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Fermionic light in common optical media

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 Added by David Novoa
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Recent experiments have proved that the response to short laser pulses of common optical media, such as air or Oxygen, can be described by focusing Kerr and higher order nonlinearities of alternating signs. Such media support the propagation of steady solitary waves. We argue by both numerical and analytical computations that the low power fundamental bright solitons satisfy an equation of state which is similar to that of a degenerate gas of fermions at zero temperature. Considering in particular the propagation in both $O_2$ and air, we also find that the high power solutions behave like droplets of ordinary liquids. We then show how a grid of the fermionic light bubbles can be generated and forced to merge in a liquid droplet. This leads us to propose a set of experiments aimed at the production of both the fermionic and liquid phases of light, and at the demonstration of the transition from the former to the latter.

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108 - Boris A. Malomed 2021
The article produces a brief review of some recent results which predict stable propagation of solitons and solitary vortices in models based on the nonlinear Schroedinger equation including fractional one- or two-dimensional diffraction and cubic or cubic-quintic nonlinear terms, as well as linear potentials. The fractional diffraction is represented by fractional-order spatial derivatives of the Riesz type, defined in terms of the direct and inverse Fourier transform. In this form, it can be realized by spatial-domain light propagation in optical setups with a specially devised combination of mirrors, lenses, and phase masks. The results presented in the article were chiefly obtained in a numerical form. Some analytical findings are included too -- in particular, for fast moving solitons, and results produced by the variational approximation. Also briefly considered are dissipative solitons which are governed by the fractional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation.
292 - Nir Dror , Boris A. Malomed 2011
Nonlinear periodic systems, such as photonic crystals and Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) loaded into optical lattices, are often described by the nonlinear Schrodinger/Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a sinusoidal potential. Here, we consider a model based on such a periodic potential, with the nonlinearity (attractive or repulsive) concentrated either at a single point or at a symmetric set of two points, which are represented, respectively, by a single {delta}-function or a combination of two {delta}-functions. This model gives rise to ordinary solitons or gap solitons (GSs), which reside, respectively, in the semi-infinite or finite gaps of the systems linear spectrum, being pinned to the {delta}-functions. Physical realizations of these systems are possible in optics and BEC, using diverse variants of the nonlinearity management. First, we demonstrate that the single {delta}-function multiplying the nonlinear term supports families of stable regular solitons in the self-attractive case, while a family of solitons supported by the attractive {delta}-function in the absence of the periodic potential is completely unstable. We also show that the {delta}-function can support stable GSs in the first finite gap in both the self-attractive and repulsive models. The stability analysis for the GSs in the second finite gap is reported too, for both signs of the nonlinearity. Alongside the numerical analysis, analytical approximations are developed for the solitons in the semi-infinite and first two finite gaps, with the single {delta}-function positioned at a minimum or maximum of the periodic potential. In the model with the symmetric set of two {delta}-functions, we study the effect of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the pinned solitons. Two configurations are considered, with the {delta}-functions set symmetrically with respect to the minimum or maximum of the potential.
91 - F. Maucher , T. Pohl , S. Skupin 2015
We study the propagation of light beams through optical media with competing nonlocal nonlinearities. We demonstrate that the nonlocality of competing focusing and defocusing nonlinearities gives rise to self-organization and stationary states with stable hexagonal intensity patterns, akin to transverse crystals of light filaments. Signatures of this long-range ordering are shown to be observable in the propagation of light in optical waveguides and even in free space. We consider a specific form of the nonlinear response that arises in atomic vapor upon proper light coupling. Yet, the general phenomenon of self-organization is a generic consequence of competing nonlocal nonlinearities, and may, hence, also be observed in other settings.
Shallow water wave phenomena find their analogue in optics through a nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) model in $(2+1)$-dimensions. We identify an analogue of surface tension in optics, namely a single parameter depending on the degree of nonlocality, which changes the sign of dispersion, much like surface tension does in the shallow water wave problem. Using multiscale expansions, we reduce the NLS model to a Kadomtsev-Petviashvilli (KP) equation, which is of the KPII (KPI) type, for strong (weak) nonlocality.
We consider propagation, storing and retrieval of slow light (probe beam) in a resonant atomic medium illuminated by two control laser beams of larger intensity. The probe and two control beams act on atoms in a tripod configuration of the light-matter coupling. The first control beam is allowed to have an orbital angular momentum (OAM). Application of the second vortex-free control laser ensures the adiabatic (lossles) propagation of the probe beam at the vortex core where the intensity of the first control laser goes to zero. Storing and release of the probe beam is accomplished by switching off and on the control laser beams leading to the transfer of the optical vortex from the first control beam to the regenerated probe field. A part of the stored probe beam remains frozen in the medium in the form of atomic spin excitations, the number of which increases with increasing the intensity of the second control laser. We analyse such losses in the regenerated probe beam and provide conditions for the optical vortex of the control beam to be transferred efficiently to the restored probe beam.
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