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UV-IR luminosity functions and stellar mass functions of galaxies in the Shapley supercluster core

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 Added by Amata Mercurio
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a panchromatic study of luminosity functions (LFs) and stellar mass functions (SMFs) of galaxies in the core of the Shapley supercluster at z=0.048, in order to investigate how the dense environment affects the galaxy properties, such as star formation (SF) or stellar masses. We find that while faint-end slopes of optical and NIR LFs steepen with decreasing density, no environment effect is found in the slope of the SMFs. This suggests that mechanisms transforming galaxies in different environments are mainly related to the quench of SF rather than to mass-loss. The Near-UV (NUV) and Far-UV (FUV) LFs obtained have steeper faint-end slopes than the local field population, while the 24$mu$m and 70$mu$m galaxy LFs for the Shapley supercluster have shapes fully consistent with those obtained for the local field galaxy population. This apparent lack of environmental dependence for the infrared (IR) LFs suggests that the bulk of the star-forming galaxies that make up the observed cluster IR LF have been recently accreted from the field and have yet to have their SF activity significantly affected by the cluster environment.

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We present panoramic Spitzer/MIPS mid- and far-infrared and GALEX ultraviolet imaging of the the most massive and dynamically active system in the local Universe, the Shapley supercluster at z=0.048, covering the 5 clusters which make up the supercluster core. We combine these data with existing spectroscopic data from 814 confirmed supercluster members to produce the first study of a local rich cluster including both ultraviolet and infrared luminosity functions (LFs). This joint analysis allows us to produce a complete census of star-formation (both obscured and unobscured), extending down to SFRs~0.02-0.05Msun/yr, and quantify the level of obscuration of star formation among cluster galaxies, providing a local benchmark for comparison to ongoing and future studies of cluster galaxies at higher redshifts with Spitzer and Herschel. The GALEX NUV and FUV LFs obtained have steeper faint-end slopes than the local field population, due largely to the contribution of massive, quiescent galaxies at M_FUV>-16. The 24um and 70um galaxy LFs for the Shapley supercluster instead have shapes fully consistent with those obtained for the Coma cluster and for the local field galaxy population. This apparent lack of environmental dependence for the shape of the FIR luminosity function suggests that the bulk of the star-forming galaxies that make up the observed cluster infrared LF have been recently accreted from the field and have yet to have their star formation activity significantly affected by the cluster environment. We estimate a global SFR of 327 Msun/yr over the whole supercluster core, of which just ~20% is visible directly in the UV continuum and ~80% is reprocessed by dust and emitted in the infrared. The level of obscuration (L_IR/L_FUV) in star-forming galaxies is seen to increase linearly with L_K over two orders of magnitude in stellar mass.
We present the Shapley Optical Survey, a photometric study covering a 2 deg^2 region of the Shapley Supercluster core at z ~ 0.05 in two bands (B and R). The galaxy sample is complete to B=22.5 (>M^*+6, N_{gal}=16588), and R=22.0 (>M^*+7, N_{gal}=28008). The galaxy luminosity function cannot be described by a single Schechter function due to dips apparent at B ~ 17.5 (M_B ~ -19.3) and R ~ 17.0 (M_R ~ -19.8) and the clear upturn in the counts for galaxies fainter than B and R ~18 mag. We find, instead, that the sum of a Gaussian and a Schechter function, for bright and faint galaxies respectively, is a suitable representation of the data. We study the effects of the environment on the photometric properties of galaxies, deriving the galaxy luminosity functions in three regions selected according to the local galaxy density, and find a marked luminosity segregation, in the sense that the LF faint-end is different at more than 3sigma confidence level in regions with different densities. In addition, the luminosity functions of red and blue galaxy populations show very different behaviours: while red sequence counts are very similar to those obtained for the global galaxy population, the blue galaxy luminosity functions are well described by a single Schechter function and do not vary with the density. Such large environmentally-dependent deviations from a single Schechter function are difficult to produce solely within galaxy merging or suffocation scenarios. Instead the data support the idea that mechanisms related to the cluster environment, such as galaxy harassment or ram-pressure stripping, shape the galaxy LFs by terminating star-formation and producing mass loss in galaxies at ~M^*+2, a magnitude range where blue late-type spirals used to dominate cluster populations, but are now absent.
