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Symmetry Principles in Quantum Systems Theory

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 Added by Robert Zeier
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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General dynamic properties like controllability and simulability of spin systems, fermionic and bosonic systems are investigated in terms of symmetry. Symmetries may be due to the interaction topology or due to the structure and representation of the system and control Hamiltonians. In either case, they obviously entail constants of motion. Conversely, the absence of symmetry implies irreducibility and provides a convenient necessary condition for full controllability much easier to assess than the well-established Lie-algebra rank condition. We give a complete lattice of irreducible simple subalgebras of su(2^n) for up to n=15 qubits. It complements the symmetry condition by allowing for easy tests solving homogeneous linear equations to filter irreducible unitary representations of other candidate algebras of classical type as well as of exceptional types. --- The lattice of irreducible simple subalgebras given also determines mutual simulability of dynamic systems of spin or fermionic or bosonic nature. We illustrate how controlled quadratic fermionic (and bosonic) systems can be simulated by spin systems and in certain cases also vice versa.

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This paper presents the geometric setting of quantum variational principles and extends it to comprise the interaction between classical and quantum degrees of freedom. Euler-Poincare reduction theory is applied to the Schrodinger, Heisenberg and Wigner-Moyal dynamics of pure states. This construction leads to new variational principles for the description of mixed quantum states. The corresponding momentum map properties are presented as they arise from the underlying unitary symmetries. Finally, certain semidirect-product group structures are shown to produce new variational principles for Diracs interaction picture and the equations of hybrid classical-quantum dynamics.
Here we deal in a pedagogical way with an approach to construct an algebraic structure for the Quantum Mechanical measurement processes from the concept of emph{Measurement Symbol}. Such concept was conceived by Julian S. Schwinger and constitutes a fundamental piece in his variational formalism and its several applications.
157 - Dorje C. Brody 2021
The dynamics of an open quantum system with balanced gain and loss is not described by a PT-symmetric Hamiltonian but rather by Lindblad operators. Nevertheless the phenomenon of PT-symmetry breaking and the impact of exceptional points can be observed in the Lindbladean dynamics. Here we briefly review the development of PT symmetry in quantum mechanics, and the characterisation of PT-symmetry breaking in open quantum systems in terms of the behaviour of the speed of evolution of the state.
The goal of this work is to build a dynamical theory of defects for quantum spin systems. A kinematic theory for an indefinite number of defects is first introduced exploiting distinguishable Fock space. Dynamics are then incorporated by allowing the defects to become mobile via a microscopic Hamiltonian. This construction is extended to topologically ordered systems by restricting to the ground state eigenspace of Hamiltonians generalizing the golden chain. We illustrate the construction with the example of a spin chain with $mathbf{Vec}(mathbb{Z}/2mathbb{Z})$ fusion rules, employing generalized tube algebra techniques to model the defects in the chain. The resulting dynamical defect model is equivalent to the critical transverse Ising model.
149 - Ingrid Rotter 2018
The aim of the paper is to study the question whether or not equilibrium states exist in open quantum systems that are embedded in at least two environments and are described by a non-Hermitian Hamilton operator $cal H$. The eigenfunctions of $cal H$ contain the influence of exceptional points (EPs) as well as that of external mixing (EM) of the states via the environment. As a result, equilibrium states exist (far from EPs). They are different from those of the corresponding closed system. Their wavefunctions are orthogonal although the Hamiltonian is non-Hermitian.
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