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Non-equilibrium critical properties of the Ising model on product graphs

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 Added by Alessandro Vezzani
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study numerically the non-equilibrium critical properties of the Ising model defined on direct products of graphs, obtained from factor graphs without phase transition (Tc = 0). On this class of product graphs, the Ising model features a finite temperature phase transition, and we find a pattern of scaling behaviors analogous to the one known on regular lattices: Observables take a scaling form in terms of a function L(t) of time, with the meaning of a growing length inside which a coherent fractal structure, the critical state, is progressively formed. Computing universal quantities, such as the critical exponents and the limiting fluctuation-dissipation ratio X_infty, allows us to comment on the possibility to extend universality concepts to the critical behavior on inhomogeneous substrates.

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We introduce a model of interacting lattices at different resolutions driven by the two-dimensional Ising dynamics with a nearest-neighbor interaction. We study this model both with tools borrowed from equilibrium statistical mechanics as well as non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Our findings show that this model keeps the signature of the equilibrium phase transition. Moreover the critical temperature of the equilibrium models correspond to the state maximizing the entropy and delimits two out-of-equilibrium regimes, one satisfying the Onsager relations for systems close to equilibrium and one resembling convective turbulent states. Since the model preserves the entropy and energy fluxes in the scale space, it seems a good candidate for parametric studies of out-of-equilibrium turbulent systems.
Many-body non-equilibrium steady states can be described by a Landau-Ginzburg theory if one allows non-analytic terms in the potential. We substantiate this claim by working out the case of the Ising magnet in contact with a thermal bath and undergoing stochastic reheating: It is reset to a paramagnet at random times. By a combination of stochastic field theory and Monte Carlo simulations, we unveil how the usual $varphi^4$ potential is deformed by non-analytic operators of intrinsic non-equilibrium nature. We demonstrate their infrared relevance at low temperatures by a renormalization-group analysis of the non-equilibrium steady state. The equilibrium ferromagnetic fixed point is thus destabilized by stochastic reheating, and we identify the new non-equilibrium fixed point.
We employ Monte Carlo simulations to study the non-equilibrium relaxation of driven Ising lattice gases in two dimensions. Whereas the temporal scaling of the density auto-correlation function in the non-equilibrium steady state does not allow a precise measurement of the critical exponents, these can be accurately determined from the aging scaling of the two-time auto-correlations and the order parameter evolution following a quench to the critical point. We obtain excellent agreement with renormalization group predictions based on the standard Langevin representation of driven Ising lattice gases.
139 - R.T. Scalettar 2004
Statistical mechanical models with local interactions in $d>1$ dimension can be regarded as $d=1$ dimensional models with regular long range interactions. In this paper we study the critical properties of Ising models having $V$ sites, each having $z$ randomly chosen neighbors. For $z=2$ the model reduces to the $d=1$ Ising model. For $z= infty$ we get a mean field model. We find that for finite $z > 2$ the system has a second order phase transition characterized by a length scale $L={rm ln}V$ and mean field critical exponents that are independent of $z$.
We present a complementary estimation of the critical exponent $alpha$ of the specific heat of the 5D random-field Ising model from zero-temperature numerical simulations. Our result $alpha = 0.12(2)$ is consistent with the estimation coming from the modified hyperscaling relation and provides additional evidence in favor of the recently proposed restoration of dimensional reduction in the random-field Ising model at $D = 5$.
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