We present the optical and near-infrared luminosity and mass functions of the local star-forming galaxies in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Survey. A bivariate method which explicitly deals with the Halpha selection of the survey is used when estimating these functions. Total stellar masses have been calculated on a galaxy-by-galaxy basis taking into account differences in star formation histories. The main difference between the luminosity distributions of the UCM sample and the luminosity functions of the local galaxy population is a lower normalization (phi^*), indicating a lower global volume density of UCM galaxies. The typical near-infrared luminosity (L^*) of local star-forming galaxies is fainter than that of normal galaxies. This is a direct consequence of the lower stellar masses of our objects. However, at optical wavelengths (B and r) the luminosity enhancement arising from the young stars leads to M^* values that are similar to those of normal galaxies. The fraction of the total optical and near infrared luminosity density in the local Universe associated with star-forming galaxies is 10-20%. Fitting the total stellar mass function using a Schechter parametrization we obtain alpha=-1.15+/-0.15, log({M}^*)=10.82+/-0.17 Msun and log(phi^*)=-3.04+/-0.20 Mpc^{-3}. This gives an integrated total stellar mass density of 10^{7.83+/-0.07} Msun Mpc^{-3} in local star-forming galaxies (H_0=70 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}, Omega_M=0.3, Lambda=0.7). The volume-averaged burst strength of the UCM galaxies is b=0.04+/-0.01, defined as the ratio of the mass density of stars formed in recent bursts (age<10 Myr) to the total stellar mass density in UCM galaxies. Finally, we derive that, in the local Universe, (13+/-3)% of the total baryon mass density in the form of stars is associated with star-forming galaxies.
78 - Xiangcheng Ma 2017
We present a suite of cosmological zoom-in simulations at z>5 from the Feedback In Realistic Environments project, spanning a halo mass range M_halo~10^8-10^12 M_sun at z=5. We predict the stellar mass-halo mass relation, stellar mass function, and luminosity function in several bands from z=5-12. The median stellar mass-halo mass relation does not evolve strongly at z=5-12. The faint-end slope of the luminosity function steepens with increasing redshift, as inherited from the halo mass function at these redshifts. Below z~6, the stellar mass function and ultraviolet (UV) luminosity function slightly flatten below M_star~10^4.5 M_sun (fainter than M_1500~-12), owing to the fact that star formation in low-mass halos is suppressed by the ionizing background by the end of reionization. Such flattening does not appear at higher redshifts. We provide redshift-dependent fitting functions for the SFR-M_halo, SFR-M_star, and broad-band magnitude-stellar mass relations. We derive the star formation rate density and stellar mass density at z=5-12 and show that the contribution from very faint galaxies becomes more important at z>8. Furthermore, we find that the decline in the z~6 UV luminosity function brighter than M_1500~-20 is largely due to dust attenuation. Approximately 37% (54%) of the UV luminosity from galaxies brighter than M_1500=-13 (-17) is obscured by dust at z~6. Our results broadly agree with current data and can be tested by future observations.
135 - Russell J. Smith 2007
We present new optical spectroscopy for 342 R<18 galaxies in the Shapley Supercluster obtained with the AAOmega facility at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. We describe the observations and measurements of central velocity dispersion, emission line equivalent widths and absorption line indices. The distinguishing characteristic of the survey is its coverage of a very wide baseline in velocity dispersion (30-300 km/s), while achieving high signal-to-noise ratio throughout (median 60 per Ang). Significant emission at H-alpha was detected in ~20 per cent of red-sequence Shapley members. Using line-ratio diagnostics, we find that the emission is LINER-like at high luminosity, but driven by star-formation in low-luminosity galaxies. We use Lick indices to characterise the absorption spectra. We define a subset of galaxies with very low emission contamination, and fit the index-sigma relations for this subset. Comparing the index-sigma slopes against predictions from single-burst stellar population models, we infer the scaling relations of age, total metallicity, [Z/H], and alpha-element abundance ratio, [a/Fe]. To reproduce the observed index-sigma slopes, all three parameters must increase with increasing velocity dispersion. Specifically, we recover: Age propto sigma^0.52+/-0.10, Z/H propto sigma^0.34+/-0.07, and a/Fe propto sigma^0.23+/-0.06 (error reflects systematic effects), derived over a decade baseline in velocity dispersion. The recovered age-sigma relation is shown to be consistent with the observed evolution in the giant-to-dwarf galaxy ratio in clusters at redshifts z=0.4-0.8. A companion paper will analyse the distribution of age, [Z/H] and [a/Fe] for individual galaxies. (Abridged.)
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