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Rho decay width from the lattice

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 Added by Julien Frison
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is English

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While the masses of light hadrons have been extensively studied in lattice QCD simulations, there exist only a few exploratory calculations of the strong decay widths of hadronic resonances. We will present preliminary results of a computation of the rho meson width obtained using $N_f=2+1$ flavor simulations. The work is based on Luschers formalism and its extension to moving frames.

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We perform a lattice QCD study of the $rho$ meson decay from the $N_f=2+1$ full QCD configurations generated with a renormalization group improved gauge action and a non-perturbatively $O(a)$-improved Wilson fermion action. The resonance parameters, the effective $rhotopipi$ coupling constant and the resonance mass, are estimated from the $P$-wave scattering phase shift for the isospin I=1 two-pion system. The finite size formulas are employed to calculate the phase shift from the energy on the lattice. Our calculations are carried out at two quark masses, $m_pi=410,{rm MeV}$ ($m_pi/m_rho=0.46$) and $m_pi=300,{rm MeV}$ ($m_pi/m_rho=0.35$), on a $32^3times 64$ ($La=2.9,{rm fm}$) lattice at the lattice spacing $a=0.091,{rm fm}$. We compare our results at these two quark masses with those given in the previous works using $N_f=2$ full QCD configurations and the experiment.
We present a lattice QCD calculation of the $rho$ meson decay width via the $P$-wave scattering phase shift for the I=1 two-pion system. Our calculation uses full QCD gauge configurations for $N_f=2$ flavors generated using a renormalization group improved gauge action and an improved Wilson fermion action on a $12^3times24$ lattice at $m_pi/m_rho=0.41$ and the lattice spacing $1/a=0.92 {rm GeV}$. The phase shift calculated with the use of the finite size formula for the two-pion system in the moving frame shows a behavior consistent with the existence of a resonance at a mass close to the vector meson mass obtained in spectroscopy. The decay width estimated from the phase shift is consistent with the experiment, when the quark mass is scaled to the realistic value.
We report a lattice QCD determination of the $pigamma to pipi$ transition amplitude for the $P$-wave, $I=1$ two-pion final state, as a function of the photon virtuality and $pipi$ invariant mass. The calculation was performed with $2+1$ flavors of clover fermions at a pion mass of approximately $320$ MeV, on a $32^3 times 96$ lattice with $Lapprox 3.6$ fm. We construct the necessary correlation functions using a combination of smeared forward, sequential and stochastic propagators, and determine the finite-volume matrix elements for all $pipi$ momenta up to $|vec{P}|= sqrt{3} frac{2pi}{L}$ and all associated irreducible representations. In the mapping of the finite-volume to infinite-volume matrix elements using the Lellouch-Luscher factor, we consider two different parametrizations of the $pipi$ scattering phase shift. We fit the $q^2$ and $s$ dependence of the infinite-volume transition amplitude in a model-independent way using series expansions, and compare multiple different truncations of this series. Through analytic continuation to the $rho$ resonance pole, we also determine the $pigamma to rho$ resonant transition form factor and the $rho$ meson photocoupling, and obtain $|G_{rhopigamma}| = 0.0802(32)(20)$.
We present preliminary results on the $rho$ meson decay width estimated from the scattering phase shift of the I=1 two-pion system. The phase shift is calculated by the finite size formula for non-zero total momentum frame (the moving frame) derived by Rummukainen and Gottlieb, using the $N_f=2$ improved Wilson fermion action at $m_pi/m_rho=0.41$ and $L=2.53 {rm fm}$.
We present preliminary results on the $rho$ meson decay width from $N_f=2+1$ full QCD configurations generated by PACS-CS Collaboration. The decay width is estimated from the $P$-wave scattering phase shift for the isospin $I=1$ two-pion system. The finite size formula presented by Luscher in the center of mass frame and its extension to non-zero total momentum frame by Rummukainen and Gottlieb are employed for the calculations of the phase shift. Our calculations are carried out at $m_pi=410 {rm MeV}$ ($m_pi/m_rho=0.46$) and $a=0.091 {rm fm}$ on a $32^3times 64$ ($La=2.9 {rm fm}$) lattice.
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