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Bi-serial DNA Encryption Algorithm(BDEA)

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 Added by Prabhu D
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is English

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The vast parallelism, exceptional energy efficiency and extraordinary information inherent in DNA molecules are being explored for computing, data storage and cryptography. DNA cryptography is a emerging field of cryptography. In this paper a novel encryption algorithm is devised based on number conversion, DNA digital coding, PCR amplification, which can effectively prevent attack. Data treatment is used to transform the plain text into cipher text which provides excellent security

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Distributed network of the computer and the design defects of the TCP protocol are given to the network attack to be multiplicative. Based on the simple and open assumptions of the TCP protocol in academic and collaborative communication environments, the protocol lacks secure authentication. In this paper, by adding RSA-based cryptography technology, RSA-based signature technology, DH key exchange algorithm, and HAMC-SHA1 integrity verification technology to the TCP protocol, and propose a security strategy which can effectively defend against TCP session hijacking.
This paper analyzes the security of an image encryption algorithm proposed by Ye and Huang [textit{IEEE MultiMedia}, vol. 23, pp. 64-71, 2016]. The Ye-Huang algorithm uses electrocardiography (ECG) signals to generate the initial key for a chaotic system and applies an autoblocking method to divide a plain image into blocks of certain sizes suitable for subsequent encryption. The designers claimed that the proposed algorithm is strong and flexible enough for practical applications. In this paper, we perform a thorough analysis of their algorithm from the view point of modern cryptography. We find it is vulnerable to the known plaintext attack: based on one pair of a known plain-image and its corresponding cipher-image, an adversary is able to derive a mask image, which can be used as an equivalent secret key to successfully decrypt other cipher-images encrypted under the same key with a non-negligible probability of 1/256. Using this as a typical counterexample, we summarize security defects in the design of the Ye-Huang algorithm. The lessons are generally applicable to many other image encryption schemes.
121 - Yunling Ma , Chengqing Li , Bo Ou 2019
Recently, an image block encryption algorithm was proposed based on some well-known chaotic maps. The authors claim that the encryption algorithm achieves enough security level and high encryption speed at the same time. In this paper, we give a thorough security analysis on the algorithm from the perspective of modern cryptology and report some critical security defects on the algorithm. Given five chosen plain-images and the corresponding cipher-images, the attacker can obtain an equivalent secret key to successfully decrypt the other cipher-images encrypted with the same secret key. In addition, each security metric adopted in the security evaluation on the algorithm is questioned. The drawn lessons are generally applicable to many other image encryption algorithms.
Recently, a chaotic image encryption algorithm based on information entropy (IEAIE) was proposed. This paper scrutinizes the security properties of the algorithm and evaluates the validity of the used quantifiable security metrics. When the round number is only one, the equivalent secret key of every basic operation of IEAIE can be recovered with a differential attack separately. Some common insecurity problems in the field of chaotic image encryption are found in IEAIE, e.g. the short orbits of the digital chaotic system and the invalid sensitivity mechanism built on information entropy of the plain image. Even worse, each security metric is questionable, which undermines the security credibility of IEAIE. Hence, IEAIE can only serve as a counterexample for illustrating common pitfalls in designing secure communication method for image data.
151 - Grasha Jacob , A. Murugan 2013
The Internet is a ubiquitous and affordable communications network suited for e-commerce and medical image communications. Security has become a major issue as data communication channels can be intruded by intruders during transmission. Though, different methods have been proposed and used to protect the transmission of data from illegal and unauthorized access, code breakers have come up with various methods to crack them. DNA based Cryptography brings forward a new hope for unbreakable algorithms. This paper outlines an encryption scheme with DNA technology and JPEG Zigzag Coding for Secure Transmission of Images.
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