}}$ is a generalized affine Lie algebra of $mathcal{A}$. In the end, we show that objects in the category $mathcal{O}$ are restricted $widetilde{V_{q}}$-modules, and we classify simple modules in the category $mathcal{O}$.
131 - Shoumin Liu 2012
We present an algebra related to the Coxeter group of type F4 which can be viewed as the Brauer algebra of type F4 and is obtained as a subalgebra of the Brauer algebra of type E6. We also describe some properties of this algebra.
In this paper, a notion of affine walled Brauer-Clifford superalgebras $BC_{r, t}^{rm aff} $ is introduced over an arbitrary integral domain $R$ containing $2^{-1}$. These superalgebras can be considered as affinization of walled Brauer superalgebras in cite{JK}. By constructing infinite many homomorphisms from $BC_{r, t}^{rm aff}$ to a class of level two walled Brauer-Clifford superagebras over $mathbb C$, we prove that $BC_{r, t}^{rm aff} $ is free over $R$ with infinite rank. We explain that any finite dimensional irreducible $BC_{r, t}^{rm aff} $-module over an algebraically closed field $F$ of characteristic not $2$ factors through a cyclotomic quotient of $BC_{r, t}^{rm aff} $, called a cyclotomic (or level $k$) walled Brauer-Clifford superalgebra $ BC_{k, r, t}$. Using a previous method on cyclotomic walled Brauer algebras in cite{RSu1}, we prove that $BC_{k, r, t}$ is free over $R$ with super rank $(k^{r+t}2^{r+t-1} (r+t)!, k^{r+t}2^{r+t-1} (r+t)!)$ if and only if it is admissible in the sense of Definition~6.4. Finally, we prove that the degenerate affine (resp., cyclotomic) walled Brauer-Clifford superalgebras defined by Comes-Kujawa in cite{CK} are isomorphic to our affine (resp., cyclotomic) walled Brauer-Clifford superalgebras.
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